Christ, the press is hostile as hell. Watching Spicer

Right after we see your proof that 5 million illegals voted.

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Anybody that can't accept this as proof is either a baldfaced liar, or a complete idiot.
Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.

Biggest liar is Hillary, her campaign staff, and the MSM that constantly repeated her lies on talk shows and TV ads.


1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan
Combative & not backing down from false reporting despite being proven wrong.

that's what happens when you spew outright lies to the media and get offended when you're called on it.

the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
It's not a matter of quoting him. The 4 examples I presented, just happen to be LIES perpetrated by liberals, that all.

What's the matter ? Can't take the heat ?
The main stream media and the left are going to run out of steam with this can only foam at the mouth for so long before people lock you away somewhere or put you to sleep. In case you hadn't noticed...Trump doesn't CARE what you think! He's going to do what he promised to do before he got elected.
that's what happens when you spew outright lies to the media and get offended when you're called on it. the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything.

1. Funny how the media did not go after Hillary or Barry the way they are going after Trump:

2. 'the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything'

Peak 'Fake News': BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable Russia 'Memos' - Breitbart

FAKE NEWS CNN Busted Staging a “Satellite Interview” from the Same Parking Lot

You REALLY may want to retract that statement since it is COMPLETELY 'False'

Ah, so you think the media is angry he's encroaching on their territory
that's what happens when you spew outright lies to the media and get offended when you're called on it. the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything.

1. Funny how the media did not go after Hillary or Barry the way they are going after Trump:

2. 'the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything'

Peak 'Fake News': BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable Russia 'Memos' - Breitbart

You REALLY may want to retract that statement since it is COMPLETELY 'False'

You mean their overt hatred of Trump isn't the same as when they tinkled down their leg for Obama? Really? Oh yeah, it isn't ...
The main stream media and the left are going to run out of steam with this can only foam at the mouth for so long before people lock you away somewhere or put you to sleep. In case you hadn't noticed...Trump doesn't CARE what you think! He's going to do what he promised to do before he got elected.
If anybody still believes in polls, they are showing the American people overwhelmingly supporting Trump's immigration policy (A - Z)
that's what happens when you spew outright lies to the media and get offended when you're called on it. the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything.

1. Funny how the media did not go after Hillary or Barry the way they are going after Trump:

2. 'the media hasn't been "proven wrong" about anything'

Peak 'Fake News': BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable Russia 'Memos' - Breitbart

FAKE NEWS CNN Busted Staging a “Satellite Interview” from the Same Parking Lot

You REALLY may want to retract that statement since it is COMPLETELY 'False'

Of course they were. They were proven wrong on these attacks against Trump >> Outsourcing, the disabled reporter, John McCain, Khizir Khan

1. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

2. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

3. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him.

4. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.
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I was reading yesterday's Boston Globe and one of their articles was about the overwhelming "fear" that people who worked in federal offices or in the courts now suffer from because an unsmiling photograph of President Donald Trump looks down at them!

I'm not making that up...

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