Christ, the press is hostile as hell. Watching Spicer

Combative & not backing down from false reporting despite being proven wrong.

Trump has done this from day one. Why are you expecting him or his minions to change now. From the lie of thousands of Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers to the lie that more people showed up at his Inauguration, Trump is incapable of telling the truth, and his staff back up his every ridiculous lie.
Combative & not backing down from false reporting despite being proven wrong.

I love it...Spicer is a take no shit badass. Obviously, Trump has given him carte blanche to treat the media like the sorry, desperate trolls they are. Spicer is asked an ignorant question and has that; "I can't believe you even ask such a stupid fucking question" look on his face. Then he answers and has that; "I can't believe how twisted Liberal minds work" look on his face...PRICELESS!
Theyre incompetent retards. Expect them to increase with the lies and deception.

The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Not interested in your nonsense anymore than I am CNNs
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.

Let's see your list that you base that statistic from? I wish to see this spreadsheet.
They are so desperate to drum up hostilities that they're asking questions about statements Trump made as a candidate during the primaries.

Should Trump not be held accountable to his campaign statements?
Nobody else is....why start now.
Are all troops out of Iraq?
Is gitmo closed?
Is the debt cut in half?
Has the oceans receded?
Does it look like we will nolonger be dependent on oil from the ME?
Has comprehensive immigration reform become a reality?
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.
^^^fake news victim
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.
^^^fake news victim

^^^^ Insert "delusional" fake news victim
They are so desperate to drum up hostilities that they're asking questions about statements Trump made as a candidate during the primaries.

Is that out of line ? To ask Qs about what Trump said while running for president !? Espically now that he IS prez ?
The purpose of the press is to report news & illicit information to disseminate to the public not create it. That question in particular (Trump said he wanted to kill the families of terrorists) has been asked & answered numerous times in the past YEAR. The only purpose in asking that question AGAIN is to create controversy where none exists.

Are you too stupid to get that or just a partisan who doesn't care?

Well he did just kill a little girl . So it is a timely question . Did he ok the attack knowing there were innocents and just didn't give a fuck? Or was she just collateral damage ?
That subject never came up. The Press was only interested in being combative rather that doing their jobs.
Just As Their Greatest Saved Us From the Third Reich, They've Saved Us From the Hillareich

One of media's jobs was to investigate the DNC's shenanigans, like Woodward and Bernstein did to Nixon. Because of their partisan negligence, we had to leave that whistleblowing up to Putin, who should get the Pulitzer Prize for his service to America. He also hacked into the RNC, but found out that Establishment was backing down because of the will of the voters. He couldn't use that to reinforce his theme that Russia is more democratic than America.
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.
^^^fake news victim

You actually have to provide verifiable facts contrary to the reporting. Do you have verifiable facts contrary to Politifact?
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.

Let's see your list that you base that statistic from? I wish to see this spreadsheet.

Right after we see your proof that 5 million illegals voted.
The can't lie any more than they are now and the mainstream media isn't letting them get away with it. Trump is going to have to tell the truth someday. But he's too stupid to realize it.
Surely you're talking about Hillary Clinton or clown Obama. And the mainstream media. Who is the biggest liar of the 3 ?

Trump, overwhelmingly. 70% of his facts are "lies", as in liar, liar, pants on fire.

Let's see your list that you base that statistic from? I wish to see this spreadsheet.

Right after we see your proof that 5 million illegals voted.
well if you wish to publish a comment of statistics, post the spreadsheet, it is the rules of the forum. As for the illegal votes, it will be coming, don't you worry your little head just yet. We got bigger things to take care of first. Once obummer is gone, then perhaps that time will come. Let us get Sessions in as AG too.

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