"Christian Arabs" Support Israel IDF

The Nazi Mufti of Palestine said: first we slaughter the Saturday people (Jews) and then we slaughter the Sunday people (Christians).

Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism. :blowup:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

That is still recited at mosques and protest. A mantra

Well as we can see they're busy carrying it out all over the Middle East.

But wait, Monte has it from a very good source that's it's those evil Joooooooos that are killing all the Christians and Muslims. In fact, we should stop looking for Muslims and start profiling all the Jews. :lmao:

Let us never forget what these damn Israeli Zionazis did to America on 911.

Oh, I am happy to see you celebrating an attack on an American naval vessel by your ZioNazi friends.
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.

Monte has a great point. After all there were only 7 investigations mostly by the US that proved the Liberty incident was an unintended accident. You know, just like 911 was just an unintended accident. Right Monte?
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.

You still have absolutely ZERO credibility. What other people do.... doesn't matter to YOUR credibility, which is non-existent. You support terrorists. Period. What you think, and all the links you post, and all the babble that you spew on here.... is worth NOTHING, because you have ZERO credibility.

"Well he hit me back first!" We don't care, because you don't matter. You support terrorists. No one cares what a terrorist supporter says about anything. So keep posting all your little links, and babble, and whatever. I'm sure other terrorist supporters love your pro-terrorist crap. The rest of us... not so much. Sorry.
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Wow, this from the asshole who claimed to "never use questionable sources". Now he's posting anti Semitic garbage lies and propoganda of the worst kind. What a dirtbag. Ha ha ha.
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.

You still have absolutely ZERO credibility. What other people do.... doesn't matter to YOUR credibility, which is non-existent. You support terrorists. Period. What you think, and all the links you post, and all the babble that you spew on here.... is worth NOTHING, because you have ZERO credibility.

"Well he hit me back first!" We don't care, because you don't matter. You support terrorists. No one cares what a terrorist supporter says about anything. So keep posting all your little links, and babble, and whatever. I'm sure other terrorist supporters love your pro-terrorist crap. The rest of us... not so much. Sorry.

That Monte is a legend in his own mind. Especially when it comes to the Israel Palestine issue, and those evil Joooooos.
I support Israel, and the eventual removal of the Palestinians.

Well, you have established that you support the war crime of ethnic cleansing, like most of the ZioNutters.

Along with that, allow me to establish that your opinion doesn't even show up on my care-o-meter. I support Israel and the eventual removal of the Palestinians. And what you think, will never matter to me.

It's not what I think at all. If you support removal of the Palestinians you support ethnic cleansing, a war crime. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

So you support a war crime do, seeing as you want the removal of all the Israelis who are also Palestinians
I support Israel, and the eventual removal of the Palestinians.

Well, you have established that you support the war crime of ethnic cleansing, like most of the ZioNutters.

Along with that, allow me to establish that your opinion doesn't even show up on my care-o-meter. I support Israel and the eventual removal of the Palestinians. And what you think, will never matter to me.

It's not what I think at all. If you support removal of the Palestinians you support ethnic cleansing, a war crime. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

So you support a war crime do, seeing as you want the removal of all the Israelis who are also Palestinians

Who says I want the removal of the all the Israelis. I don't want the removal of anyone from Palestine. I want the Jews, Christians and Muslims to live in a secular democratic state the has equal rights for everyone. Where do you come up with these false accusations?
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.


You really have to stop these false accusations.

LOL! "False accusations"? Keep 'em coming Monte. We need you here.
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.


You really have to stop these false accusations.

LOL! "False accusations"? Keep 'em coming Monte. We need you here.

When have I ever made an accusation that was not supported by fact in source documentation? Go ahead, try to find one instance.
You mean these Israeli ZioNazis?

Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.


You really have to stop these false accusations.

LOL! "False accusations"? Keep 'em coming Monte. We need you here.

By the way, you are the poster child for "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" prize. You are a real clown and provide excellent entertainment, keep posting.
I support Israel, and the eventual removal of the Palestinians.

Well, you have established that you support the war crime of ethnic cleansing, like most of the ZioNutters.

Along with that, allow me to establish that your opinion doesn't even show up on my care-o-meter. I support Israel and the eventual removal of the Palestinians. And what you think, will never matter to me.

It's not what I think at all. If you support removal of the Palestinians you support ethnic cleansing, a war crime. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

So you support a war crime do, seeing as you want the removal of all the Israelis who are also Palestinians

Who says I want the removal of the all the Israelis. I don't want the removal of anyone from Palestine. I want the Jews, Christians and Muslims to live in a secular democratic state the has equal rights for everyone. Where do you come up with these false accusations?

From your own posts when you threaten the Jews with genocide when the arab muslims get to 20 million to 1 odds. Will never happen as nature will take a hand and start killing of arab muslims in gaza
Throwing stones from your glass house again. Credibility fail?

No, it was your good ZioNazi buddy MJB that threw the stone from a glass house. This was a response. Do keep up, nitwit.


You really have to stop these false accusations.

LOL! "False accusations"? Keep 'em coming Monte. We need you here.

By the way, you are the poster child for "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" prize. You are a real clown and provide excellent entertainment, keep posting.

That's what they said about you on that other board, you know the one you no longer post spam on.
Well, you have established that you support the war crime of ethnic cleansing, like most of the ZioNutters.

Along with that, allow me to establish that your opinion doesn't even show up on my care-o-meter. I support Israel and the eventual removal of the Palestinians. And what you think, will never matter to me.

It's not what I think at all. If you support removal of the Palestinians you support ethnic cleansing, a war crime. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

So you support a war crime do, seeing as you want the removal of all the Israelis who are also Palestinians

Who says I want the removal of the all the Israelis. I don't want the removal of anyone from Palestine. I want the Jews, Christians and Muslims to live in a secular democratic state the has equal rights for everyone. Where do you come up with these false accusations?

From your own posts when you threaten the Jews with genocide when the arab muslims get to 20 million to 1 odds. Will never happen as nature will take a hand and start killing of arab muslims in gaza

When have I ever threatened Jews with genocide. Never have I said such a thing, although you, and those of your ilk, constantly threaten the non-Jews with genocide.

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