Christian B&B refuses to back down to homosexual terrorism

Divorces don't strip children of a mother and father for life because remarriage can happen. A contract can be dissolved if it is hurting a child by discord in the home. We've been through all this before Skylar.
Sorry, gang, your perverted sense of 'we can deny service to whomever' can fuck off.
Sorry gang your perverted sense of two dudes not providing both a mother and father "as legit" for children in the marriage contract they share implicitly means you can't dictate to objectors that they have their hands and mouths legally duct taped. New York vs Ferber says adults Constitutional rights can't impinge upon a child's mental or physical well being.

Divorce doesn't erase all hope for life for kids of their parents remarrying and also divorce seeks to keep children in contact with both mother and father. In fact, people aren't really divorced until their kids are of age precisely because the courts recognize the importance of keeping boys and girls in contact with both their mother and father, no matter how toxic the original "together under the same roof" home environment is.
Divorces don't strip children of a mother and father for life because remarriage can happen. A contract can be dissolved if it is hurting a child by discord in the home.

Divorce depraves a child of mother and father. Hope doesn't replace a mother or father. I am sorry if these facts do not fit your anti-queer narrative.
Sil, I don't like saying this, but you are mentally and emotionally incompetent to discuss this topic.

I don't know what happened to you to cause it, but your illness prevents you from being able to talk about this particular subject in any sense of mental, emotional, and legal competency.
But they would be happy to host Rush Limbaugh's fifth wedding should that day ever arrive.
Which should be their right.

Yes, everyone has a right to be a raging hypocrite who selectively uses the Bible to justify their bigotry.

They do not have a right to force their hypocrisy and bigotry on others.
Silly position.

If you're gay and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with? The only one try to force anything on anyone in this scenario is the gay couple.
But they would be happy to host Rush Limbaugh's fifth wedding should that day ever arrive.
Which should be their right.

Yes, everyone has a right to be a raging hypocrite who selectively uses the Bible to justify their bigotry.

They do not have a right to force their hypocrisy and bigotry on others.
Silly position.

If you're gay and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with? The only one try to force anything on anyone in this scenario is the gay couple.

Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"
Do the segregationists like Gramps really think they can take over again?

The millennialists alone would put their type in a stadium and render their bodies for the nutrients.

Our society is not going to put up with that bullshit again.
The Oregon couple, Sweet Cakes I think, got a 120k fine. I'm beginning to think this is more a money making scheme than anything else.
And a dentist in Oregon was fined over 300K for discriminating against a christian......

Every single bit as pathetic as forcing the gay wedding on the B&B. Our government is more and more a runaway criminal organization, an enemy of liberty and it's citizens. Forcing citizens, any citizens, to do business with each other is an abomination to freedom
Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"

OK legal scholars....put on your thinking caps here. If a Christian walked into (targeted on purpose for the means to exploit a political agenda by filing a lawsuit) a gay billboard designer, open to the public, and asked that billboard designer to print a sign to be placed by multiple major thoroughfares that said "Homosexuality is a sin unto God", if that billboard designer refused, could he be sued by the Christian for discriminating against Christians and refusing them public accommodation?

I am of the opinion that this exact thing should happen. We need to show the world how PA laws are a two-way street and one's sexual-orientation cannot be more legally important than one's religious-orientation. Discrimination is discrimination...
I would say so, yes.

Next question.
Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"

OK legal scholars....put on your thinking caps here. If a Christian walked into (targeted on purpose for the means to exploit a political agenda by filing a lawsuit) a gay billboard designer, open to the public, and asked that billboard designer to print a sign to be placed by multiple major thoroughfares that said "Homosexuality is a sin unto God", if that billboard designer refused, could he be sued by the Christian for discriminating against Christians and refusing them public accommodation?
No, because whether or not there's a PA law, a person still has a const right to decline to enter into a contract with anyone .... unless the decision is based on that person's race orientation or whatever. A Jew need not bake a cake that says Happy B-Day Adolph.
Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"

OK legal scholars....put on your thinking caps here. If a Christian walked into (targeted on purpose for the means to exploit a political agenda by filing a lawsuit) a gay billboard designer, open to the public, and asked that billboard designer to print a sign to be placed by multiple major thoroughfares that said "Homosexuality is a sin unto God", if that billboard designer refused, could he be sued by the Christian for discriminating against Christians and refusing them public accommodation?

I am of the opinion that this exact thing should happen. We need to show the world how PA laws are a two-way street and one's sexual-orientation cannot be more legally important than one's religious-orientation. Discrimination is discrimination...

No, because whether or not there's a PA law, a person still has a const right to decline to enter into a contract with anyone .... unless the decision is based on that person's race orientation or whatever. A Jew need not bake a cake that says Happy B-Day Adolph.

But why should a Christian bake a cake that says "happy wedding Dave and Steve"?
Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"

OK legal scholars....put on your thinking caps here. If a Christian walked into (targeted on purpose for the means to exploit a political agenda by filing a lawsuit) a gay billboard designer, open to the public, and asked that billboard designer to print a sign to be placed by multiple major thoroughfares that said "Homosexuality is a sin unto God", if that billboard designer refused, could he be sued by the Christian for discriminating against Christians and refusing them public accommodation?
No, because whether or not there's a PA law, a person still has a const right to decline to enter into a contract with anyone .... unless the decision is based on that person's race orientation or whatever. A Jew need not bake a cake that says Happy B-Day Adolph.
That "or whatever" you casually tossed in includes religion. Surely you knew that and so used "or whatever" as a means of obscuration.

The billboard designer must provide the Christian with the signage he wants.
The Oregon couple, Sweet Cakes I think, got a 120k fine. I'm beginning to think this is more a money making scheme than anything else.
And a dentist in Oregon was fined over 300K for discriminating against a christian......
-------------------------- in a FREE country it should be his RIGHT to discriminate Bodecea .
Not in his business he is not. Ironically...all 50 states protect people from being discriminated against based on their religion....only about half the states protect people from being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation.
-------------------------------- and that's why its not a FREE country Bodecea !!

You're never free to hurt others. The notion is silly on its face

Hurt others, God, positive rights again.

Harming someone is doing something harmful to them. Not associating with someone or serving them or doing business with them is not harming them.

you people are pathetic. go to the B&B or cake maker or whatever down the street that wants your business, get off your lazy ass and exercise your liberty, maybe you'll even lose some weight that way ...
I am of the opinion that this exact thing should happen. We need to show the world how PA laws are a two-way street and one's sexual-orientation cannot be more legally important than one's religious-orientation. Discrimination is discrimination...

I agree. The gay billboard maker in your example must provide the Christian the billboard he wants. And the law agrees with me. You are inventing legal discrimination which does not exist.
Ignorant position.

If you are gay and refused service, you were forced to leave a public accommodation.

See the stupidity and ignorance of your argument with, "If you're black and refused service as such were you FORCED to patronize that business by the business owner to begin with?"

OK legal scholars....put on your thinking caps here. If a Christian walked into (targeted on purpose for the means to exploit a political agenda by filing a lawsuit) a gay billboard designer, open to the public, and asked that billboard designer to print a sign to be placed by multiple major thoroughfares that said "Homosexuality is a sin unto God", if that billboard designer refused, could he be sued by the Christian for discriminating against Christians and refusing them public accommodation?
No, because whether or not there's a PA law, a person still has a const right to decline to enter into a contract with anyone .... unless the decision is based on that person's race orientation or whatever. A Jew need not bake a cake that says Happy B-Day Adolph.
That "or whatever" you casually tossed in includes religion. Surely you knew that and so used "or whatever" as a means of obscuration.

The billboard designer must provide the Christian with the signage he wants.
I didn't mean to waffle. I used the whatever because PA law nationally includes religion, but not orientation. So there's not a direct comparison with state and natl PA laws. A gay gains no protection unless there's a state law, but religion is already covered in all states due to the civil rights acts.

And no, imo you're incorrect. The gay person cannot discriminate based on religion. But, he doesn't have to enter into a contract when what is objectionable has nothing to do with the other person's religion. A billboard saying God hates Fags or whatever has nothing to do with any religion. It's a hate message. No one has to promote a hate message under anykind of PA law. Now if the gay person was asked to make a sign Jesus Christ Loves You or put up those crosses you may see along the road ... possibly a different result.
I agree. The gay billboard maker in your example must provide the Christian the billboard he wants. And the law agrees with me. You are inventing legal discrimination which does not exist.
Well I think the scenario should be legally tested. Agree?
A billboard saying God hates Fags or whatever has nothing to do with any religion.
Actually, it does. We might not like that religion, but it's a legitimate creed. When it comes to free speech and religion, we must not err on the side of caution. That leads to the tyranny of censorship.

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