Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

White people have had 4 centuries of AA. So not only did you get to go first in building a financial legacy, you have had if for a longer period of time. I find that whites that complain about AA are angry with their ancestors for being lazy and not making gains while they had the time. Now you want to keep others from having their turn? Thats negative discrimination on your part and pure butt hurtedness.

No, white people have not had 4 centuries of AA. Affirmative Action is a specific name for specific policies taken up to offset what was allegedly NON-affirmative, or NEGATIVE discrimination.

Read a fucking book.

Your pretty stupid. I dont need to read a book. Whites had 400 years to build wealth, academic gains, and make laws to sustain those polices. You even took other peoples land and profitted by using the unpaid labor and later underpaid labor of other groups. If somewhere in there with all that priviledge you couldn't get ahead then that just means you are lazy and now bitter. I dont care what its called now. Its still not as good as how white people had it nor as long and it certainly was not first. You are a fucking moron if you believe it was not AA by another name like Slavery and Jim Crow.
Because they are harmed the most because they tend to be the most qualified applicants at universities. Now how is that not negative discrimination?

Because someone from a group that had been denied rights got that slot along with other Asians that qualified for AA. They cant have all the slots. Are you stupid? That would then mess up the purpose of AA.

Do you know how Asians were treated in California during the gold rush?
Yo faggots just think blacks are pathetic and need special help.

Yes I know. Doesn't even come close to what Blacks in this country went through.
Chic Fil a was not accused of discrimination. No gay person was denied service. The issue was that the owner gave financial support to anti-gay organizations. The owner didn't ignore or break any law, nor did the business.

What does that have to do with it? They are promoting being anti gay. They dont get my nickel because of it.

It has everything to do with it. The owner has the right to voice his opinion in regards to religion or politics. He expressed his views in a legal and constitutional accepted ways. No customer coming into his business was ill treated or treated any differently than any other customer. If people who object to his views they can boycott him and his bussiness. They can speak out against him and attempt to harm his business with legal methods such as carrying boycott signs around his business or posting advertisements. If you don't like his stand on gays and his religious beliefs, don't spend your nickel there.
He wasn't thinking properly, according to the aids brigade
Because someone from a group that had been denied rights got that slot along with other Asians that qualified for AA. They cant have all the slots. Are you stupid? That would then mess up the purpose of AA.

Do you know how Asians were treated in California during the gold rush?
Yo faggots just think blacks are pathetic and need special help.

Yes I know. Doesn't even come close to what Blacks in this country went through.

Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?
Chic Fil a was not accused of discrimination. No gay person was denied service. The issue was that the owner gave financial support to anti-gay organizations. The owner didn't ignore or break any law, nor did the business.

What does that have to do with it? They are promoting being anti gay. They dont get my nickel because of it.

It has everything to do with it. The owner has the right to voice his opinion in regards to religion or politics. He expressed his views in a legal and constitutional accepted ways. No customer coming into his business was ill treated or treated any differently than any other customer. If people who object to his views they can boycott him and his bussiness. They can speak out against him and attempt to harm his business with legal methods such as carrying boycott signs around his business or posting advertisements. If you don't like his stand on gays and his religious beliefs, don't spend your nickel there.

I think we agree here but it seemed to me like you were saying that we shouldn't have an issue with Chic Fil a.
"I don't need to read a book".


This is what is so frustrating. They're supremely ignorant, PARTICULARLY of the topics they choose to blab about...I mean, it's obvious this twit has no idea even WHAT affirmative action is now, let alone what the history of it is. They have no scholarship, no understanding of the meanings of the words and phrases they use, because they insist that words and phrases mean whatever they determine they mean in that moment in time...which of course makes them completely meaningless.

And they call US stupid! It's like the world has been turned on it's head. Affirmative action isn't discrimination, except it has been discrimination for the last 400 years when the WHITE people were using it (? I feel like Bullwinkle is teaching the classroom) and book learning is no longer necessary because liberal douchewads apparently are born with all the knowledge they will ever need (or use) already in their tiny little noggins.
White people have had 4 centuries of AA. So not only did you get to go first in building a financial legacy, you have had if for a longer period of time. I find that whites that complain about AA are angry with their ancestors for being lazy and not making gains while they had the time. Now you want to keep others from having their turn? Thats negative discrimination on your part and pure butt hurtedness.

No, white people have not had 4 centuries of AA. Affirmative Action is a specific name for specific policies taken up to offset what was allegedly NON-affirmative, or NEGATIVE discrimination.

Read a fucking book.

Your pretty stupid. I dont need to read a book. Whites had 400 years to build wealth, academic gains, and make laws to sustain those polices. You even took other peoples land and profitted by using the unpaid labor and later underpaid labor of other groups. If somewhere in there with all that priviledge you couldn't get ahead then that just means you are lazy and now bitter. I dont care what its called now. Its still not as good as how white people had it nor as long and it certainly was not first. You are a fucking moron if you believe it was not AA by another name like Slavery and Jim Crow.

Obviously you're just as stupid about those topics as you are about this one.

Still waiting for your proof that Chic fil A promoted anti-gayness.
Do you know how Asians were treated in California during the gold rush?
Yo faggots just think blacks are pathetic and need special help.

Yes I know. Doesn't even come close to what Blacks in this country went through.

Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?

How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
Yes I know. Doesn't even come close to what Blacks in this country went through.

Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?

How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
50 percent of the world's Jews were exterminated in 4 years by Germany you mentally retarded faggot. That's why you cocksucking moron.
"I don't need to read a book".


This is what is so frustrating. They're supremely ignorant, PARTICULARLY of the topics they choose to blab about...I mean, it's obvious this twit has no idea even WHAT affirmative action is now, let alone what the history of it is. They have no scholarship, no understanding of the meanings of the words and phrases they use, because they insist that words and phrases mean whatever they determine they mean in that moment in time...which of course makes them completely meaningless.

And they call US stupid! It's like the world has been turned on it's head. Affirmative action isn't discrimination, except it has been discrimination for the last 400 years when the WHITE people were using it (? I feel like Bullwinkle is teaching the classroom) and book learning is no longer necessary because liberal douchewads apparently are born with all the knowledge they will ever need (or use) already in their tiny little noggins.

You evidently have a hard time understanding English. I plainly said it was positive discrimination. I also said I don't care what you call the policy that resulted in the gains white people had at the expense of other groups. Its AA on steroids is the point. Refusing to accept that is pretty much willful ignorance at its finest.
Yes I know. Doesn't even come close to what Blacks in this country went through.

Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?

How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
What do Americans today have to do with Americans or Europeans centuries ago or even decades ago? Did the students who lose out in affirmative action persecute anyone? Well you faggot?
Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?

How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
50 percent of the world's Jews were exterminated in 4 years by Germany you mentally retarded faggot. That's why you cocksucking moron.
Dont get so bent out of shape skippy. What does that have to do with AA here in the US? :lol:
Whites "had 400 years of affirmative action"?
Seems Koshergirl has kicked the stuffing out of ol Assplaster to the point he's free-associating between hits on a roach. But back to reality.....there has never been, in the history of the entire western world, a society that promoted a class of losers instead of the most qualified before LBJ's horrendous presidency. Why would we if we want our enterprise to succeed? And what does a black person get out of AA? Most have their white coworkers sufficiently frightened of physical violence or they'd see the looks and snarks they get behind their back. But that's "progressives" for ya. Assume this nation will always be rich and powerful enough to tolerate aspiring to the lowest common denominator while we sink further into crippling debt and decay. Thankfully we're waking up but its probably too late....we'll be a third-world dictatorship if we don't start taking back our country and quick.
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Whites "had 400 years of affirmative action"?
Seems Koshergirl has kicked the stuffing out of ol Assplaster to the point he's free-associating between hits on a roach. But back to reality.....there has never been, in the history of the entire western world, a society that promoted a class of losers instead of the most qualified before LBJ's horrendous presidency. Why would we if we want our enterprise to succeed? And what does a black person get out of AA? Most have their white coworkers sufficiently frightened of physical violence or they'd see the looks and snarks they get behind their back. But that's "progressives" for ya. Assume this nation will always be rich and powerful enough to tolerate aspiring to the lowest common denominator while we sink further into crippling debt and decay. Thankfully we're waking up but its probably too late....we're be a third-world dictatorship if we don't start taking back our country and quick.

You miss the point stupid. I personally dont care what a white person may think of how I got my job. I'm happy I got it and able to build financial wealth and legacy where before that opportunity was denied or severely limited. When you realize that I'm not looking around wondering what white people think about me maybe you will get the point. I simple could give two flying fucks what you think. i want opportunity to do what whites had 400 years to do. AA provides that. You dont like it too bad. You mad? Tuff shit.
What does that have to do with it? They are promoting being anti gay. They dont get my nickel because of it.

It has everything to do with it. The owner has the right to voice his opinion in regards to religion or politics. He expressed his views in a legal and constitutional accepted ways. No customer coming into his business was ill treated or treated any differently than any other customer. If people who object to his views they can boycott him and his bussiness. They can speak out against him and attempt to harm his business with legal methods such as carrying boycott signs around his business or posting advertisements. If you don't like his stand on gays and his religious beliefs, don't spend your nickel there.

I think we agree here but it seemed to me like you were saying that we shouldn't have an issue with Chic Fil a.

I have not got a problem with people who have an issue with Chic fil a. Nor do I have a problem with people who don't. I support folks who use their constitutional rights to stand up for what they believe in, even when I disagree with their issues. I support the owner who wants to make change and uses his income from his business to promote what he believes in and I support members of the public who use their rights to contest his beliefs. Where I fall on the issues are irrelevent and not as important as the healthy exercise of citizens using their constitutional rights to effect change.
How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
50 percent of the world's Jews were exterminated in 4 years by Germany you mentally retarded faggot. That's why you cocksucking moron.
Dont get so bent out of shape skippy. What does that have to do with AA here in the US? :lol:

What do I or Asians have to do with discrimination against blacks?
Since Jews experienced far worse in Germany do American Jews , are they owed something by Germany given not all blacks in the USA are descended from slaves? What does Germany owe me?

How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
What do Americans today have to do with Americans or Europeans centuries ago or even decades ago? Did the students who lose out in affirmative action persecute anyone? Well you faggot?

If they are white then their families should have gotten off their asses sometime in the last 400 years and did something to build economic stability in their families so they would not have to compete for the low hanging fruit jobs with the rest of the untouchables. Blame your ancestors for not getting their shit together in all that time.
Whites "had 400 years of affirmative action"?
Seems Koshergirl has kicked the stuffing out of ol Assplaster to the point he's free-associating between hits on a roach. But back to reality.....there has never been, in the history of the entire western world, a society that promoted a class of losers instead of the most qualified before LBJ's horrendous presidency. Why would we if we want our enterprise to succeed? And what does a black person get out of AA? Most have their white coworkers sufficiently frightened of physical violence or they'd see the looks and snarks they get behind their back. But that's "progressives" for ya. Assume this nation will always be rich and powerful enough to tolerate aspiring to the lowest common denominator while we sink further into crippling debt and decay. Thankfully we're waking up but its probably too late....we're be a third-world dictatorship if we don't start taking back our country and quick.

You miss the point stupid. I personally dont care what a white person may think of how I got my job. I'm happy I got it and able to build financial wealth and legacy where before that opportunity was denied or severely limited. When you realize that I'm not looking around wondering what white people think about me maybe you will get the point. I simple could give two flying fucks what you think. i want opportunity to do what whites had 400 years to do. AA provides that. You dont like it too bad. You mad? Tuff shit.

You sure are spending a lot of time answering me if you don't care what I think. :eusa_whistle: But then you know and I know you're white as a sheet and this is all a little comedy break from your meaningless job in a cubicle somewhere in Tempe. You're a pose not a person. I'm a Detroiter....I know the black idiom, the black vernacular, the black rhythm and ain't black. :eusa_hand:
How did Jews experience far worse in Germany than Blacks experienced here in the US and what does the German Jew experience have to do with the US? I'm not talking about Germany. Pay attention.
What do Americans today have to do with Americans or Europeans centuries ago or even decades ago? Did the students who lose out in affirmative action persecute anyone? Well you faggot?

If they are white then their families should have gotten off their asses sometime in the last 400 years and did something to build economic stability in their families so they would not have to compete for the low hanging fruit jobs with the rest of the untouchables. Blame your ancestors for not getting their shit together in all that time.
You are such a fucking cocksucker

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