Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

Why on earth would I try to prove your point, that I know is a lie?
Moron. The onus is on you to prove your points, or acknowledge you're talking out your ass. So you are, in fact, the lazy one. As well as the stupid one.

I'm not trying to prove a point. You are.

Uh, no, you illiterate know-nothing. You made a specious claim that you refuse to back up. You didn't make the point, I challenged the veracity of it, and you can't prove it's true.

You lose. That's the way it works. But I can see it will take more effort than it's worth to explain the form of adult discussion and debate to you. Go back to school.
The owners argument of Christian beliefs is BS as already pointed out. That being said I'm starting to wonder about forcing people not to discriminate. I'm starting to feel that it would be better not to give the prick my money and either give it to another business that has no issue with me or start my own business to cater to those like me. I'm beginning to believe that the end result is further division behind closed doors with the appearance of a discrimination free society on the surface.

Since you have already demonstrated your own racism and bigotry, you should have no problem with ending laws that force you to do business white whitey.
Why on earth would I try to prove your point, that I know is a lie?
Moron. The onus is on you to prove your points, or acknowledge you're talking out your ass. So you are, in fact, the lazy one. As well as the stupid one.

I'm not trying to prove a point. You are.

Uh, no, you illiterate know-nothing. You made a specious claim that you refuse to back up. You didn't make the point, I challenged the veracity of it, and you can't prove it's true.

You lose. That's the way it works. But I can see it will take more effort than it's worth to explain the form of adult discussion and debate to you. Go back to school.

Yes I did in fact make a point. You obviously are too stupid to understand it and too lazy to simply look on google to clarify exactly what was said. i wasnt trying to prove anything to you. i was stating why they didnt get my nickel. if you feel I lost then i cant really do much about that. I was unaware I was trying to win something.
The owners argument of Christian beliefs is BS as already pointed out. That being said I'm starting to wonder about forcing people not to discriminate. I'm starting to feel that it would be better not to give the prick my money and either give it to another business that has no issue with me or start my own business to cater to those like me. I'm beginning to believe that the end result is further division behind closed doors with the appearance of a discrimination free society on the surface.

Since you have already demonstrated your own racism and bigotry, you should have no problem with ending laws that force you to do business white whitey.

Many white people contribute to my profit margin. I do business with everyone including white people. What makes you think otherwise?
What the hell are you talking about?

And thanks for admitting you're a liar. CF never promoted "anti-gayness" lolol...

The anti-gay promotion didn't come from CF itself, but it was funded by CF profits. Dan Cathy, the President of of CF contributed huge sums of money to organizations that coducted anti-gay campaingns. The organizations were involved with other issues besides their anti-gay campaigns, so there was no direct link to Cathy and CF. Where Cathy screwed up was when he made a comment on twitter regarding a court decision that supported same sex marriage. That opened the flood gates for investigative reporters and put Cathy on the hot seat. Most controversial was Cathy's support for a group that was giving financial support to elements in Uganda that were implementing brutal treatment of gays in that country. Cathy was quick to take the blame on himself and insisted and proved that his personal beliefs in no way influenced the treatment of his employees or customers. His handling of the crisis that developed is a model of public relation crisis management. Cathy successfully separated the situation from his business, met with leaders of gay organizatiions, sought ways to show GF's willingness to work with the gay community to insure they got favorable, equal and blind treatment at CF restaurants. The key was that he separated his political and religious beliefs from his business.

So the names, and a link that confirms CF's support of, these "anti-gay campaigns"?

Specifics, people. Otherwise, it's just a lot of yammering about nothing.

Something is wrong with you reading comprehension. My post opens with the comment that "The anti-gay promotion didn't come from CF......". Later in the post I point out the the anti-gay campaigns came from third parties not in any way connected to CF accept for the fact that the President of the company made financial contributions to them. How would I give you links confirming CF's support of anti-gay campaigns when I'm telling you none existed?
It's about being in your face and making demands, attention

Are you gay? I'm not. If you want to get in someones face pick someone like Bull. I'm pretty sure he is in the closet so you two together may be able to get to some of that cocksucking you seem to like.

Here's where Assplaster admits I OWN his smelly little ass....not that I'm proud of's a land of a thousand dances. :lol: Anybody want to buy it? First canadian quarter gets it....I know I know.....he's senthitive about being owned...color purple and all that jive...but hey, if his fake ancestors had run faster the slavemasters wouldn't have caught em, right?

(Bull begins to whistle)....."jump down spin around pick a bale a cotton, pick a bale a day." :eusa_whistle:
The owners argument of Christian beliefs is BS as already pointed out. That being said I'm starting to wonder about forcing people not to discriminate. I'm starting to feel that it would be better not to give the prick my money and either give it to another business that has no issue with me or start my own business to cater to those like me. I'm beginning to believe that the end result is further division behind closed doors with the appearance of a discrimination free society on the surface.

Since you have already demonstrated your own racism and bigotry, you should have no problem with ending laws that force you to do business white whitey.

Many white people contribute to my profit margin. I do business with everyone including white people. What makes you think otherwise?

Doesn't that make you a hypocritical racist? Do you think anyone is surprised by that?
It's about being in your face and making demands, attention

Are you gay? I'm not. If you want to get in someones face pick someone like Bull. I'm pretty sure he is in the closet so you two together may be able to get to some of that cocksucking you seem to like.

Here's where Assplaster admits I OWN his smelly little ass....not that I'm proud of's a land of a thousand dances. :lol: Anybody want to buy it? First canadian quarter gets it....I know I know.....he's senthitive about being owned...color purple and all that jive...but hey, if his fake ancestors had run faster the slavemasters wouldn't have caught em, right?

(Bull begins to whistle)....."jump down spin around pick a bale a cotton, pick a bale a day." :eusa_whistle:

You really should try harder Bull. That was just sad. :lol:
Since you have already demonstrated your own racism and bigotry, you should have no problem with ending laws that force you to do business white whitey.

Many white people contribute to my profit margin. I do business with everyone including white people. What makes you think otherwise?

Doesn't that make you a hypocritical racist? Do you think anyone is surprised by that?

It would only make me hypocritical if I was a racist. If anyone is surprised then it sounds like a personal issue to me.
Assplaster still be claimin he doin bidness wid dem blue eye devils is he? Seem to Unca Remus he jus flappin he gums all de liv long dey...uh huh

dat him in de back seat.

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Assplaster still be claimin he doin bidness wid dem blue eye devils is he? Seem to Unca Remus he jus flappin he gums all de liv long dey...uh huh

dat him in de back seat


There is this guy named Tank on here you need to talk to. He will help you out with your funny retort game. You are just weak with it. :lol:

Had enough have ya Lucy? :lol:

Public Accommodation laws do no such thing.

If a Muslim business didn't sell halal compliant foods as part of their business model, they would not be required to start providing such foods because a customer ordered it.

On the other hand if a Muslim business DID offer non-halal foods as part of their business model, then they could not refuse to sell something they offered to a customer based on the criteria outlined in Colorado Revised Statutes 24-34-601(2).

The baker in question advertized and routinely supplied as a core function of their business wedding cakes, therefore under Colorado law they cannot discriminated based on various criteria (including sexual orientation) by not selling to a customer because of that critiera.


Public Accommodations laws have never required a business to sell goods or services they don't already provide to the general public, they only require that goods and services already offered be provided in a non-discriminatory fashion.

What is so hard about that concept that people don't get, resulting in fanciful red-herrings that have nothing to do with what the law actually does?


And you missed the entire point of my post. It would be unwise of me to further explain it. In both cases you are forcing someone to act against their faith, statutes be damned. One other thing, you must learn to differentiate between theory and actualization. I did not make such an assertion.

What is so hard about people making allowances for a person's faith? Is it necessary that they have to tout the law over the religious beliefs of someone else? Worship the laws of man over the laws of God, in essence.

First question, do you think that a business should be allowed to discriminate against blacks, Jews, Mexicans, women, handicapped?

Second question, do you think that if the owner of a business claims they have a religious belief that they shouldn't serve blacks, Jews, Mexicans, women, handicapped that they should be granted a special exception?


In order:
Not applicable.
No. Its not negative.

It is for the more qualified white person who doesn't get the slot. And while I agree integration was a worthy idea, it's never worked. The better educated blacks get, the more hateful they seem to become. There was a moment of opportunity with Dr. King but it didn't have legs....the race-pimps and black panthers destroyed his dream. If Lincoln had been wise he'd have shipped the willies back to Africa. We'd never have known Willy Mays or Miles Davis, but then we'd have never had to put up with Al Sharpton and Rap Brown either. :cool:
The only people affected by AA are ignorant, lazy, white men. They blame their lack of initiative on AA.


Note: many affected by AA are actually Asian.
That's exactly what it is.

"Affirmative action (known as positive discrimination in the United Kingdom and as employment equity in Canada and elsewhere) refers to policies that take factors including "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin"[1] into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group "in areas of employment, education, and business"

In other words, if you're a certain color, you get special treatment.

Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words you cant read. I already said it was not negative discrimination. You also forgot to read the other protected categories.

What is negative discrimination?

A five-dollar word he thinks will hide his having a five-cent mind.

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