Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

Blue eyes are an "aberration" by your standard.

Yep. That's my point. People react badly to the word "aberration," when really they shouldn't. Although, I will admit, it often carries a negative connotation. But I don't mean it in a negative manner, just calling it what it is. A departure from the norm. It's pretty easy to see what the norm is when you consider male and female sex organs. Pretty obvious what's SUPPOSED to happen.

If you don't mean it in a negative manner you shouldn't use a word with negative connotations.

You prefer people to lie rather than tell the truth? There is no way to describe the fact that homosexuality is outside the norm without using language that has a negative connotation.
People have the right to refuse to buy from a place.

and that's fine

the fact liberals went national with this is the real evil and tyranny. You got what you wanted, every little business now knows they must submit to any leftist ideal or else.

grats, you got what you wanted and now you don't like it. Tough, this is who you are and what team you support is.

People have a right to refuse to buy.

Businesses do not have a right to refuse to sell. This is actually black letter law.

Which explains why states never go after people for refusing service.

Wait, it actually makes you an idiot.
I had a grandmother on the other side of the family that taught us that God would make us blind if we masturbated.
I wondered if I could do it up and until I needed glasses.
The stupid shit many religious folks believe.

Damn, the idiot is still here spouting idiocy.

Want to explain why you think a myth that crosses cultures, and religions, is religious in origin? Is it because you are a bigoted asshole who wants the government to force people to obey your whims? Or is that totally separate from you inability to think?
I had a grandmother on the other side of the family that taught us that God would make usg blind if we masturbated.
I wondered if I could do it up and until I needed glasses.
The stupid shit many religious folks believe.

You don't know that she really believed that as a religious principle or just was using it as a stern warning.

In the supermarket I opened my bag of chocolate chips and was eating them in the checkout line. A man behind me said "Don't eat those. They aren't cooked you'll get sick." His mother told him that to keep him from eating the chips meant for cookie baking.

Of course she taught that as a religious principle and as a stern warning.
Proof positive that most all of the "religious principles" taught to youth in this way are a pile of dog squeeze.
And one wonders why the young adults of today are not attending church. You can not fool kids. They are not stupid. They know there is nothing wrong with their gay and lesbian friends, that they are not immoral, they are not unclean, they are not second class citizens and they deserve the same respect and equality as everyone.
I had a grandmother on the other side of the family that taught us that God would make us blind if we masturbated.
I wondered if I could do it up and until I needed glasses.
The stupid shit many religious folks believe.

Damn, the idiot is still here spouting idiocy.

Want to explain why you think a myth that crosses cultures, and religions, is religious in origin? Is it because you are a bigoted asshole who wants the government to force people to obey your whims? Or is that totally separate from you inability to think?

You state that a myth crosses religions and then ask if it is religious in origin.
And then call me the idiot.

Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.
Not sure if not serving someone because they are gay or not...but I do know its legal to protest bigots. God bless America.
How about if the parents of the gay folks come in and want a cake baked for the reception after the wedding.
How do the bakers know if there are not names and 2 of the same sex dolls on the cake?
What other reason would someone deny them and refuse to bake the cake other than they believe God will take retribution against them for doing so?
I had a grandmother on the other side of the family that taught us that God would make us blind if we masturbated.
I wondered if I could do it up and until I needed glasses.
The stupid shit many religious folks believe.

Damn, the idiot is still here spouting idiocy.

Want to explain why you think a myth that crosses cultures, and religions, is religious in origin? Is it because you are a bigoted asshole who wants the government to force people to obey your whims? Or is that totally separate from you inability to think?

You state that a myth crosses religions and then ask if it is religious in origin.
And then call me the idiot.

Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.

No, I asked why you think it is religious, which explains why you are an idiot.
Damn, the idiot is still here spouting idiocy.

Want to explain why you think a myth that crosses cultures, and religions, is religious in origin? Is it because you are a bigoted asshole who wants the government to force people to obey your whims? Or is that totally separate from you inability to think?

You state that a myth crosses religions and then ask if it is religious in origin.
And then call me the idiot.

Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.

No, I asked why you think it is religious, which explains why you are an idiot.

When someone tells you God will punish you for doing something you believe it is not religious?
In what other way is the word GOD used other than in terms of RELIGION?

And you claim I am the idiot.
You state that a myth crosses religions and then ask if it is religious in origin.
And then call me the idiot.

Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.

No, I asked why you think it is religious, which explains why you are an idiot.

When someone tells you God will punish you for doing something you believe it is not religious?
In what other way is the word GOD used other than in terms of RELIGION?

And you claim I am the idiot.

When you start adding extra things into your stories I suspect you are lying.
People have the right to refuse to buy from a place.

and that's fine

the fact liberals went national with this is the real evil and tyranny. You got what you wanted, every little business now knows they must submit to any leftist ideal or else.

grats, you got what you wanted and now you don't like it. Tough, this is who you are and what team you support is.

People have a right to refuse to buy.

Businesses do not have a right to refuse to sell. This is actually black letter law.
Yep. If you allow people to say they won't serve gays, then it's okay for people to say they won't serve anyone they don't like the look of or don't like their lifestyle. Say, for example, I don't like tall people and refuse to deal with them, or redheads. Or Native Americans, or hippies, or bikers, or anyone under 18 or over 60. It opens up a whole can of worms. That's why there is a law against discrimination. If you want to go into business and deal with the public, you need to deal equally with all the public. What are these ultra religious Christians going to do if a Muslim couple comes into their bakery and wants a cake with Islamic characteristics on it? Refuse to make it because they don't like Islam?
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I had a grandmother on the other side of the family that taught us that God would make us blind if we masturbated.
I wondered if I could do it up and until I needed glasses.
The stupid shit many religious folks believe.

Mine said I'd go blind if I looked at girls

I told her I'd stop when I needed glasses.
You guys don't think it's funny when people make fun of or criticize gay people, but you seem not to mind when it comes to making fun of or criticizing Christians. Why the double standard?
You guys don't think it's funny when people make fun of or criticize gay people, but you seem not to mind when it comes to making fun of or criticizing Christians. Why the double standard?

Are you referring to the video that was posted that mocks your religion? I realise it was offensive to you, but where in the video was there any false information. Sounds like this person did their research.

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