Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

You guys don't think it's funny when people make fun of or criticize gay people, but you seem not to mind when it comes to making fun of or criticizing Christians. Why the double standard?

Are you referring to the video that was posted that mocks your religion? I realise it was offensive to you, but where in the video was there any false information. Sounds like this person did their research.

I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?
There is nothing Christian about bigotry.

Oh yes, I agree, but there's nothing mature about being bigoted and then accusing others of being bigoted either. I wonder if people would actually do research on my faith instead of believing everything they are told about it and assuming it's true....

I doubt it.
I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.
I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

Actually, I've see posts of your own where you could benefit from that advice, hypocrite.
You guys don't think it's funny when people make fun of or criticize gay people, but you seem not to mind when it comes to making fun of or criticizing Christians. Why the double standard?

Are you referring to the video that was posted that mocks your religion? I realise it was offensive to you, but where in the video was there any false information. Sounds like this person did their research.

I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?
I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.
By the way...weren't you defending the dude who made that anti-Muslim video that was the Christian equivalent of making Jesus into a pig fucker?

Uh... just what does that have to do with this thread?
Think on it.

Actually, I've see posts of your own where you could benefit from that advice, hypocrite.

You first:

Uh oh. Someone's stinky tampon is all aflame.


Now, if you will excuse me, hypocrite.
I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

Gays and lesbians have been called every name conceivable, compared to murderers, thieves, dog fuckers, pedophiles, -- and get blamed for the entire general breakdown of families and society, accused of 'going after their children,' every form of debauchery known to man is laid at our doorstep;

I've had folks here call me "less than human," a child of Satan, worse than terrorists and have even had prominent television pastors blame ME for 911.

I've got pretty thick skin. Don't you lecture me.
Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.


And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

Gays and lesbians have been called every name conceivable, compared to murderers, thieves, dog fuckers, pedophiles, -- and get blamed for the entire general breakdown of families and society, accused of 'going after their children,' every form of debauchery known to man is laid at our doorstep;

I've had folks here call me "less than human," a child of Satan, worse than terrorists and have even had prominent television pastors blame ME for 911.

I've got pretty thick skin. Don't you lecture me.

And you think it's okay to repay an eye for an eye? Return the favor? How puerile. Does it ever occur to you that you denigrate your own cause when you participate in the very same things you claim are being done to you? Believe it or not, I am quite tolerant of gay people, I have friends who are gay, I play MMORPG's with gay people. But they have way more tolerance for my beliefs as I do theirs. Moreso than you.

Being thick skinned would not be considered provoking other people in an attempt to hide your own insecurities. I see it all the time. You lack self esteem and are in over your head.

You don't have people of your faith being slowly driven into the backwater of society. You are being encouraged while we are being destroyed and degraded. You don't have your society slowly alienating you from the very nation that revered you. You, my friend are being placed atop a pedestal you don't deserve to stand on. You should be thankful that you're getting such treatment. You want tolerance of your own way of life but are unwilling to tolerate others. You are the typical hypocrite, do as I say, not as I do. You want equality for your own kind but are unwilling to give it to others who are different from you. (Gee sounds familiar, doesn't it?)

How dare you think this is a one sided issue?

[ame=]Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Like I said, don't you dare lecture me. Not now, not ever.
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I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

And even funnier - the post I quoted from you here:

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

Left off this part from you:
Negged for throwing a tantrum.
You made that comment to someone who made a joke about a video posted of Rachel "Madcow."

That last part I left off because I didn't think it was relevant to show how your defense of the "Madcow" video and that you negged someone because of a joke...

And you then proceed to throw a tantrum because oh dearie...a video was posted by a satirist about biblical marriage - and tada, to emphasize how thick your skin is, you neg me now.

You are one absolutely adorable fundie. :lol:

In your words: "Did I strike a nerve?"
I would have had my head cut off if I posted such a satirical video about the Quran, Noomi. I doubt you know what research she did, you should fact check her.

That video is utterly offensive. Why is it we Christians are the butt of your jokes?

Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

Started? :eusa_eh:
And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

Gays and lesbians have been called every name conceivable, compared to murderers, thieves, dog fuckers, pedophiles, -- and get blamed for the entire general breakdown of families and society, accused of 'going after their children,' every form of debauchery known to man is laid at our doorstep;

I've had folks here call me "less than human," a child of Satan, worse than terrorists and have even had prominent television pastors blame ME for 911.

I've got pretty thick skin. Don't you lecture me.

And you think it's okay to repay an eye for an eye? Return the favor? How puerile. Does it ever occur to you that you denigrate your own cause when you participate in the very same things you claim are being done to you? Believe it or not, I am quite tolerant of gay people, I have friends who are gay, I play MMORPG's with gay people. But they have way more tolerance for my beliefs as I do theirs. Moreso than you.

Being thick skinned would not be considered provoking other people in an attempt to hide your own insecurities. I see it all the time. You lack self esteem and are in over your head.

You don't have people of your faith being slowly driven into the backwater of society. You are being placed atop a pedestal you don't deserve to stand on. You should be thankful. You want tolerance of your own way of life but are unwilling to tolerate others. You are the typical hypocrite, do as I say, not as I do.

How dare you think this is a one sided issue?

[ame=]Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Grow a pair, ok?
Maybe that video could have been called Innocence of Christians.


And another thing, if I started railing on gay people right here and now, where would your thick skin be? I didn't think so. Don't you dare lecture me.

And even funnier - the post I quoted from you here:

What? Did it strike a nerve? Last time I checked, this person has the right to post anything they wish as long as it was relevant to the OP. The First Amendment, ya know? Grow some thicker skin please.

Left off this part from you:
Negged for throwing a tantrum.
You made that comment to someone who made a joke about a video posted of Rachel "Madcow."

That last part I left off because I didn't think it was relevant to show how your defense of the "Madcow" video and that you negged someone because of a joke...

And you then proceed to throw a tantrum because oh dearie...a video was posted by a satirist about biblical marriage - and tada, to emphasize how thick your skin is, you neg me now.

You are one absolutely adorable fundie. :lol:

In your words: "Did I strike a nerve?"

There goes your tolerance again. :lol:

You are an absolutely adorable liberal, aren't you? Speaking of thick skin, why should you be worried that I negged you? Oh that's right... nevermind. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are either someone's sock, or revealing contents of a private conversation with another user without permission. Just how do you know what neg comments I made to another user? That is unless you have two accounts here.

I negged you for your thinking it is mature to provoke people. To denigrate someone's religion with impunity. This isn't a playground. And you're out of argument. Digging up dirt on people is what makes any straight man with a head on his shoulders revile you and your kind. You would garner a lot more respect for gay rights among Christians if you practiced what you preached and showed them the same type tolerance you want from them. The fact that you lament here on this board about what names you were called for being gay shows me you have no thicker skin now than you did then. Thick skin means having a short memory.

Yes I struck a nerve alright, instead of arguing this with me issue like an adult, you resort to this. This not only speaks to your intelligence, but your tolerance. You really are a piece of work, aren't you?
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Gays and lesbians have been called every name conceivable, compared to murderers, thieves, dog fuckers, pedophiles, -- and get blamed for the entire general breakdown of families and society, accused of 'going after their children,' every form of debauchery known to man is laid at our doorstep;

I've had folks here call me "less than human," a child of Satan, worse than terrorists and have even had prominent television pastors blame ME for 911.

I've got pretty thick skin. Don't you lecture me.

And you think it's okay to repay an eye for an eye? Return the favor? How puerile. Does it ever occur to you that you denigrate your own cause when you participate in the very same things you claim are being done to you? Believe it or not, I am quite tolerant of gay people, I have friends who are gay, I play MMORPG's with gay people. But they have way more tolerance for my beliefs as I do theirs. Moreso than you.

Being thick skinned would not be considered provoking other people in an attempt to hide your own insecurities. I see it all the time. You lack self esteem and are in over your head.

You don't have people of your faith being slowly driven into the backwater of society. You are being placed atop a pedestal you don't deserve to stand on. You should be thankful. You want tolerance of your own way of life but are unwilling to tolerate others. You are the typical hypocrite, do as I say, not as I do.

How dare you think this is a one sided issue?

[ame=]Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Grow a pair, ok?

Um no. How about you grow a brain first. Troll.

Yeah. I'm a sock. Been here four years before you, and I'm a sock. lol

You advertised you negged someone because they "had a tantrum." Then you had a tantrum.

In your words: "Did I strike a nerve?"

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