Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

Right, or we can call that moving the goalposts.

Yeah. I'm a sock. Been here four years before you, and I'm a sock. lol

You advertised you negged someone because they "had a tantrum." Then you had a tantrum.

In your words: "Did I strike a nerve?"

Tantrum? Was I typing in all caps? Yelling at the top of my lungs? Hurling expletives in your direction? Calling you vulgar names? Threatening to kill you? Just what tantrum was I having exactly?

Care to explain? Oh observant one?
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.
Societal norm is an odd term... like fairness, it has no real meaning. It's a phrase that assumes assumes truth told by the teller simply because of the telling.

Better to say legal, illegal.
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For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

Ahh I see. I finally see it now. Thank you for showing me the light.

Why, for someone who hates Christians, for someone who detests them so much; for someone who accuses them of being bigots, do you use their Bible to justify your homosexuality? Can you answer that for me? Why is that? Why do those who participate in sin try to use the Word of God to justify their sin?

Oh yes, I've heard homosexuals before: "Well the Bible doesn't say anything about homosexuality being a sin." As I have evidenced in this thread already, that is a lie. You claim others use it to "deny you your rights" yet many of your kind sit there and use it to justify what it speaks against.

That's pathetic.

They call this a "message board" do they not? Do you see "playground" anywhere in the name? How asinine.

People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

Actually, they talk, not type. Unlike this messageboard, children participate in face to face interpersonal communication. If you are going to have a serious discussion, have one. Don't make snide remarks and or retorts in place of a cogent argument. Or did we all of a sudden forget debate etiquette here?
And you think it's okay to repay an eye for an eye? Return the favor? How puerile. Does it ever occur to you that you denigrate your own cause when you participate in the very same things you claim are being done to you? Believe it or not, I am quite tolerant of gay people, I have friends who are gay, I play MMORPG's with gay people. But they have way more tolerance for my beliefs as I do theirs. Moreso than you.

Being thick skinned would not be considered provoking other people in an attempt to hide your own insecurities. I see it all the time. You lack self esteem and are in over your head.

You don't have people of your faith being slowly driven into the backwater of society. You are being placed atop a pedestal you don't deserve to stand on. You should be thankful. You want tolerance of your own way of life but are unwilling to tolerate others. You are the typical hypocrite, do as I say, not as I do.

How dare you think this is a one sided issue?

Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube

Grow a pair, ok?

Um no. How about you grow a brain first. Troll.
Ohhhhh....clever. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You mad, bro?
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.
Societal norm is an odd term... like fairness, it has no real meaning. It's a phrase that assumes assumes truth told by the teller simply because of the telling.

Better to say legal, illegal.

How ironic, societal norms as they have so been so described, eventually fade away. Slavery, racism... homosexuality...

Oh the irony of that ppv's comment.
I don't hate Christians. See....right there, you just lied about me. That's a sin, isn't it?

I detest bigots. Unless you think all Christians are bigots. I don't.

Shame. No wonder you complain about being so persecuted. Poor little wictim.
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

Right, or we can call that moving the goalposts.
Fine....then you can call condemning slavery "moving the goalposts". And then whine about it.

Yeah. I'm a sock. Been here four years before you, and I'm a sock. lol

You advertised you negged someone because they "had a tantrum." Then you had a tantrum.

In your words: "Did I strike a nerve?"

Tantrum? Was I typing in all caps? Yelling at the top of my lungs? Hurling expletives in your direction? Calling you vulgar names? Threatening to kill you? Just what tantrum was I having exactly?

Care to explain? Oh observant one?

Tissue, little man?

They call this a "message board" do they not? Do you see "playground" anywhere in the name? How asinine.

People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

See sections of this board on Humor, Hobbies, and The Taunting Arena.

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

He seems to be missing a sense of humor, doesn't he?
You homos need your own gay bakery. I will donate the ovens

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