Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

If we have society to establish a norm!

The one thing you can take to the bank is what has been proven in the historical record. Once a society starts down the road of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until it is totally destroyed. That you can take to the bank.

Huh, and here I thought the morality of owning another human being as a farm animal, then denying equality to generation upon generation of those people's children would be considered pretty perverse and depraved.

Yet here we are.

What was I thinking?

That's the entire problem. You were thinking.
Funny, you brought this up, I didn't. How is it you take issue with such a minutial statement? Or were you afraid to take the rest of my argument on? This argument of yours is a strawman.

Originally, I was wondering why gay people here think it's okay to make fun of the beliefs of others, namely Christians, but then get all riled up and defensive if someone makes even the slightest quip about them.

Because I find, sometimes, that the smallest phrases one utters are in fact very telling of what is going on.

What you can't see, or at least appear to not want to see, is a bunch of guys and gals smiling, entering in messages. Your screams and declarations of expertise and demands that you alone have all the answers in the great question of should gays be allowed to live in our society are falling on deaf ears. The debate as to whether gays will be accepted members of society is over. The gay bashers had their moment in the sun with the prop 8 and DOMA acts. It's over now. Those acts upon further review, are now seen as vile. It's over. Done. The fork is in it. You are beating a dead horse. You appear to have steam coming off your head. The folks you are chatting with appear to be smiling.

Get over it. Find yourself a gay person and talk to them man to gay person and maybe you'll find out they are not all the evil whack jobs you appear to believe they are.

I never claim to have any answers. I seek them out. What you should stop doing is performing psychoanalysis on someone just because they disagree with you.

Good day sir.
Being thick skinned would not be considered provoking other people in an attempt to hide your own insecurities. I see it all the time. You lack self esteem and are in over your head.

The Democratic Party founded the KKK, not only was it (the KKK) a racist group, it hated Jews and oh yes, homosexuals. As of now they still have that sin from their past roaming this country as we speak.

So now your threatening to call the KKK on me if I don't join in with your gay bashing routine?

Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.

Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.
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To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.
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So now your threatening to call the KKK on me if I don't join in with your gay bashing routine?

Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.

Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.

Actually, I was trying to point out the blatant hypocrisy being exercised by people like you. Gay calls Christian bigoted, Gay engages in bigotry against Christian, therefore Gay is a bigot, and a hypocrite. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does that not go along with the spirit of the thread? Or is it you lack reading comprehension skills? Were you not reading any of my posts before? Or can it be that instead of arguing me, you would rather insult me instead?
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So now your threatening to call the KKK on me if I don't join in with your gay bashing routine?

Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.

Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.
All because he got his widdle fweelings hurt over a video!

A video! A fundamentalist getting butt hurt over a video. Hmmm.

Anyway, in case others missed it, here's America's Best Christian sharing with us the history of Biblical Marriage...

[ame=]Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube[/ame]
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhaled deeply through his nose)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

Not gay, but now I see the problem here.

You actually think 2% of the population drove this baker out of business. ROFL OMG that's funny. No dude. The business was abandoned by the other 98% because this business refused to serve the 2%. Duh.
Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.

Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.
All because he got his widdle fweelings hurt over a video!

A video! A fundamentalist getting butt hurt over a video. Hmmm.

Anyway, in case others missed it, here's America's Best Christian sharing with us the history of Biblical Marriage...

[ame=]Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube[/ame]

Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhaled deeply through his nose)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

Not gay, but now I see the problem here.

You actually think 2% of the population drove this baker out of business. ROFL OMG that's funny. No dude. The business was abandoned by the other 98% because this business refused to serve the 2%. Duh.

No, that 2% along with liberal activists drove them out of business. There were plenty of other businesses out there to serve the 2%. Why this particular one, huh?
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.

I doubt it. So, since Truett Kathy made his stances known about what charities he donated to, why didn't the rest of the restaurant industry abandon Chick-fil-a? And so, the moral of your argument is:

Homosexuals are incapable of being bigots themselves.
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhaled deeply through his nose)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

Not gay, but now I see the problem here.

You actually think 2% of the population drove this baker out of business. ROFL OMG that's funny. No dude. The business was abandoned by the other 98% because this business refused to serve the 2%. Duh.

No, that 2% along with liberal activists drove them out of business. There were plenty of other businesses out there to serve the 2%. Why this particular one, huh?

People don't like bigots.

Hell i wouldn't patronize a place that turned anyone away for no other reason than simple bigotry and prejudice.
Not gay, but now I see the problem here.

You actually think 2% of the population drove this baker out of business. ROFL OMG that's funny. No dude. The business was abandoned by the other 98% because this business refused to serve the 2%. Duh.

No, that 2% along with liberal activists drove them out of business. There were plenty of other businesses out there to serve the 2%. Why this particular one, huh?

People don't like bigots.

Hell i wouldn't patronize a place that turned anyone away for no other reason than simple bigotry and prejudice.

So you care nothing for their religious beliefs? Would you have called them bigots if they were Muslim? My wager is that you would have said something along the lines of "well I can understand, they didn't want to violate their religious beliefs."
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Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.
All because he got his widdle fweelings hurt over a video!

A video! A fundamentalist getting butt hurt over a video. Hmmm.

Anyway, in case others missed it, here's America's Best Christian sharing with us the history of Biblical Marriage...

[ame=]Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube[/ame]

Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.
Be my guest. But be prepared when you find an accurate one, it doesn't make Christians look very good.
Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.

Bingo. My point exactly. You are being paranoid. The people in this thread were trying to have a discussion about the topic and YOU turned it into a personality thread.

Actually, I was trying to point out the blatant hypocrisy being exercised by people like you. Gay calls Christian bigoted, Gay engages in bigotry against Christian, therefore Gay is a bigot, and a hypocrite. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does that not go along with the spirit of the thread? Or is it you lack reading comprehension skills? Were you not reading any of my posts before? Or can it be that instead of arguing me, you would rather insult me instead?
I skimmed your posts... did you? read them from someone else' shoes. You are taking this discussion personally, because you see support of gays as an affront to your beliefs. Yet say you have friends who are gay.. FYI remember the scene when Archie says some of his best friends are black. Yeah it's like that. It's one thing to have a relationship with someone of a minority, and another thing entirely to be willing and able to put your feet in their shoes. Remember, I'm a southern white male christian. And yes I'm willing to fight for the rights of minorities in our society. Esp. from those whom I think are throwing stones. You appear to be knee jerk defending this baker's business because you feel the gays took their business away from them. But that is not the case. The baker refused to do business, even though the laws are such that those who sell to the public are not allowed to discriminate. Yet, they did. The word got out. And low and behold the 70% of this nation who are christians, boycotted the baker, oh yeah and the other 30%. You are focused on the gays boycotting the baker but fail to rec. that the gays are only 2% of the population.

Templar, I'd buy you a beer if I could. But I think you are on the wrong side on this one.
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To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.

I doubt it. So, since Truett Kathy made his stances known about what charities he donated to, why didn't the rest of the restaurant industry abandon Chick-fil-a? And so, the moral of your argument is:

Homosexuals are incapable of being bigots themselves.

I never said that did I

And obviously the Chik Fil A franchise is a different entity being nearly national and locally owned by various franchisees.

I doubt if anything that happened in one store would affect the entire chain. But individual stores could fall victim to boycotts.

This bakery on the other hand didn't have the strength of many franchises and was dependent on the local market it served.

The owners took a stand good for them now they have to pay the price because that stand cost them their business.
I am not suggesting anyone here actually hates gay folks.
But if you did, ok, fine.
But if you are really a defender of freedom and equal rights for everyone the standard for that in my book is: You are not even close to being a defender of liberty which this country is founded on UNLESS you stand up and fight for the rights of those YOU despise the most.
Nothing less. That is the bar. Either you practice that or you fall short.
All because he got his widdle fweelings hurt over a video!

A video! A fundamentalist getting butt hurt over a video. Hmmm.

Anyway, in case others missed it, here's America's Best Christian sharing with us the history of Biblical Marriage...

Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube

Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.
Be my guest. But be prepared when you find an accurate one, it doesn't make Christians look very good.

Oh, that depends on your definition of "accurate" is, now doesn't it?
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.
Isn't that what people who are against Public Accommodations Laws say all the time?

If a business was known to discriminate, they would not patronize the place and let word get out the business discriminates?

Free Market will take care it. Well, here it did, and wala, now we see where the ox is ...gory.
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.

I doubt it. So, since Truett Kathy made his stances known about what charities he donated to, why didn't the rest of the restaurant industry abandon Chick-fil-a? And so, the moral of your argument is:

Homosexuals are incapable of being bigots themselves.

Because having a stance and donating to charities is not the same as turning away customers based on sexual orientation. Last I checked chick-fil-a will cater a gay wedding.

Ok, I'm lying I have no idea if they would. However if they refused to do so... well then you would have a similar situation. The difference is huge here. The democrats were calling for a boycott of chickfila because of the owner's beliefs, not because of the owners refusal to serve gays.
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