Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.

I doubt it. So, since Truett Kathy made his stances known about what charities he donated to, why didn't the rest of the restaurant industry abandon Chick-fil-a? And so, the moral of your argument is:

Homosexuals are incapable of being bigots themselves.

Because having a stance and donating to charities is not the same as turning away customers based on sexual orientation. Last I checked chick-fil-a will cater a gay wedding.

But in both instances LGBT folks called for boycotts. Interesting is it not? They both had the intent of destroying the said business in question. This bakery was put out of business because nobody is allowed to be politically incorrect in this society.
No, that 2% along with liberal activists drove them out of business. There were plenty of other businesses out there to serve the 2%. Why this particular one, huh?

People don't like bigots.

Hell i wouldn't patronize a place that turned anyone away for no other reason than simple bigotry and prejudice.

So you care nothing for their religious beliefs?

No I don't. Why should I?

Would you have called them bigots if they were Muslim?

Of course I would. Religion as an excuse for bigotry is still bigotry.

Doesn't Christianity tell its followers that only god has the right to judge others?

My wager is that you would have said something along the lines of "well I can understand, they didn't want to violate their religious beliefs."

I hope you'd make a large wager because I would win that bet.

In fact I have said that a Muslim who takes a job in a store that sells beer and bacon refuses to handle beer and bacon should be fired.

And I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation of how baking a cake would put anyone's immortal soul in jeopardy.
Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.
Be my guest. But be prepared when you find an accurate one, it doesn't make Christians look very good.

Oh, that depends on your definition of "accurate" is, now doesn't it?
Is this the part where you wiggle around Leviticus and pretend Christians haven't used the line about "they shall surely be put to death; their blood be upon them" to know, kill homosexuals?
To you, gay members of this board I posit these questions:

In this instance of this bakery, do you think it was okay for others of your mindset to drive them out of business as they did? What if these bakers were gay? And what if Christians decided to mount such a ruckus that they were driven out of business?

Are you getting me here?

(Inhales deeply through his nose, exhales)

Ahh, the smell of hypocrisy is on the air.

They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.
Isn't that what people who are against Public Accommodations Laws say all the time?

If a business was known to discriminate, they would not patronize the place and let word get out the business discriminates?

Free Market will take care it. Well, here it did, and wala, now we see where the ox is ...gory.

Exactly what i have been saying all along.

Any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason but then they have to accept the consequences of that decision.
They weren't boycotted because they were Christian.

They were boycotted because they were bigots.

And as I said they made the mistake of pissing off enough of their market to take a mortal financial wound so they put themselves out of business.
Isn't that what people who are against Public Accommodations Laws say all the time?

If a business was known to discriminate, they would not patronize the place and let word get out the business discriminates?

Free Market will take care it. Well, here it did, and wala, now we see where the ox is ...gory.

Exactly what i have been saying all along.

Any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason but then they have to accept the consequences of that decision.

Or, simply find someone else to offer your patronage. Or did that thought never occur to you? Why destroy someone's livelihood over it?
So you care nothing for their religious beliefs?

No I don't. Why should I?


Not caring is not bigotry it is apathy.

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I don't care what their beliefs are.

If they took a stand on their beliefs then good for them. Now they can deal with the fallout.

Seems to me not too many of their fellow Christians stepped up to support them so maybe you should be castigating them.
Be my guest. But be prepared when you find an accurate one, it doesn't make Christians look very good.

Oh, that depends on your definition of "accurate" is, now doesn't it?
Is this the part where you wiggle around Leviticus and pretend Christians haven't used the line about "they shall surely be put to death; their blood be upon them" to know, kill homosexuals?

Yeah, apparently you people only like to read only one half of the Bible. Not only do you not like being stereotyped, you do the stereotyping. Since when have you seen packs of Christians in the streets looking for gay people to kill?

From the beginning man was vegetarian (Genesis 1:30). The Bible lists a number of covenants after this and usually there were some associated rule changes at this time. When there was a new covenant with Noah, man was allowed to eat clean and unclean meat (Genesis 9:3). With Moses, meat eating was even more strict, limiting them to eat only meat that was clean (e.g., Leviticus 11:47). In the new covenant in Christ’s blood, this was further opened up (Romans 14:1–4). And in heaven, we will be vegetarian again to complete the cycle (there will be no death in heaven [Revelation 21:4], so no meat will be available).


Is this the part where you say: "Did I strike a nerve?"
Isn't that what people who are against Public Accommodations Laws say all the time?

If a business was known to discriminate, they would not patronize the place and let word get out the business discriminates?

Free Market will take care it. Well, here it did, and wala, now we see where the ox is ...gory.

Exactly what i have been saying all along.

Any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason but then they have to accept the consequences of that decision.

Or, simply find someone else to offer your patronage. Or did that thought never occur to you? Why destroy someone's livelihood over it?

They destroyed their own business by not adapting to the times.

Sorry but if I started turning people away for personal reasons I would expect backlash from the community.

But then again I try to think about the consequences of my actions and I do not believe that simply serving a person in my business makes me liable for whatever sins they may be committing.

No rational person does.
I doubt it. So, since Truett Kathy made his stances known about what charities he donated to, why didn't the rest of the restaurant industry abandon Chick-fil-a? And so, the moral of your argument is:

Homosexuals are incapable of being bigots themselves.

Because having a stance and donating to charities is not the same as turning away customers based on sexual orientation. Last I checked chick-fil-a will cater a gay wedding.

But in both instances LGBT folks called for boycotts. Interesting is it not? They both had the intent of destroying the said business in question. This bakery was put out of business because nobody is allowed to be politically incorrect in this society.
No. The bakery was put out of business by it's owners. The owners lost their business when their customers abandoned them. Their customers abandoned them because the bakery owner refused to serve to a gay couple at a gay wedding. If the baker had taken the funds from the "gay" wedding and donated it to a christian charity, then the baker would still be in business. Further if the LGBT/democrats called for a boycott because the baker donated to a charity, the christians would have trippled the baker's business.

You see, it's not about political correctness. It's about treating people as human beings.
No I don't. Why should I?


Not caring is not bigotry it is apathy.

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I don't care what their beliefs are.

If they took a stand on their beliefs then good for them. Now they can deal with the fallout.

Seems to me no too many of their fellow Christians stepped up to support them so maybe you should be castigating them.

In the context of the question, you would act regardless of their religious beliefs. That is called intolerance, bigotry and insensitivity.


adj (foll by of )

1. lacking respect for practices and beliefs other than one's own

You are as guilty of this as you claim we are. Game. Set. Match.
Oh, that depends on your definition of "accurate" is, now doesn't it?
Is this the part where you wiggle around Leviticus and pretend Christians haven't used the line about "they shall surely be put to death; their blood be upon them" to know, kill homosexuals?

Yeah, apparently you people only like to read only one half of the Bible. Not only do you not like being stereotyped, you do the stereotyping. Since when have you seen packs of Christians in the streets looking for gay people to kill?
Did you forget the word history in there?

Geeze man. Pay attention to your own freakin' argument.

Quote: Originally Posted by TemplarKormac Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.
Because having a stance and donating to charities is not the same as turning away customers based on sexual orientation. Last I checked chick-fil-a will cater a gay wedding.

But in both instances LGBT folks called for boycotts. Interesting is it not? They both had the intent of destroying the said business in question. This bakery was put out of business because nobody is allowed to be politically incorrect in this society.
No. The bakery was put out of business by it's owners. The owners lost their business when their customers abandoned them. Their customers abandoned them because the bakery owner refused to serve to a gay couple at a gay wedding. If the baker had taken the funds from the "gay" wedding and donated it to a christian charity, then the baker would still be in business. Further if the LGBT/democrats called for a boycott because the baker donated to a charity, the christians would have trippled the baker's business.

You see, it's not about political correctness. It's about treating people as human beings.

Uh-huh.. you want gay people to be treated as human beings, but in return you allow them to dehumanize others. What a colossal double standard, Mr. Brown.

Not caring is not bigotry it is apathy.

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I don't care what their beliefs are.

If they took a stand on their beliefs then good for them. Now they can deal with the fallout.

Seems to me no too many of their fellow Christians stepped up to support them so maybe you should be castigating them.

In the context of the question, you would act regardless of their religious beliefs. That is called intolerance, bigotry and insensitivity.


adj (foll by of )

1. lacking respect for practices and beliefs other than one's own

You are as guilty of this as you claim we are. Game. Set. Match.
I admit to being a bigot against homophobes and racists of all religions.
Is this the part where you wiggle around Leviticus and pretend Christians haven't used the line about "they shall surely be put to death; their blood be upon them" to know, kill homosexuals?

Yeah, apparently you people only like to read only one half of the Bible. Not only do you not like being stereotyped, you do the stereotyping. Since when have you seen packs of Christians in the streets looking for gay people to kill?
Did you forget the word history in there?

Geeze man. Pay attention to your own freakin' argument.

Quote: Originally Posted by TemplarKormac Oh sure. Let's see if I can't find a video describing to you all the "history" of homosexuality.

Yeah, I know my own argument. And unlike you, I have read the entire book. Also unlike you, I don't have to cherrypick verses out of a religious text to justify myself.
Not caring is not bigotry it is apathy.

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I don't care what their beliefs are.

If they took a stand on their beliefs then good for them. Now they can deal with the fallout.

Seems to me no too many of their fellow Christians stepped up to support them so maybe you should be castigating them.

In the context of the question, you would act regardless of their religious beliefs. That is called intolerance, bigotry and insensitivity.


adj (foll by of )

1. lacking respect for practices and beliefs other than one's own

You are as guilty of this as you claim we are. Game. Set. Match.
I admit to being a bigot against homophobes and racists of all religions.

Actually, that's called being a smart alec.
But in both instances LGBT folks called for boycotts. Interesting is it not? They both had the intent of destroying the said business in question. This bakery was put out of business because nobody is allowed to be politically incorrect in this society.
No. The bakery was put out of business by it's owners. The owners lost their business when their customers abandoned them. Their customers abandoned them because the bakery owner refused to serve to a gay couple at a gay wedding. If the baker had taken the funds from the "gay" wedding and donated it to a christian charity, then the baker would still be in business. Further if the LGBT/democrats called for a boycott because the baker donated to a charity, the christians would have trippled the baker's business.

You see, it's not about political correctness. It's about treating people as human beings.

Uh-huh.. you want gay people to be treated as human beings, but in return you allow them to dehumanize others. What a colossal double standard, Mr. Brown.

Explain please. How was the baker dehumanized? If that happened, I'll defend the baker against that act. Bring me to your side of the argument. How was the baker dehumanized. If that happened I will be every bit as angry as you are. All humor would be gone... I would ask you to sign me up. Uhm what are you protesting against again... protesters exercising free speech?
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Because having a stance and donating to charities is not the same as turning away customers based on sexual orientation. Last I checked chick-fil-a will cater a gay wedding.

But in both instances LGBT folks called for boycotts. Interesting is it not? They both had the intent of destroying the said business in question. This bakery was put out of business because nobody is allowed to be politically incorrect in this society.
No. The bakery was put out of business by it's owners. The owners lost their business when their customers abandoned them. Their customers abandoned them because the bakery owner refused to serve to a gay couple at a gay wedding
Not just refused service, the lesbian walked into a bakery and asked to have a wedding cake made. Happy repeat customer.

Owner informs her he doesn't do same-sex wedding cakes and then proceeds to tell her she was an abomination, and that her "money is not equal."

Temmy-boy leaves that part out.

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