Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

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From the Christian Post:

Months after facing a media storm for their refusal to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding due to their Christian faith, husband and wife owners of the Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery in Gresham, Ore., are now facing new attacks from gay advocates whom they say are determined to run them out of business.

When Melissa and Aaron Klein's stance on homosexuality was made public in February , the couple received a mixed bag of positive support and outrage.

Since then however, the positive support has dwindled, according to a recent report in TheBlaze triggering fears among the couple that they could be forced to close the bakery if the attacks continue.

"I feel like all these media people — they have not gotten our story — our actual story. And what we're really about and why we said no," said Melissa Klein in TheBlaze report. "Everyone is looking at us like we're these hateful monsters that don't want to serve gay people."

Last Monday, the Willamette Week in an undercover operation reported that while they were refusing to cater for gay weddings, the Sweet Cakes owners were recently willing to provide baked goods celebrating divorces, unmarried parents, stem-cell research, non-kosher barbecues and pagan solstice parties. The owners told TheBlaze the report was false and that neither of them answered the calls from the undercover reporters.

The report, according to TheBlaze, reignited passions among gay advocates who have reportedly called for Aaron Klein to be shot and raped through caustic telephone calls and e-mails. Some of the e-mails shared in the report even called for illness to befall the couple's five children.

"You stupid bible thumping, hypocritical b****. I hope your kids get really, really, sick and you go out of business," notes one e-mail.

Gay Advocates Want to Shutter Christian Bakery That Refused to Make Wedding Cake for Lesbians
And here is the coup de grace:

From the Washington Times:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash.

Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop - Washington Times

Templar, there is nothing here but a few accusations from the bigot bakers. Why are you again pointing to this article from the bakers? You are refusing to answer the questions and instead pointing to random accusations from the bakers about what one or two people did that hate the bakers. Why are you dodging the questions?
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By baking that cake for a gay couple you are expressing condonement for that type of behavior, thus making it sinful.
Why? Does the act of baking a cake require the baker to have sex with customer? Does the baker have to make some public statement of support for the wedding party? Does the baker have to be gay to make a cake for gays? When you make a cake for gays is that cake now a gay cake and the baker a gay baker? Do gays have some sort of disease that if you touch them or get near them their gayness will rub off?

You said above that you have gay friends. Do you condone their behavior? Does them being your friends mean that you are a champion of the gay community? How can you be a christian and condone their behavior? How can they be your friends if you don't condone their behavior? Explain.

Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality. Regardless of my views on homosexuality, I will never in my lifetime mistreat one.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. I bet you are raking that head of yours "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple do the same?
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And here is the coup de grace:

From the Washington Times:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash.

Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop - Washington Times

Templar, there is nothing here but a few accusations from the bigot bakers. Why are you again pointing to this article from the bakers? You are refusing to answer the questions and instead pointing to random accusations from the bakers about what one or two people did that hate the bakers. Why are you dodging the questions?
The Coup de Grace is he used the Moonie Times. LOL
And here is the coup de grace:

From the Washington Times:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash.

Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop - Washington Times

Templar, there is nothing here but a few accusations from the bigot bakers. Why are you again pointing to this article from the bakers? You are refusing to answer the questions and instead pointing to random accusations from the bakers about what one or two people did that hate the bakers. Why are you dodging the questions?

Are you refusing to acknowledge the validity of these articles? Are are you afraid that homosexuals are just as much bigoted as you claim these bakers are? I didn't dodge anything. You are the one refusing to acknowledge the article.

At any rate. I have sated my anger. Please feel free to argue with empty bandwidth.

Templar, there is nothing here but a few accusations from the bigot bakers. Why are you again pointing to this article from the bakers? You are refusing to answer the questions and instead pointing to random accusations from the bakers about what one or two people did that hate the bakers. Why are you dodging the questions?
The Coup de Grace is he used the Moonie Times. LOL

This is America and we have the freedom to say and believe what our conscience tells us. Get over yourself. There are other bakeries: ergo shop elsewhere, but your agenda is not about cake is it?
By baking that cake for a gay couple you are expressing condonement for that type of behavior, thus making it sinful.
Why? Does the act of baking a cake require the baker to have sex with customer? Does the baker have to make some public statement of support for the wedding party? Does the baker have to be gay to make a cake for gays? When you make a cake for gays is that cake now a gay cake and the baker a gay baker? Do gays have some sort of disease that if you touch them or get near them their gayness will rub off?

You said above that you have gay friends. Do you condone their behavior? Does them being your friends mean that you are a champion of the gay community? How can you be a christian and condone their behavior? How can they be your friends if you don't condone their behavior? Explain.

Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple practice it?
Were the bakers "sued out of business?" Link?

Have you told your friends that you are only tolerant of their beliefs and that you do NOT condone their infirmities? There is a big difference between not being gay, and merely tolerating their existence but despising them nonetheless for what they do.

Perhaps they are not your friends at all and are merely tolerating you. Did you ever think of that?

How can you have a friend, yet not be a champion for your friend. How does that even work? What you are describing is a willful tolerance of a mortal enemy of you and your religion that you think should go to hell for their deeds if they do not repent in time. To me, that is not a relationship between friends.
Why? Does the act of baking a cake require the baker to have sex with customer? Does the baker have to make some public statement of support for the wedding party? Does the baker have to be gay to make a cake for gays? When you make a cake for gays is that cake now a gay cake and the baker a gay baker? Do gays have some sort of disease that if you touch them or get near them their gayness will rub off?

You said above that you have gay friends. Do you condone their behavior? Does them being your friends mean that you are a champion of the gay community? How can you be a christian and condone their behavior? How can they be your friends if you don't condone their behavior? Explain.

Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple practice it?
Were the bakers "sued out of business?" Link?

Have you told your friends that you are only tolerant of their beliefs and that you do NOT condone their infirmities? There is a big difference between not being gay, and merely tolerating their existence but despising them nonetheless for what they do.

Perhaps they are not your friends at all and are merely tolerating you. Did you ever think of that?

How can you have a friend, yet not be a champion for your friend. How does that even work? What you are describing is a willful tolerance of a mortal enemy of you and your religion that you think should go to hell for their deeds if they do not repent in time. To me, that is not a relationship between friends.

Do you see them in business? Case in point. My friend never asked me to champion his way of life, nor I of him. Not all friendship is based on "what's in it for me?"
Not the same as Roe. Roe was bad law because it fails to defend the life of a helpless child. Civil rights laws are not being "fought" are they? This is just another case of another classification of another minority group who's civil rights are being urinated on by some members of our society. Sexual orientation will be added to the laws on civil rights and the issue will be put to bed, just as the issue on racism was put to bed. Sure there will still be racists and homophobes but that does not mean the issue of civil rights is still in play. Up next, I suspect, will be plural marriages.

Does an unborn child not have civil rights too?

According to current law they don't if the mother decides to kill it before the last trimester. But that's another thread.

Granting same sex marriage rights is bad law. Giving gays protected class status is bad law. When sexual orientation is added to the Laws on civil rights, it will also add child molestation (minor attracted persons) to the list.

Why? Because when a society starts on the road to depravity and perversion, it does not stop until it is totally destroyed. Just like every other time.
Are you refusing to acknowledge the validity of these articles? Are are you afraid that homosexuals are just as much bigoted as you claim these bakers are? I didn't dodge anything. You are the one refusing to acknowledge the article.

At any rate. I have sated my anger. Please feel free to argue with empty bandwidth.
>>> Are you refusing to acknowledge the validity of these articles?
No sir. I'm simply reading the article, this is just another copy of the other one, in context. The bakers made a few claims to a reporter that they are being harassed. These accusations by the bakers have to be read in context. Did they get some hate mail? Probably. But I don't read that as every single customer of these bakers left because of the hate mail. I read this as the bakers got some hate mail from a couple haters. It happens to everyone that sticks their neck out. No one that runs a business is completely immune to hate mail. The bakers went out of business because their bus. left them. The harassment by a few people is not a reason to quit. No money, is a reason to quit.

>>> Are are you afraid that homosexuals are just as much bigoted as you claim these bakers are?

There are bigoted ass holes in every group. Gays, christians, bakers, ... no group is immune to inclusion of bigoted jerks.

>>> You are the one refusing to acknowledge the article.
Not true. The point is you read the article as gospel. I read the article, in context, as an accusation by a bigoted baker that he is being harassed. I do not read that as the harassment this baker is receiving is indicative of a major problem with all gays and lesbians.
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As I said before simply baking a cake for someone in no way makes the baker liable for the sins of the customer.

The baker did not have to attend the wedding or the reception all he had to do was treat this couple like he would anyone else. if he did that he would still be in business with happy customers referring new customers to him.

That is game set match.

If they participated in a same sex wedding, they are not responsible for the sins of their customer, they have committed their own, personal, sin for which they are answerable.

They would not have been participating in the wedding they would have been baking a cake for which they would be compensated.

And let me get this straight, not being gay, not committing gay sex acts, and baking a cake for gay people is a sin?


So in other words being tolerant of others is a sin.

Yes, they would have to attend the wedding.

No they wouldn't have.

They did not have to attend the ceremony they did not have to attend the reception after.

All they had to do was deliver the cake to the reception hall and set it up before there were any gay people there.

As I said I have experience with delivering and setting up wedding cakes with my aunt and we never attended the ceremony or the reception.

The cake was delivered and set up hours beforehand

Had they thought ahead and considered it more carefully, the baker might have agreed to bake the cake, but leave set up and construction of the tiers to the customer. This same baker had baked cakes for this same customer before. The customer ordered the cake, picked it up and took it to the birthday party. Treat the wedding cake the same way.

How about you treat the customer the same way you would any other customer?

That's the real issue here.
By baking that cake for a gay couple you are expressing condonement for that type of behavior, thus making it sinful.
Why? Does the act of baking a cake require the baker to have sex with customer? Does the baker have to make some public statement of support for the wedding party? Does the baker have to be gay to make a cake for gays? When you make a cake for gays is that cake now a gay cake and the baker a gay baker? Do gays have some sort of disease that if you touch them or get near them their gayness will rub off?

You said above that you have gay friends. Do you condone their behavior? Does them being your friends mean that you are a champion of the gay community? How can you be a christian and condone their behavior? How can they be your friends if you don't condone their behavior? Explain.

Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality. Regardless of my views on homosexuality, I will never in my lifetime mistreat one.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. I bet you are raking that head of yours "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple do the same?

I don't see how baking a cake can be against your beliefs if you are a baker.

After all that's all this guy had to do was bake a cake and get paid.

He didn't have to agree with the customer's life style all he had to do was treat the person as he would have treated anyone else.

But I guess that's too much to ask.
Does an unborn child not have civil rights too?

According to current law they don't if the mother decides to kill it before the last trimester. But that's another thread.

Granting same sex marriage rights is bad law. Giving gays protected class status is bad law. When sexual orientation is added to the Laws on civil rights, it will also add child molestation (minor attracted persons) to the list.

Why? Because when a society starts on the road to depravity and perversion, it does not stop until it is totally destroyed. Just like every other time.

Please show me where anyone has ever defended child molestation in this or any other country in the last 500 years. Perhaps you are projecting your perverted desires on others.
Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple practice it?
Were the bakers "sued out of business?" Link?

Have you told your friends that you are only tolerant of their beliefs and that you do NOT condone their infirmities? There is a big difference between not being gay, and merely tolerating their existence but despising them nonetheless for what they do.

Perhaps they are not your friends at all and are merely tolerating you. Did you ever think of that?

How can you have a friend, yet not be a champion for your friend. How does that even work? What you are describing is a willful tolerance of a mortal enemy of you and your religion that you think should go to hell for their deeds if they do not repent in time. To me, that is not a relationship between friends.

Do you see them in business? Case in point. My friend never asked me to champion his way of life, nor I of him. Not all friendship is based on "what's in it for me?"
Your definition of "sued out of business" is whether of not a business remains open? Huh?

>>> Case in point. My friend never asked me to champion his way of life, nor I of him. Not all friendship is based on "what's in it for me?"

You miss the point, you are not only not championing his way of life, you are ridiculing it, calling it a sickness, ... See my reference to Archie Bunker... this is the same thing. You are tolerating your friend and basically saying that you are doing your friend a favor by letting him have a heterosexual friend like yourself. Your toleration while ridiculing and calling out your friend as going to hell makes you not just a bigot against your friend but also a bad friend. Let go of your hate for gay behavior. You don't have to participate if you don't want to. They are not gonna force you to be gay, any more than they forced this baker out of business.
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Why? Does the act of baking a cake require the baker to have sex with customer? Does the baker have to make some public statement of support for the wedding party? Does the baker have to be gay to make a cake for gays? When you make a cake for gays is that cake now a gay cake and the baker a gay baker? Do gays have some sort of disease that if you touch them or get near them their gayness will rub off?

You said above that you have gay friends. Do you condone their behavior? Does them being your friends mean that you are a champion of the gay community? How can you be a christian and condone their behavior? How can they be your friends if you don't condone their behavior? Explain.

Yeah, it does. It is a violation of my conscience. The gay couple should have enough decency to respect my beliefs in the same way they would want me to respect theirs. They only wish this to be one sided. Utter submission, no questions asked. Serve us or be sued out of business.

They are my friends because I am tolerant of their beliefs, they know full well I will never condone them. For it, they respect that, and we carry on a friendship regardless of what the PC crowd thinks. And no, I am working to disprove the notion that Christians are bigots. I am far from being a champion of homosexuality. Regardless of my views on homosexuality, I will never in my lifetime mistreat one.

Yeah, I thought that'd ring a bell. I know you are desperately trying to turn my argument on its head, but you can't. I doubt you can fathom how a Christian can get along with a homosexual. I bet you are raking that head of yours "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" It's simple, you ignore their infirmities. If it were so easy for a fiery soul like mine to forgive, then why couldn't one lone gay couple do the same?

I don't see how baking a cake can be against your beliefs if you are a baker.

After all that's all this guy had to do was bake a cake and get paid.

He didn't have to agree with the customer's life style all he had to do was treat the person as he would have treated anyone else.

But I guess that's too much to ask.

It was not an issue of baking a cake. It was an issue of where the cake would be assembled. Had the cake been assembled at the bakery and the customer picked it up there, there would have been no problem and I am 100% certain the baker would have cheerfully baked the cake. But to assemble the cake at the reception place and thereby become part of the function itself was not within the scope of the baker's conscience. Any more than he would have been comfortable assembling a cake at that KKK convention or at a function at the Westboro Baptist Church or anything else that he could not support in good conscience.

He has the right to live his life and be master of his own convictions every bit as much as that gay couple does.

Those who think it is okay to destroy somebody financially purely because they hold a point of view you don't agree with is unAmerican, evil, and should never be condoned by anybody.
Your definition of "sued out of business" is whether of not a business remains open? Huh?

He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

They were not sued. A complaint was filed.

In the same way someone would file a suit if the dude said sorry, we don;t serve Jews here.

The owner said it had been in the works for a while now, the mother of five said she wanted to spend more time with her kids and that owning an open shop was very stressful. Dad works another 40 hour job. And they both said clearly the state had nothing to do with them deciding to work it from home.

The Portland food critic noted the shop had a lot of bad reviews for crappy tasting pastries.

Free market. It's a bitch.

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