Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

They call this a "message board" do they not? Do you see "playground" anywhere in the name? How asinine.

People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

See sections of this board on Humor, Hobbies, and The Taunting Arena.

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

He seems to be missing a sense of humor, doesn't he?

Yeah some folks take their gay bashing pretty seriously.
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

If we have society to establish a norm!

The one thing you can take to the bank is what has been proven in the historical record. Once a society starts down the road of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until it is totally destroyed. That you can take to the bank.
They call this a "message board" do they not? Do you see "playground" anywhere in the name? How asinine.

People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

See sections of this board on Humor, Hobbies, and The Taunting Arena.

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

He seems to be missing a sense of humor, doesn't he?

You seem to be missing a sense of tolerance, aren't you?
No, I asked why you think it is religious, which explains why you are an idiot.

When someone tells you God will punish you for doing something you believe it is not religious?
In what other way is the word GOD used other than in terms of RELIGION?

And you claim I am the idiot.

When you start adding extra things into your stories I suspect you are lying.

Granny stated to us that if we masturbated God would make us go blind is what I posted.
Then you posted why did I think it was religious.
And then I posted back because SHE MENTIONED GOD AND WHAT GOD WOULD DO
And you claim mentioning GOD is not religious in any way in that post.
All the while claiming I am the idiot.
I have restrained myself long enough.
Quantum Windbag, with all due respect, you are the idiot and a large one at that.
People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

See sections of this board on Humor, Hobbies, and The Taunting Arena.

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

He seems to be missing a sense of humor, doesn't he?

You seem to be missing a sense of tolerance, aren't you?

Based on what? Hurting your widdle feewings?
People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

See sections of this board on Humor, Hobbies, and The Taunting Arena.

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

He seems to be missing a sense of humor, doesn't he?

Yeah some folks take their gay bashing pretty seriously.

And you take your lack of seriousness pretty seriously. Note that if I ever told jokes about gay people in the way you did, I would be ridiculed in the exact same fashion.
Yeah some folks take their gay bashing pretty seriously.

And you take your lack of seriousness pretty seriously. Note that if I ever told jokes about gay people in the way you did, I would be ridiculed in the exact same fashion.

And we know you bruise easily, cupcake.

I don't bruise easily, I do the bruising. Namely, since you have zero argument and are only being a prick rather than a participant in the discussion.

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They call this a "message board" do they not? Do you see "playground" anywhere in the name? How asinine.

People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

Actually, they talk, not type. Unlike this messageboard, children participate in face to face interpersonal communication. If you are going to have a serious discussion, have one. Don't make snide remarks and or retorts in place of a cogent argument. Or did we all of a sudden forget debate etiquette here?

I'm sorry, what were you debating again? That this is not a playground where people can have fun? Or that children can't "write" messages in the sand or use chalk boards at a playground? Or that a playground for adults can't include making arguments about a baker's idiocy in loosing his business based on his hate for one of his best customers. Or are you really arguing that typing a message isn't the same as speaking the same message or writing it down in script. Or are you still arguing that there were no real slaves during Rome's empire. LOL
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People don't talk or leave messages at playgrounds?

Where do you get off saying no one can have fun on this board?

And yes, you do appear to have a stick up you butt today.

Actually, they talk, not type. Unlike this messageboard, children participate in face to face interpersonal communication. If you are going to have a serious discussion, have one. Don't make snide remarks and or retorts in place of a cogent argument. Or did we all of a sudden forget debate etiquette here?

I'm sorry, what were you debating again? That this is not a playground where people can have fun? Or that children can't "write" messages in the sand or use chalk boards at a playground? Or that a playground for adults can't include making arguments about a baker's idiocy in loosing his business based on his hate for one of his best customers. Or are you really arguing that typing a message isn't the same as speaking the same message or writing it down in script. LOL

Funny, you brought this up, I didn't. How is it you take issue with such a minutial statement? Or were you afraid to take the rest of my argument on? This argument of yours is a strawman.

Originally, I was wondering why gay people here think it's okay to make fun of the beliefs of others, namely Christians, but then get all riled up and defensive if someone makes even the slightest quip about them? I was wondering why gay people and liberals call people like me bigots, but routinely participate in it?

Here's a little tidbit for you:

The Democratic Party founded the KKK, not only was it (the KKK) a racist group, it hated Jews and oh yes, homosexuals. As of now they still have that sin from their past roaming this country as we speak.
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Actually, they talk, not type. Unlike this messageboard, children participate in face to face interpersonal communication. If you are going to have a serious discussion, have one. Don't make snide remarks and or retorts in place of a cogent argument. Or did we all of a sudden forget debate etiquette here?

I'm sorry, what were you debating again? That this is not a playground where people can have fun? Or that children can't "write" messages in the sand or use chalk boards at a playground? Or that a playground for adults can't include making arguments about a baker's idiocy in loosing his business based on his hate for one of his best customers. Or are you really arguing that typing a message isn't the same as speaking the same message or writing it down in script. LOL

Funny, you brought this up, I didn't. How is it you take issue with such a minutial statement? Or were you afraid to take the rest of my argument on? This argument of yours is a strawman.

Originally, I was wondering why gay people here think it's okay to make fun of the beliefs of others, namely Christians, but then get all riled up and defensive if someone makes even the slightest quip about them.

Because I find, sometimes, that the smallest phrases one utters are in fact very telling of what is going on.

What you can't see, or at least appear to not want to see, is a bunch of guys and gals smiling, entering in messages. Your screams and declarations of expertise and demands that you alone have all the answers in the great question of should gays be allowed to live in our society are falling on deaf ears. The debate as to whether gays will be accepted members of society is over. The gay bashers had their moment in the sun with the prop 8 and DOMA acts. It's over now. Those acts upon further review, are now seen as vile. It's over. Done. The fork is in it. You are beating a dead horse. You appear to have steam coming off your head. The folks you are chatting with appear to be smiling.

Get over it. Find yourself a gay person and talk to them man to gay person and maybe you'll find out they are not all the evil whack jobs you appear to believe they are.
The Democratic Party founded the KKK, not only was it (the KKK) a racist group, it hated Jews and oh yes, homosexuals. As of now they still have that sin from their past roaming this country as we speak.

So now your threatening to call the KKK on me if I don't join in with your gay bashing routine?
I'm sorry, what were you debating again? That this is not a playground where people can have fun? Or that children can't "write" messages in the sand or use chalk boards at a playground? Or that a playground for adults can't include making arguments about a baker's idiocy in loosing his business based on his hate for one of his best customers. Or are you really arguing that typing a message isn't the same as speaking the same message or writing it down in script. LOL

Funny, you brought this up, I didn't. How is it you take issue with such a minutial statement? Or were you afraid to take the rest of my argument on? This argument of yours is a strawman.

Originally, I was wondering why gay people here think it's okay to make fun of the beliefs of others, namely Christians, but then get all riled up and defensive if someone makes even the slightest quip about them.

Because I find, sometimes, that the smallest phrases one utters are in fact very telling of what is going on.

What you can't see, or at least appear to not want to see, is a bunch of guys and gals smiling, entering in messages. Your screams and declarations of expertise and demands that you alone have all the answers in the great question of should gays be allowed to live in our society are falling on deaf ears. The debate as to whether gays will be accepted members of society is over. The gay bashers had their moment in the sun with the prop 8 and DOMA acts. It's over now. Those acts upon further review, are now seen as vile. It's over. Done. The fork is in it. You are beating a dead horse. You appear to have steam coming off your head. The folks you are chatting with appear to be smiling.

Get over it. Find yourself a gay person and talk to them man to gay person and maybe you'll find out they are not all the evil whack jobs you appear to believe they are.

I never said they were evil. Or were you not reading the part where I explicitly stated I HAD TWO OF THEM AS FRIENDS? The crux of your argument has fallen by the wayside. I know exactly how they work, having been friends with up to three of them at any given point in time over the past 4 years. Apparently I did get over it a long time ago. What you have a problem with, sir, is my stating my beliefs on the subject. Unlike you, when I say something serious, I don't expect jokes, quips, or namecalling in return. Or is there something wrong with an intellectual debate?

I never claim to have any answers. I seek them out. What you should stop doing is performing psychoanalysis on someone just because they disagree with you.

Good day sir.
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The Democratic Party founded the KKK, not only was it (the KKK) a racist group, it hated Jews and oh yes, homosexuals. As of now they still have that sin from their past roaming this country as we speak.

So now your threatening to call the KKK on me if I don't join in with your gay bashing routine?

Gee, I had you pegged for a serious minded poster there for a second. Where did I threaten you? I was stating a fact from history. Man, you are paranoid.
For thousands of years, The bible was used to justify slavery, wife-beating, condemning "witches" to death, denying women the vote, or even any position of power; it was used to justify wars, genocide, segregation, child abuse and the divine right of kings. I could go on and on.
The bible is currently being used to justify the bigotry against homosexuals in the US.

Time moves on and but some folks will always use that book to deny rights to others.

Always was. Always will be. Eventually, enough people see how ridiculous it is, and things change.

150 years ago, slavery was an established societal norm.

100 years ago, only allowing men to vote was an established societal norm.

50 years ago, segregation was an established societal norm.

And 50 years from now (or less) same-sex marriage will be an established societal norm.

That is something you can take to the bank.

If we have society to establish a norm!

The one thing you can take to the bank is what has been proven in the historical record. Once a society starts down the road of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until it is totally destroyed. That you can take to the bank.

Huh, and here I thought the morality of owning another human being as a farm animal, then denying equality to generation upon generation of those people's children would be considered pretty perverse and depraved.

Yet here we are.

What was I thinking?

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