Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

Given that you got that from none other than the Huffington Post, it immediately discredits your argument. Did you have any proof to substantiate this claim? Of course not.
Cake Wars: Asking Shops Who Denied Gays Cakes What Cakes They'll Make

Didn't even bother to see it was from a story from the LOCAL Portland paper, did you?

lol. You cite the Moonie Times as Gospel, but the local newspaper reporter in Portland, naw...gotta be lyin'.

But you use Huffington Post as a source? And you lecture me about mine? I despise intellectual dishonesty. Yours is of the worst kind. Where on their site do they volunteer to do parties for pagan rituals and satanic ceremonies?
Wow. You don't even read the story, and you complain about intellectual dishonesty.

For bonus points, you make a claim I, nor the newspaper reporter never made. How's that for intellectual honesty?
Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.

Wow fox, cause gay weddings are the same as black voodoo ceremonies and black satanic festivals.

I know your are from that "prior" generation and all. News flash the world has moved beyond the ignorant belief that blacks are all devil worshipers who practice voodoo and gays all want to rape little boys.

And again you refuse to read what is written or honestly respond to the point which goes flying right over your head. . . .

I'm not even going to try to respond to that. You are simply too dishonest in your debate tactics to waste my time on. . . .sorry.
Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.
Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

Apparently you missed this:

From The Blaze:

In February, Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, an Oregon-based bakery, found themselves at the center of a media firestorm after refusing to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple’s ceremony. Nearly four months later, the small business continues to receive threatening and harassing phone calls and e-mails, as they grapple with the ongoing fall-out from their controversial decision. This week, they spoke with TheBlaze about the ongoing drama.

It was Jan. 17 when a mother and her daughter showed up at the shop and chatted with Aaron about purchasing a cake; their meeting was short-lived, though. Upon learning that the wedding was for two women, the baker purportedly politely declined service to the women, citing his Christian faith. Aaron apologized, but stayed true to his values.

As we previously reported, the mother and daughter became disgusted by the refusal and walked out. Ten minutes later, the baker told TheBlaze that the frustrated mom came back into Sweet Cakes by Melissa and challenged Aaron’s decision not to serve the couple. Again, he maintained his stance and cited the Bible; the mother allegedly disagreed again and stormed out — and a discrimination complaint was later filed against the shop.

“February 1st or 2nd, I got a letter from the Oregon DOJ, saying I was under investigation for a possible discrimination complaint,” he said, noting that the grievance has still, months late, not materialized, as it was apparently improperly filed (it is unclear whether an official investigation will continue or whether a new inquiry will be launched).

?Stupid Bible-Thumping?B**ch?: Bakery That Refused to Make Gay Couple?s Wedding Cake Speaks Out Amid Threats, Economic Woes |
I see it as no different if they had said they won't serve Black people.

And I agree they had the right to refuse but now they have to live with the consequences of that decision.

And the consequences for bigotry in today's society are severe.

Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.

And if you think it is okay to destroy somebody's livelihood for what YOU define as bigotry, then it is okay if they destroy your livelihood for what THEY define as bigotry?

If holding unpopular beliefs is justification for having one's business destroyed due to the bigotry of others, then we have no freedom left in America. Because to condemn and intentionally destroy people for what they believe is the worst form of bigotry.

And freedom loving people will condemn it every time because it is pure evil.

Justifying what was done to this couple would also justify Christians boycotting and picketing any gay owned business they choose.

Yeah cause Christians picketing gays because the gays refuse to buy from people who won't serve gays at gay weddings is the same as gays picketing Christians because the Christians won't serve at gay weddings.


Let me guess you are one of those people that believe guns kill people.
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Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.
Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

No one picks up a tiered wedding cake. It has to be assembled on site.
Seems you missed this:

Sweet Cakes By Melissa, Oregon Bakery That Refused Lesbian Couple, Pranked By Undercover Reporter

Their "Christian" beliefs violatin' seems to be cafeteria style.

Given that you got that from none other than the Huffington Post, it immediately discredits your argument. Did you have any proof to substantiate this claim? Of course not.
Cake Wars: Asking Shops Who Denied Gays Cakes What Cakes They'll Make

Didn't even bother to see it was from a story from the LOCAL Portland paper, did you?

lol. You cite the Moonie Times as Gospel, but the local newspaper reporter in Portland, naw...gotta be lyin'.

Show me any cake mentioned in the linked article that had to be assembled at the customer location or even delivered to the customer location, and you might have a point.

Show me any evidence that the gay couple was ever refused an order that they could pick up at the bakery. That they were EVER refused an order at the bakery which apparently they went to regularly for products.
Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.
Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

No one picks up a tiered wedding cake. It has to be assembled on site.

Yes. And having helped do a multi-tiered wedding cake as a favor for a cash strapped friend once, it is an intricate and time consuming process requiring considerable skill. I helped with the baking. But the final assemby and decorating was way out of my league. No way could the assembled cake have survived transport to the reception hall.
Since these gays had ordered cakes from this bakery before and picked them up without a problem, there was something more associated with this order.
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Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.
Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

No one picks up a tiered wedding cake. It has to be assembled on site.
That's bullshit. Total bullshit.

I have seen many a tiered wedding cake be picked up at the bakery and assembled at receptions, I have seen other wedding cakes that are not even tiered - in fact they have some of their Sweet Cakes website -- and you have no fucking idea the kind of wedding cake they were going to order.

They didn't even let the couple get that far.

Stop. Just stop.
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Given that you got that from none other than the Huffington Post, it immediately discredits your argument. Did you have any proof to substantiate this claim? Of course not.
Cake Wars: Asking Shops Who Denied Gays Cakes What Cakes They'll Make

Didn't even bother to see it was from a story from the LOCAL Portland paper, did you?

lol. You cite the Moonie Times as Gospel, but the local newspaper reporter in Portland, naw...gotta be lyin'.

Show me any cake mentioned in the linked article that had to be assembled at the customer location or even delivered to the customer location, and you might have a point.

Show me any evidence that the gay couple was ever refused an order that they could pick up at the bakery. That they were EVER refused an order at the bakery which apparently they went to regularly for products.

Frankly, they never made an order, so to say that Klein refused their order would be false. This claim will not stand up in court.
Now for those of you who seem to have no eyes in your skulls, or selective sight, watch this video:

Did a baker break the law when he denied service to same-sex couple? | Business | - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon

He had religious symbols, and faith based decorations all over his shop. So how could this couple have known? It was in front of their very eyes. They knew what they were getting themselves into when they came there.
You must assume every Christian who advertises their faith on the wall is a bigot willing to break the law in serving people equally.

I see.
Wrong. They did NOT refuse to serve gay people. They refused to participate in an activity they did not condone. They don't refuse to serve black people. But if the black people were wanting them to deliver and set up products at some sort of voodoo ceremony or Satanic festival, and they refused the order on that basis due to their religious convictions, THAT would be comparable to refusing to serve a gay wedding.
Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

No. They said they didn't do same sex weddings. And the one line you keep citing was certainly not all there was to the conversation, now was it? The gay couple definitely wanted a wedding cake that the bakers would have had to assemble at the reception hall. Otherwise, they would have gotten their cake at the bakers as would any other customer. As that very same gay couple had always received service at the same bakery.

Until you can show me proof that there was any other scenario, I will stand by my opinion on this.

To intentionally destroy a person's livelihood purely because you don't share their beliefs or convictions is pure bigotry, is unAmerican, and is evil.
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Where the hell do you guys keep coming up with this? They HAD to deliver?

You guys are flying off your pants now making shit up. Stop it.

The owner didn't even let them get that far. You have NO WAY to know if they even intended to pick it up or not.

The minute they told them it was for a same sex wedding, the bakers said they wouldn't do it, and the "abominations" spewed forth.

No one picks up a tiered wedding cake. It has to be assembled on site.
That's bullshit. Total bullshit.

I have seen many a tiered wedding cake be picked up and assembled at receptions, I have seen other wedding cakes that are not even tiered - in fact they have some of their Sweet Cakes website -- and you have no fucking idea the kind of wedding cake they were going to order.

They didn't even let the couple get that far.

Stop. Just stop.

Getting upset? Just because you say it's bullshit doesn't make it bullshit. Deny it all you want. You are now wrong.
Now for those of you who seem to have no eyes in your skulls, or selective sight, watch this video:

Did a baker break the law when he denied service to same-sex couple? | Business | - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon

He had religious symbols, and faith based decorations all over his shop. So how could this couple have known? It was in front of their very eyes. They knew what they were getting themselves into when they came there.
You must assume every Christian who advertises their faith on the wall is a bigot willing to break the law in serving people equally.

I see.

You expect us to tolerate your beliefs, but will not lend us the same credence.

I see.
Given that you got that from none other than the Huffington Post, it immediately discredits your argument. Did you have any proof to substantiate this claim? Of course not.
Cake Wars: Asking Shops Who Denied Gays Cakes What Cakes They'll Make

Didn't even bother to see it was from a story from the LOCAL Portland paper, did you?

lol. You cite the Moonie Times as Gospel, but the local newspaper reporter in Portland, naw...gotta be lyin'.

Show me any cake mentioned in the linked article that had to be assembled at the customer location or even delivered to the customer location, and you might have a point.

Show me any evidence that the gay couple was ever refused an order that they could pick up at the bakery. That they were EVER refused an order at the bakery which apparently they went to regularly for products.
The owners never said anything about delivering the cake. They said they would not bake a cake for same sex weddings.

This is just getting ridiculous now.

Poor connies. Ever the victims. When the story doesn't match, just make it up on the fly to perpetuate more victimhood.

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