Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

Do you really think that couple could have delivered a multi-tiered cake to their own wedding? Are you stupid?
You have no fucking idea what cake they were going to order.

They never even got to that point. The owner stated plainly he would not bake a cake for the wedding, and told other gay couples in the past he would not as well.

On their website they have all variety of cakes for weddings and they note the pick up option. They charge a dollar mile to deliver it.

I was at a wedding a few months ago. No delivery. Picked up. People do that, you know.

Admit you are talking out of your ass.

Actually, I've been to a few weddings myself. Traditionally they feature mult-layered cakes. So no, I don't talk out of my ass unlike some people do, I use common sense. I was at a wedding as recently as 2011. Guess what? The cake had been pre-baked and and delivered on-site. They were assembling it before my very eyes. You have no fucking idea to what lengths people will go to for a wedding ceremony.

Even so, given that they never got to that point, it puzzles me why, given that we live in the information age...

Why didn't the gay couple even notice that the bakery was Christian oriented? You don't simply forget something like that. They had a Bible verse posted right smack on their website.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

You as a homosexual don't simply go over to a Christian oriented bakery and ask them to make a cake for you, knowing that they may reject you in favor of their beliefs. There was an ulterior motive behind this. They knew these people were Christians and they KNEW that they would most likely not approve of their lifestyle, yet they STILL went, they must have known that they would stir up a political firestorm if they were denied service.

Now who and blue bloody blazes would do something like that?

Did the xtians have a big talking snake sign out front?

Seriously, the opposition is now reduced to blaming it on the homos because they should have known the bakery was owned by snake handling fundies and therefore know they were going to get shafted up the butt and therefore it was their fault for not avoiding the lynching.

Really, they should have known!
Actually exercising one's rights in the free market is very American.

What about one's freedom of speech? Or of religion?

Did anyone stop the baker from practicing his religion or from speaking his mind?



If you haven't noticed, they were sued, harassed, threatened, accosted and finally they had to move their business to their home.

Your paper friend just now said "make cake, not hate" so why was so much hate directed at that bakery?

I didn't think so.
No. People economizing on their wedding can choose to pick it up and save the delivery charge. Each tier comes in it's own box, when you get to the reception you stick the pylons on the big one, set the next tier on top then put the Steve and mark figurines on top. This task is usually relegated to the mother in law or a sister of the bride.

It's not rocket science.

What's sinful abut a party? As mentined, the cake wasn't going TO THEW CEREMONY, it was going to the RECEPTION.

Show me where in the bible god says it is sinful to sell baked goods for a party of homos. It says "THOU HALT NOT BE HOMO"...nothing about selling homos stuff so you can donate a little more to the television preacher.

You're pretty dense, you know that? I have a good mind to put you in the red for doing so. Where specifically in the Bible does it say that we must capitulate ourselves to sinful ways or people?
Well lookie there. He's threatening to neg rep a newbie here, just because he disagrees with him.

My hip-hip-hypocrisy from Tempy boy.

Hey folks. A little pos rep for the great new poster Alfalfa.
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I'd ask to let her finish venting and grieving.
I don't blame pro-gay people for going overboard with their grief.
So of course, that's only fair to the other side to let them do the same back.
After that, maybe we can find ways to work more reasonably, but not when
people are screaming in anger and fed up in grief! Let them grieve!
Fair enough. We all need to vent :)
What you fail to understand is the fact that after making said cake for the customer, they have to be on site to assemble a cake of that kind. The very act of going there was the issue, THAT'S what violated their conscience, not that cake itself. You people are so incredibly simple minded that you can't see that. Making that bakery go to the gay wedding would be like me making you sleep with a straight person. A crude analogy perhaps, but you simply don't understand when you so easily deny someone their conscience.

So setting up a cake hours beforehand in a nearly empty reception hall is a sin too?

Who said it was empty? Who says it has to be empty? Merely enabling or supporting it is sinful, you dolt.

So all those people who tend the hall, clean thew floors, mow the lawn, shovel snow are all sinners because a wedding reception for a gay couple was held there?

And you wonder why people think it's ridiculous?
You have no fucking idea what cake they were going to order.

They never even got to that point. The owner stated plainly he would not bake a cake for the wedding, and told other gay couples in the past he would not as well.

On their website they have all variety of cakes for weddings and they note the pick up option. They charge a dollar mile to deliver it.

I was at a wedding a few months ago. No delivery. Picked up. People do that, you know.

Admit you are talking out of your ass.

Actually, I've been to a few weddings myself. Traditionally they feature mult-layered cakes. So no, I don't talk out of my ass unlike some people do, I use common sense. I was at a wedding as recently as 2011. Guess what? The cake had been pre-baked and and delivered on-site. They were assembling it before my very eyes. You have no fucking idea to what lengths people will go to for a wedding ceremony.

Even so, given that they never got to that point, it puzzles me why, given that we live in the information age...

Why didn't the gay couple even notice that the bakery was Christian oriented? You don't simply forget something like that. They had a Bible verse posted right smack on their website.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

You as a homosexual don't simply go over to a Christian oriented bakery and ask them to make a cake for you, knowing that they may reject you in favor of their beliefs. There was an ulterior motive behind this. They knew these people were Christians and they KNEW that they would most likely not approve of their lifestyle, yet they STILL went, they must have known that they would stir up a political firestorm if they were denied service.

Now who and blue bloody blazes would do something like that?

Did the xtians have a big talking snake sign out front?

Seriously, the opposition is now reduced to blaming it on the homos because they should have known the bakery was owned by snake handling fundies and therefore know they were going to get shafted up the butt and therefore it was their fault for not avoiding the lynching.

Really, they should have known!

Yeah, it's called the internet you neanderthal.

Home - Sweet Cakes

So. Whats that about them "not knowing"? It's right under the phone number. Geez. You people really are malinformed, aren't you?
So setting up a cake hours beforehand in a nearly empty reception hall is a sin too?

Who said it was empty? Who says it has to be empty? Merely enabling or supporting it is sinful, you dolt.

So all those people who tend the hall, clean thew floors, mow the lawn, shovel snow are all sinners because a wedding reception for a gay couple was held there?

And you wonder why people think it's ridiculous?

Were probably not employees of that bakery. So that is irrelevant. So nice of you to move the goalpoasts.
And for people reading this thread, if any, it appears the debate has moved to whether it was more christian and moral to sell these homos a cake for their wedding and then make them pick up or for them to deliver it to the reception hall long before anyone was due to be there and make an extra $50.

Seriously, this is the banality to which christian theology has sunk. "I'm going to heaven if I bake, take their money and make them pick it up but I go straight to hell (do not pass go...) if I put it in my car and deliver it to them for an extra $50.

Looks like the Temp boy is taking out his anger on you by negging you because you disagree with him.

How Christian of him.
What about one's freedom of speech? Or of religion?

Did anyone stop the baker from practicing his religion or from speaking his mind?



If you haven't noticed, they were sued, harassed, threatened, accosted and finally they had to move their business to their home.

Your paper friend just now said "make cake, not hate" so why was so much hate directed at that bakery?

I didn't think so.

Were they prevented from practicing their religion?


Were they prevented from exercising their first amendment rights


People won't tolerate bigots anymore.

As I said times have changed. Society has changed.

Business must adapt or die.

Your baker didn't adapt so his business died.
Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

You have the title of your OP all wrong. These two bakers were interviewed on the news and they stated that rather than to be forced into doing something that they felt was morally wrong, they decided on their own to close the bakery and run it from their home as they had done for years before they rented the building for the bakery. She said they weren't forced into anything. By running the bakery from her home she could be more selective in whom she chose to bake for. you really sincerely believe that this couple would violate their conscience by rendering aid to something they deemed as sinful?
Seems you missed this:

Sweet Cakes By Melissa, Oregon Bakery That Refused Lesbian Couple, Pranked By Undercover Reporter

"I was wondering if you could do two little cakes. My friend is a researcher at OHSU and she just got a grant for cloning human stem cells, so I thought I’d get her two identical cakes—basically, two little clone cakes. How much would they cost?" the covert reporter asked an employee at Sweet Cakes By Melissa in Gresham, Ore.

“Ha. All right. When are you looking to do it? It’ll be $25.99 each, so about $50 to start," a bakery employee told the reporter, according to The Willamette Week.

In addition to agreeing to make a cake for a "pagan solstice party" (the reporter requested a pentagram of icing on the cake), Sweet Cakes also agreed to make custom cakes for a divorce party and a party for a woman who'd had multiple babies out of wedlock, the paper notes.

Their "Christian" beliefs violatin' seems to be cafeteria style.

Of course not. They bake a cake, someone picks it up. They don't require the participation of the baker to attend the venue. Wedding cakes require the participation of the baker to go to the location and set up a tiered cake.

How come a brave baker was congratulated on refusing to bake a birthday cake for a child named Adolph Hitler?

Stupid Idiots Name Son Adolph Hitler, Bakery Refuses To Make Birthday Cake For The Young Terrorist. Sadly, It Gets Even Worse | Geekologie

Why should this bakery be right, and the other bakery be wrong? It's a child's birthday cake!
And for people reading this thread, if any, it appears the debate has moved to whether it was more christian and moral to sell these homos a cake for their wedding and then make them pick up or for them to deliver it to the reception hall long before anyone was due to be there and make an extra $50.

Seriously, this is the banality to which christian theology has sunk. "I'm going to heaven if I bake, take their money and make them pick it up but I go straight to hell (do not pass go...) if I put it in my car and deliver it to them for an extra $50.

Looks like the Temp boy is taking out his anger on you by negging you because you disagree with him.

How Christian of him.

Making fun of my faith? How tolerant of you.
Who said it was empty? Who says it has to be empty? Merely enabling or supporting it is sinful, you dolt.

So all those people who tend the hall, clean thew floors, mow the lawn, shovel snow are all sinners because a wedding reception for a gay couple was held there?

And you wonder why people think it's ridiculous?

Were probably not employees of that bakery. So that is irrelevant. So nice of you to move the goalpoasts.

You said merely enabling a gay wedding is a sin.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question related to the topic.

So humor me and answer the question.
You are not condoning anything you are getting paid to make a cake

By your logic if being gay is a sin and the baker baked anything for gay people is he not condoning their life style and therefore committing a sin?

I do give people exemption. If what they do harms no one else why shouldn't I?

I'm sorry but no amount of religious dogma can explain how making birthday cakes for gay people is not a sin but making a wedding cake is.

And I'll ask again what if 2 atheists wanted a wedding cake? Would they be turned down since their marriage would not be sanctioned by the church therefore they would be sinning and by making a cake for sinners the baker is also sinning?

See how utterly ridiculous that argument is yet?

And the next person could just as easily say that it is ridiculous that you can't see the difference between a birthday cake--all people of all definitions have birthdays every year--and a wedding cake that has to be assembled on location.

And in the end it doesn't matter. If we truly believe in the unalienable right to hold our own convictions, beliefs, and attitudes with impunity no matter who doesn't agree with us, then the bakers are entitled to the same unalienable right.

Unless you think you should be forced to park your truck at the location and be seen carrying a cake into a KKK convention hall and thereby be perceived as condoning that convention, you should be able to understand why a person who does not condone gay marriage should not be forced to participate in that.

To destroy these people purely because you don't share their beliefs and convictions is pure evil.

But if being gay is a sin then any interaction with gay people is a sin, right? I mean if two gay people or two straight people are living together without being married and you bake them a house warming cake are you sinning?

Or is it only wedding cakes that are a sin?

It's ridiculous.

I can tell you that it doesn't matter what is and what is not sin.

What matters is that each of us who believe in unalienable rights is entitled to define for ourselves what is and what is not sin. What is and is not to be condoned. If we are truly free, we can hold whatever beliefs, convictions, principles, ideals, hopes, dreams, or concepts we hold with impunity, whether anybody else shares them or not.

If it is okay for you to destroy a Christian couple's reputation and livelihood because they do not condone gay marriage, why would it not be okay for them to destroy your reputation and livelihood because you do? Or for any other conviction or belief you hold that they don't share?

We cannot be free if we do not allow others to be as free. To destroy a person's livelihood purely because you disagree with their beliefs or convictions on something is pure evil.
So setting up a cake hours beforehand in a nearly empty reception hall is a sin too?

Who said it was empty? Who says it has to be empty? Merely enabling or supporting it is sinful, you dolt.

So all those people who tend the hall, clean thew floors, mow the lawn, shovel snow are all sinners because a wedding reception for a gay couple was held there?

And you wonder why people think it's ridiculous?

They're all going to hell and they deserve it because they should have known homos might book the reception hall.
And for people reading this thread, if any, it appears the debate has moved to whether it was more christian and moral to sell these homos a cake for their wedding and then make them pick up or for them to deliver it to the reception hall long before anyone was due to be there and make an extra $50.

Seriously, this is the banality to which christian theology has sunk. "I'm going to heaven if I bake, take their money and make them pick it up but I go straight to hell (do not pass go...) if I put it in my car and deliver it to them for an extra $50.

Looks like the Temp boy is taking out his anger on you by negging you because you disagree with him.

How Christian of him.

What's a neg? Does it hurt?
And the next person could just as easily say that it is ridiculous that you can't see the difference between a birthday cake--all people of all definitions have birthdays every year--and a wedding cake that has to be assembled on location.

And in the end it doesn't matter. If we truly believe in the unalienable right to hold our own convictions, beliefs, and attitudes with impunity no matter who doesn't agree with us, then the bakers are entitled to the same unalienable right.

Unless you think you should be forced to park your truck at the location and be seen carrying a cake into a KKK convention hall and thereby be perceived as condoning that convention, you should be able to understand why a person who does not condone gay marriage should not be forced to participate in that.

To destroy these people purely because you don't share their beliefs and convictions is pure evil.

But if being gay is a sin then any interaction with gay people is a sin, right? I mean if two gay people or two straight people are living together without being married and you bake them a house warming cake are you sinning?

Or is it only wedding cakes that are a sin?

It's ridiculous.

I can tell you that it doesn't matter what is and what is not sin.

What matters is that each of us who believe in unalienable rights is entitled to define for ourselves what is and what is not sin. What is and is not to be condoned. If we are truly free, we can hold whatever beliefs, convictions, principles, ideals, hopes, dreams, or concepts we hold with impunity, whether anybody else shares them or not.

If it is okay for you to destroy a Christian couple's reputation and livelihood because they do not condone gay marriage, why would it not be okay for them to destroy your reputation and livelihood because you do? Or for any other conviction or belief you hold that they don't share?

We cannot be free if we do not allow others to be as free. To destroy a person's livelihood purely because you disagree with their beliefs or convictions on something is pure evil.

I see it as no different if they had said they won't serve Black people.

And I agree they had the right to refuse but now they have to live with the consequences of that decision.

And the consequences for bigotry in today's society are severe.

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