Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

Jews don't even drive their cars on the Sabbath. If they have stores open, it's because they have non Jews working there.

There is no prohibition against Christmas decorations.

I grew up in a small town. I have bought things from the business owners THEMSELVES on Saturday. You are full of shit.

You grew up in a small town with an Orthodox Jewish community? Where was this?
I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's and 1960's. The majority of preachers and ministers taugh that segregation was "God's Plan". They told us that was why the black man was in Africa, and we were not (apparantly god did not anticipate ships being invented). Anyway, everything Holly has said about gays is just a word for word rehash of what the Christains taught us about blacks in Georgia. Only the miniority has been changed. i lived in a world of deep bigottry for 26 years, and failed to embrace it. Too bad that Holly does not take a good long look at herself in the miirror.
What do you think would happen if a heterosexual person was refused service at a homosexual bar? Which brings me to another question. If homosexual bars are allowed to exist, why can't heterosexual bakeries exist?

God bless you always!!!


Let me you're GED?

Most ironic, moronic post of the day!!!
He could have delivered the cake Friday.

That was too easy.

These cakes are buttercream and would not survive an overnighter.

So a venue that serves food and caters weddings, and various other parties where food and drink are served doesn't have a fridge?

Again too easy.

Oh, good God. Look, Betty Crocker. You can't put a fancy, delicate baked product like a wedding cake in a FRIDGE, certainly not overnight, unless you WANT to serve your guests stale, crusty garbage.

Now that you've demonstrated to everyone that you know fuck-all about the baking aspect of this story, why don't you drop it?
These cakes are buttercream and would not survive an overnighter.

So a venue that serves food and caters weddings, and various other parties where food and drink are served doesn't have a fridge?

Again too easy.

Did you stop to wonder what a fridge would look like to hold a constructed tiered wedding cake? Would YOU want to transport a constructed, tiered cake from table to fridge and back or were you just unaware that once together they cannot be moved. Again, too easy. These cakes are not welded together, they are balanced.

Not to mention that even if you COULD manage it, the taste of the resulting product would be such that the lesbians might as well have just mixed it up from a mix box they got at the dollar store.
So a venue that serves food and caters weddings, and various other parties where food and drink are served doesn't have a fridge?

Again too easy.

Did you stop to wonder what a fridge would look like to hold a constructed tiered wedding cake? Would YOU want to transport a constructed, tiered cake from table to fridge and back or were you just unaware that once together they cannot be moved. Again, too easy. These cakes are not welded together, they are balanced.

Every restaurant or banquet hall I have ever been in had a walk-in fridge.

But It's not too hard to put a cake together. As long as all the supports are left in the cakes

The next day all you have to do is place the upper cakes on the support bases of the lower cake in the correct order.

If you ever played with blocks you can put a wedding cake together.

You're just looking for any excuse here aren't you?

Want to keep trying?

Most business owners solve piddly problems like these all day long.

Holy crap, NOW he thinks he's the fucking Cake Boss!
So if it was a fake marriage with no legal authority the xtians would be equally correct in their bigotry?

So the biblical phrase in play here is "MArriage shall be between one man and one woman...including fake marriages"?

It might. Suppose it was a heterosexual couple and a cohabitation ceremony without marriage? The Christians opposed living in sin. It would end up the exact same way.

That's come up with landlords and inn keepers who refused to rent to couples just living together or running off to the Notell Motel.
They told the reporter (from the Pulitzer prize winning newspaper) they would bake a baby shower cake for a lady having her second baby with her boyfriend.

And a pagan solstice cake they would bake too.

With a pentagram design.

They's all in on that. Cafeteria christians as well as bakers.

In other words, they don't believe what YOU do, and they don't believe what you THINK they should if they're going to disagree with you. Ergo, they can't REALLY be Christians, because YOU are the final arbiter on what ALL Christians do and don't believe.

Piss off.
Yeah, all those posts about this couple being pranked into doing cakes for cults, then the claim they called them abominations.. it's all a smear campaign.

That's because if leftists were ever honest about who they are and what they think, no one would ever listen to them again.
Explain please. How was the baker dehumanized? If that happened, I'll defend the baker against that act. Bring me to your side of the argument. How was the baker dehumanized. If that happened I will be every bit as angry as you are. All humor would be gone... I would ask you to sign me up. Uhm what are you protesting against again... protesters exercising free speech?

Oh, riiiight. You can't see HOW the bakers have been dehumanized by essentially being told, "Your beliefs, your conscience, and your Constitional rights mean nothing before our demands on you, now do what we say or suffer", but I'll bet hard money you could RHAPSODIZE about how those lesbian twats were "dehumanized" by being told that someone didn't want to participate in their stupid fucking "wedding".

How much more dehumanized can a person get than to be told they must contribute their talents and labor toward a goal they oppose on behalf of someone they do not wish to work for, and that they have no rights in the matter? We USED to call that slavery, and consider it the most dehumanizing experience imaginable.

And if you really think "Burn in hell, pig; fall off a cliff; stop associating with these people or suffer" is "exercising freedom of speech", then perhaps someone should send those messages to YOUR family and friends, and see if you still think that way. Somehow, I think not. :eusa_hand:

That's exactly what it is.

Same as if it was the Westboro scum, KKK scum, the bigot bakery or Rick Santorum.

Which one of those do you rw's believe should be stopped, punished?

Did someone wave a Snausage over your nose? No, I don't think so. Sit, boy! Stay! Wait until someone addresses your stupid ass.
Cecille's got them on their knees.
I'm pretty sure that Holly would feel comfortable at Westbro Baptist Church, if only they would change the name to something not quite so notorious..
^^^ Have you ever stopped to wonder why?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If God had intended for us to go with our own kind, reproduction would not take place between a man and woman only. Woman would not exist at all period if God had intended for us to go with our own kind.

God is not mentioned in the laws that protect the rights of the individual. We are a nation of THE LAW, not men and their various and changing like the wind religious beliefs.

Which explains why you like laws that usurp individual freedom.
^^^ Oh well. You go by your way of doing things and I will go by the Lord's way of doing things.

God bless you always!!!


I follow what Jesus taught, to be Christlike.
Great thing about being a Christian I never have to go around telling anyone that I am a Christian or what the Lord's way of doing things are.
They know it by my ACTIONS.
No one cares to know how much you know.
They want to know how much you CARE.
Jesus accepted everyone and did not judge. I follow that path with my actions.

You follow what Jesus taught? When did he teach that support the laws of Caesar is better than taking a stand against tyranny?
I have given a link to the photography case which sliced and diced the First Amendment.

Simply put you place this case under the Equal Protection clause. I sincerely believe both the 1st and 14th Amendments go hand in hand with one another.

But at any rate, this case I believe debunks the NM court's reasoning on the matter:

“religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent or comprehensible to others in order to merit First Amendment protection”

Quoted by Justice Kennedy from the opinion by Justice Burger in Thomas v. Review Board of the Indiana Employment Security Division 450 U.S. 707 (1981),
in the case of Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993)

What I see here is similar to the Obamacare mandating the Catholic Church to pay for abortion. Both of these instances are burdening the religious convictions of faith based groups.

In the case of Jose Merced, President Templo Yoruba Omo Orisha Texas, Inc., v. City of Euless (5th Circuit). The court ruled that the free exercise of religion was "meritorious and prevailing" and that Merced was entitled under the Texas Religious Freedom and Restoration Act (TRFRA) to an injunction preventing the city of Euless, Texas from enforcing its ordinances that burdened his religious practices relating to the use of animals.

So if that is the precedent, the Oregon Public Accommodation Law would be unfairly burdening the Christian couple as they would be obligated to do something that was against the teachings of their faith, they would be forced not to adhere to the doctrine their faith teaches about homosexuality.

No one is forcing them to enter into the private free enterprise market.

We open up a large can of worms if we allow everyone that falls back on their faith as their reason to judge one group of folks different than others based on what their religion is.

If it is a private, free enterprise, market, why should they be kept out of it just because you hate Christians?
I follow what Jesus taught, to be Christlike.
Great thing about being a Christian I never have to go around telling anyone that I am a Christian or what the Lord's way of doing things are.
They know it by my ACTIONS.
No one cares to know how much you know.
They want to know how much you CARE.
Jesus accepted everyone and did not judge. I follow that path with my actions.
Going the homosexual route is not Christ like.

God bless you always!!!


No, it is not, but put two gay men in the place of the adulteress brought to Christ to be stoned. If they were brought to him do you really think Jesus would have cast the first stone rather than tell those around him, "Ye without sin cast the first stone", knowing full well none of them would?

I know you have the right answer to that. Jesus would have done the same thing he did with the adulteress. Once the crowd broke up he would have said, "go and sin no more".


Yes, but the modern gay couple would sue him for not accepting them as they are, and win in court. As a Christian, I cannot watch them in sin and not warn them of the consequences, not should I be forced to accommodate their behavior simply because I own a business.

That does not mean the state should be judging them as long as they are not harming anyone else. It just means I should have the freedom to believe what I want, just like they insist they want.
Did he let the adulteress slide? Was she repentant?

What makes you think the two gay men would be any different?

How about you and I? Has he let us slide? Do we deserve any different treatment than the adulteress?

Will he let this gay couple we have been discussing slide? Does this couple deserve worse than you or I? Personally, I do not expect any different treatment than they and I am hopeful he is as merciful as I have been led to believe to them as well as me.

People who don't believe that they are doing anything wrong in the first place are not going to believe that they have a reason to repent either, so the smart money would not be on them if you are a person who bets.

God bless you always!!!


Agreed but do you convince someone they are in jeopardy of eternal damnation by beating them over the head and screaming at them, "YOU ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL". Is that what Jesus did? Is that the way Christ came to you?


What did Jesus do when people refused to repent? I can find plenty of examples of him insulting people, berating them, and even resorting to physical violence. Just a thought, perhaps you should think about the side of Jesus that took a scourge to make his point rather than telling others what Jesus wouldn't do.
How are they standing up for their faith? When they believe that human cloning is fine, but homosexuality is not?

Contemplate the difference between "their faith" and "what Noomi THINKS their faith is and should be".

You are asking a lot there.
No offense intended, but an apostate Muslim living in Australia is in no position to judge what should constitute Christian beliefs, or any mainstream variation thereon...

It was a silly comparison anyway...
Simply put you place this case under the Equal Protection clause. I sincerely believe both the 1st and 14th Amendments go hand in hand with one another.

But at any rate, this case I believe debunks the NM court's reasoning on the matter:

“religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent or comprehensible to others in order to merit First Amendment protection”

Quoted by Justice Kennedy from the opinion by Justice Burger in Thomas v. Review Board of the Indiana Employment Security Division 450 U.S. 707 (1981),
in the case of Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993)

What I see here is similar to the Obamacare mandating the Catholic Church to pay for abortion. Both of these instances are burdening the religious convictions of faith based groups.

In the case of Jose Merced, President Templo Yoruba Omo Orisha Texas, Inc., v. City of Euless (5th Circuit). The court ruled that the free exercise of religion was "meritorious and prevailing" and that Merced was entitled under the Texas Religious Freedom and Restoration Act (TRFRA) to an injunction preventing the city of Euless, Texas from enforcing its ordinances that burdened his religious practices relating to the use of animals.

So if that is the precedent, the Oregon Public Accommodation Law would be unfairly burdening the Christian couple as they would be obligated to do something that was against the teachings of their faith, they would be forced not to adhere to the doctrine their faith teaches about homosexuality.

No one is forcing them to enter into the private free enterprise market.

We open up a large can of worms if we allow everyone that falls back on their faith as their reason to judge one group of folks different than others based on what their religion is.

It isn't matter of judgement. This refusal was only specific to their beliefs! There was no evil intent, no malice, no hatred. What this is is a non allowance for them to practice their beliefs and convictions as they pertain to their personal lives! What ever happened to individual liberty in this country?

Ok, so if my beliefs and convictions that I do not want to marry blacks to whites then I can deny service to them.
Can of worms. Individual liberty goes as far as another persons nose. When you put your shingle out to serve the public then the discrimination laws apply.
But like I say this is rare if anything. "I am covered up" is sufficient to deny almost anyone service.

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