Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

Romans 1: 26-27. Homosexuality is a sin throughout the Bible

The bible wasn't written in English and the words that were translated into homosexual are malakos and arsenokoite. The first word means soft or weak. The second word was made up by Paul. It also didn't mean homosexual. It meant a male prostitute used in temple sex rituals.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.
You are a retard. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. I don't thump my Bible idiot, I read it. Learn something moron.
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
You would be wrong as most gay loving libtards are.

When you have to resort being a grammar nazi it is a sure sign you've lost the argument.

And you are incorrect as most intolerant facist bible thumpers are. Piss off loser
You piss off retard.
The bible wasn't written in English and the words that were translated into homosexual are malakos and arsenokoite. The first word means soft or weak. The second word was made up by Paul. It also didn't mean homosexual. It meant a male prostitute used in temple sex rituals.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.
You are a retard. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. I don't thump my Bible idiot, I read it. Learn something moron.

Do you look at every women with lust? Neither do gays retard. You have just shown your stupidity.
Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
You would be wrong as most gay loving libtards are.

When you have to resort being a grammar nazi it is a sure sign you've lost the argument.

And you are incorrect as most intolerant facist bible thumpers are. Piss off loser
You piss off retard.

Yep you've definitely lost the argument you bible thumping idiot's a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.
You are a retard. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. I don't thump my Bible idiot, I read it. Learn something moron.

Do you look at every women with lust? Neither do gays retard. You have just shown your stupidity.
You show your stupidity with every misspelled word. Piss off scum sucker.
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
You would be wrong as most gay loving libtards are.

When you have to resort being a grammar nazi it is a sure sign you've lost the argument.

And you are incorrect as most intolerant facist bible thumpers are. Piss off loser
You piss off retard.

Yep you've definitely lost the argument you bible thumping idiot
I didn't lose nothing moron.
Now now you two...don't flame this thread into oblivion because if you do I'll have to start another one with the same subject...
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.
You are a retard. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. I don't thump my Bible idiot, I read it. Learn something moron.

Do you look at every women with lust? Neither do gays retard. You have just shown your stupidity.
You show your stupidity with every misspelled word. Piss off scum sucker.

Yep grammar nazis lose the argument so they resort to red herrings instead. Fuck off loser you are nothing but a bible thumping fascist. If you gave me your address I would wipe my ass with the bible and send it to you fucktard's a sin and an abomination.

So are interfaith weddings. The first time a "Christian" baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of fatties (gluttony is a true sin) or an interfaith or divorced couple, I'll believe their religiosity.

But you will never see that because it's not about being a Christian, it's about being a bigot.

Coming from a bigot like you means nothing. And yes you are a bigot. It's so funny you Christian haters call anyone a bigot, you idiots don't even know the meaning of the word. Hypocritical assholes
This is pathetic. You are just calling people named because they don't agree with you.

That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump

Yes I did. That's another fact you can't counter. I'm surprised you're not pretending to ignore me again as a result. You must be growing up. Congratulations.

Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there between light and darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14, NRSV)
So are interfaith weddings. The first time a "Christian" baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of fatties (gluttony is a true sin) or an interfaith or divorced couple, I'll believe their religiosity.

But you will never see that because it's not about being a Christian, it's about being a bigot.

Coming from a bigot like you means nothing. And yes you are a bigot. It's so funny you Christian haters call anyone a bigot, you idiots don't even know the meaning of the word. Hypocritical assholes
This is pathetic. You are just calling people named because they don't agree with you.

That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump

Yes I did. That's another fact you can't counter. I'm surprised you're not pretending to ignore me again as a result. You must be growing up. Congratulations.

Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there between light and darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14, NRSV)

The words in the bible are not to be taken literally.......unless of course you are talking about gays and then anything can be used and twisted accordingly as long as what you use it for is against gays lol. If you try to use it for gays, then and only then is it wrong and is "taken out of context". Anti-gay 101
if they're only baking cakes for thumpers then they never shoulda' moved their *cough* "business" out of the church basement.
They make cakes for everyone just not every occasion. Unlike the carpet munchers I know of NO ONE that would WHINE about it just merely find a bakery that WOULD bake my cake.

This battle has already been fought quite some time ago and your position lost.

Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

I'm curious about your outstanding features, since this is what today's white supremacists look like. Are you fat and poorly educated?


They look like middle aged, retarded cub scouts.
Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

I'm curious about your outstanding features, since this is what today's white supremacists look like. Are you fat and poorly educated?


Are you the one that scours facebook for family pictures you can mock? At least they have families that love each other. It doesn't look like they have any perverts either.

Oh they're perverts all right. Just not in the way you think.
Now now you two...don't flame this thread into oblivion because if you do I'll have to start another one with the same subject...

You've started 52 threads on the same topic each with dozens if not hundreds of pages of elaborate pseudo-legal gibberish, dedicated a website to the topic where you beg for donations to fight gays and created your own message board on yuku where you are the only participant....and created 29 more threads on the same topic where you only talk to yourself.

Our posts are incidental to your compulsive, obsessive fixation on gay people.
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Oh really? You're aware that "gay marriage" forces no mother or father on children, right?

Please, don't bother pretending you give a shit about children. You know your proposal to deny gays marriage has nothing to do with benefiting kids...but only hurting kids to hurt gays.

As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that these children never have married parents. Which hurts those children and help none.

And you're more than willing, even eager to hurt hundreds of thousands of such children....if it lets you hurt gay people.

No thank you.
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Here's the deal, folks. I own a business that is open to the public. As such, it is my responsibility to offer equal access to all people. That is the American way, and I am a patriotic citizen who believes in the American way. If I sell a product to one person, I sell it to another, and I do so regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

The only wiggle room I can come up with in terms of bakeries, is that while they should be expected to provide a product to one person as they do the next, they should not be required to provide imagery or language they do not normally provide. If they bake a cake that says "best wishes so and so" for one couple, they should do so for another. If they do not normally depict Bert and Ernie holding hands or smooching, however, there should be no demands that they do.

It seems an easy enough concept to understand, but people on both sides of the issue get so caught up in their agenda that they fail to notice. On one hand, the homophobes will be deterred by nothing whatsoever, while some of the more radical gay supporters are so caught up in their own hatred of Christianity that they seek punishment rather than balance. .
Here's the deal, folks. I own a business that is open to the public. As such, it is my responsibility to offer equal access to all people. That is the American way, and I am a patriotic citizen who believes in the American way. If I sell a product to one person, I sell it to another, and I do so regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

The only wiggle room I can come up with in terms of bakeries, is that while they should be expected to provide a product to one person as they do the next, they should not be required to provide imagery or language they do not normally provide. If they bake a cake that says "best wishes so and so" for one couple, they should do so for another. If they do not normally depict Bert and Ernie holding hands or smooching, however, there should be no demands that they do.

It seems an easy enough concept to understand, but people on both sides of the issue get so caught up in their agenda that they fail to notice. On one hand, the homophobes will be deterred by nothing whatsoever, while some of the more radical gay supporters are so caught up in their own hatred of Christianity that they seek punishment rather than balance. .

The thing is there have been NO gay people that have sued for not having a cake with Bert and Ernie holding hands. It is gays who have been flat out denied just because they are gay and getting married.

I agree with you that if a special cake with very and Ernie (or something like that) was being asked to be created I would agree with them denying that. However in the case of all the court cases it has just been about being denied outright.
1. No it didn't.

2. You are mistaken.
2. No she isn't. Read Leviticus and Romans.
Libs are so wrong.
Who cares about the bible....we are talking secular law.
Those secular laws are mans laws. Man is flawed. The Bible is truth.

The Bible is interpreted by man. Man is flawed. As demonstrated by all the different sects of Christianity. And that's just one book. There are all sorts of other faiths, all sorts of other books. And most faiths are mutually exclusive. It can't be Jesus AND the greek pantheon of gods.

Which means that if one faith is right, all the others have to be wrong. Meaning, at best, at the absolute *best*, your process virtually always produces false results. With it entirely possible that *no* one got it right.

As god isn't here to break ties to tell us who got it right. Or if anyone did. Its just us. And we're flawed.
You are right The Bible is correct and others are wrong. One God, God of the Bible, period.

Says who? All the other faithful with their religious texts insist that *they* got it right. And that you're wrong. And they believe just a fervently in their 'god' or 'gods' as you do yours.

And whose interpretation of the Bible is 'right'? There are literally hundreds if not thousands of sects of Christianity. Many directly contradicting each other. As flawed man is the *only* lens through which the Bible (or any religious text) can be interpreted.

Since god doesn't break ties.

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