Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

Coming from a bigot like you means nothing. And yes you are a bigot. It's so funny you Christian haters call anyone a bigot, you idiots don't even know the meaning of the word. Hypocritical assholes
This is pathetic. You are just calling people named because they don't agree with you.

That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
And what does your church think of your lifestyle Bi-catfish?
You're taking Leviticus 18:22 out of context. It was referring to temple prostitution and sex worship.

I'm not wrong

Romans 1: 26-27. Homosexuality is a sin throughout the Bible

The bible wasn't written in English and the words that were translated into homosexual are malakos and arsenokoite. The first word means soft or weak. The second word was made up by Paul. It also didn't mean homosexual. It meant a male prostitute used in temple sex rituals.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.
Romans 1: 26-27. Homosexuality is a sin throughout the Bible

The bible wasn't written in English and the words that were translated into homosexual are malakos and arsenokoite. The first word means soft or weak. The second word was made up by Paul. It also didn't mean homosexual. It meant a male prostitute used in temple sex rituals.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin
The bible wasn't written in English and the words that were translated into homosexual are malakos and arsenokoite. The first word means soft or weak. The second word was made up by Paul. It also didn't mean homosexual. It meant a male prostitute used in temple sex rituals.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.'s a sin and an abomination.
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion
To practice sex worship, Yes I agree.
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen

Impure thoughts are a sin you clueless jackass. If a man desires another man's rectum he is sinning. Now sit down and stfu
No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen

Impure thoughts are a sin you clueless jackass. If a man desires another man's rectum he is sinning. Now sit down and stfu

You don't even know your religion you jacksss so you sit down and stfu. Not every gay person has impure thoughts stupid. Not only do you not know your religion heathen you don't even know gay people you retard.
Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen

Impure thoughts are a sin you clueless jackass. If a man desires another man's rectum he is sinning. Now sit down and stfu

You don't even know your religion you jacksss so you sit down and stfu. Not every gay person has impure thoughts stupid. Not only do you not know your religion heathen you don't even know gay people you retard.

Uhm yeah I do, you're just upset you found out you're sinning while ogling men's rectums. Now get lost ya little know nothing
Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen

Impure thoughts are a sin you clueless jackass. If a man desires another man's rectum he is sinning. Now sit down and stfu

You don't even know your religion you jacksss so you sit down and stfu. Not every gay person has impure thoughts stupid. Not only do you not know your religion heathen you don't even know gay people you retard.

Uhm yeah I do, you're just upset you found out you're sinning while ogling men's rectums. Now get lost ya little know nothing

You are clueless and how am I sinning when I'm a man married to my wife? You only continue to show you're an idiot who doesn't even know his religion. not only that you think every gay person is ogling someone anus, what a retard you are. Now sit down and stfu you ignorant inbreeding idiot.
Coming from a bigot like you means nothing. And yes you are a bigot. It's so funny you Christian haters call anyone a bigot, you idiots don't even know the meaning of the word. Hypocritical assholes
This is pathetic. You are just calling people named because they don't agree with you.

That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.
This is pathetic. You are just calling people named because they don't agree with you.

That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
That's how SassySlinger operates. Don't provide her too many facts she can't counter, she'll put you on "ignore". She likes ad hominems though.

You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.
You're the idiot that just claimed interfaith marriages are a sin.Good gawd you're dumber than a freaking stump
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Oh really? You're aware that "gay marriage" forces no mother or father on children, right?
Same sex sex is a sin period.

No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen
Learn to spell for one thing. Being gay is a impure thought.
Calling people dumb because they don't agree with you is not really any kind of argument.

Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
You would be wrong as most gay loving libtards are.
No it isn't. It is a sin to act on it, it is not a sin to be attracted to the same sex. If someone is attracted to the same sex and never does anything sexual with the same sex it isn't a sin. If you're going to thump your bible at least try to get it right.

Impure thoughts can be a mortal sin or a venial sin, depending on circumstances but it's still a sin

Simply being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Period. Acting on it may be but not just attraction alone

Do you have impure thoughts every time you see the opposite sex? Here's a hint gays don't either with ever same sex person they meet.

I repeat, impure thoughts are a sin, can be mortal or venial. Please do not try and tell me my religion

And I repeat my question, do you have impure thought with every opposite sex person you meet? And again gay people don't have impure thoughts with every same sec person they meet.

First learn your damn religion you idiotic heathen
Learn to spell for one thing. Being gay is a impure thought.

Learn Christianity first no it isn't. That is why gays ARE welcome into churches membership
Look whoever you are, be gay I don't care, get pretend married again I don't care, do whatever makes your little heart content, I don't care. I do care when you try and force it on me or my children. Don't and we won't have any issues, do and I'll tell you where you can go in a hand basket. Understand this, you will be better off
I would just be married.

Nobody is trying to force it on you or your children, so don't worry about that.

Don't you worry your pretty lil head about what I worry about with our children. Learn it....then live it
I don't ever force anything on anybody.

You don't have to worry about that. I suppose you could. I don't see what value that would bring you.

Sassy just thinks you're looking at his anus all the time.

I swear out of all the gay men I know bible-thumping Christians think more about anuses and anal sex than gay men do.
You would be wrong as most gay loving libtards are.

When you have to resort being a grammar nazi it is a sure sign you've lost the argument.

And you are incorrect as most intolerant facist bible thumpers are. Piss off loser

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