Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

I hope the judge orders them to do community service and ban them from creating a rw panhandling acct (gofundme)
Persecution comes naturally with you liberals
It's you and most others on the right who wish to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, a right defended by liberals.

Bigotry and intolerance toward gay Americans manifests mostly on the right.
Nonsense. We support the right of gay men to marry. The opposite sex.

That was cute when Folks like yourself said you supported a black man marrying another black woman and a white woman marrying a black man all to show your weren't racial bigots when you said you didn't support interracial
Marriage. Keep being in the wrong side of history we enjoy beating you like a penata haha

It'a very cute to seethe anti gay bigots in full volume along with the trump led racists.
And same sex marriage is protected by the 14 th amendment
Why weren't gays married since the beginning of our Republic? The Founders never intend ended for it, so using the 14th as an excuse will be overturned by a rational Court.
And same sex marriage is protected by the 14 th amendment
Why weren't gays married since the beginning of our Republic? The Founders never intend ended for it, so using the 14th as an excuse will be overturned by a rational Court.

And the founders never consider corporations to be people either.
Just checked my calendar. Yep, it's 2016 not 1787...

Sorry FAA, the Founders forgot to mention you...
I hope the judge orders them to do community service and ban them from creating a rw panhandling acct (gofundme)
Persecution comes naturally with you liberals
It's you and most others on the right who wish to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, a right defended by liberals.

Bigotry and intolerance toward gay Americans manifests mostly on the right.
Nonsense. We support the right of gay men to marry. The opposite sex.
. In case you didn't notice, they are man and woman.
And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
LGBT is not a race of people. Repeat after me YOU ARE NOT A RACE OF PEOPLE. Point to the 14th where it talks about "just some deviant sex behaviors but not others"..
Your religion is not a race of people. In fact, it is totally voluntary

Yet, it is protected

Religion is explicitly affirmed as a protected right in the First Amendment. And yet nothing in the First Amendment is taken to imply a “right” to force others to participate in or support a religion that they do not agree with.

Immoral sexual perversions are not mentioned in the Constitution as having any kind of right associated with them. And yet those of you in the pervert-rights movement have managed to get corrupt courts to establish a “right”, not only to engage in such sick perversions, but to force decent people to participate in and support celebrations of these perversions. You've created this whole set of “rights” out of thin air, and had these “rights” placed above rights that the Constitution clearly intends to explicitly affirm and protect.
And same sex marriage is protected by the 14 th amendment
Why weren't gays married since the beginning of our Republic? The Founders never intend ended for it, so using the 14th as an excuse will be overturned by a rational Court.

And the founders never consider corporations to be people either.
Just checked my calendar. Yep, it's 2016 not 1787...

Sorry FAA, the Founders forgot to mention you...
the Constitution is our law. It doesn't grant marriage to gays.
I hope the judge orders them to do community service and ban them from creating a rw panhandling acct (gofundme)
Persecution comes naturally with you liberals
It's you and most others on the right who wish to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, a right defended by liberals.

Bigotry and intolerance toward gay Americans manifests mostly on the right.
Nonsense. We support the right of gay men to marry. The opposite sex.
. In case you didn't notice, they are man and woman.
No Christian is forced into selling to the public. They are free to not have a business open to the public

Revelation speaks of a “mark of the beast”, that people will be compelled to accept, in order to be allowed to buy and sell—to engage in commerce.

I am coming to suspect that this mark will not be a physical or visual mark, but an ideological mark. I am increasingly seeing suggestions like this, that if one wants to engage in commerce, that one must put aside one's conscience and engage in or support activities that are overtly immoral; that those who do not want to participate in such evil are “… free to not have a business open to the public”. I am coming to suspect that in this, I am seeing the emergence of the true mark of the beast.
And same sex marriage is protected by the 14 th amendment

Your religion does not agree with gay marriage....choose a religion that does and sell some cakes

Where, specifically? Where are human behaviors outside religion protected specific to two people of the same gender forcing children to not have either a mother or father for life? Do you believe, in your wildest imagination, that our forefathers meant for you to use the Constitution's wording to set up a situation that is de facto child abuse? Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

The founding fathers never meant for you vote either. Now fuck off and fix me a sammich! lol

"Now fuck off and fix me a sammich! lol"

Hey you didn't tell them if that's with or without Mayo :smoke:

Spicy mustard with lots of seeds, please. Nom!
Choice, and I won't bother to argue what homosexuality is, is protected here. And so ends your argument.

Actually when the Kleins make their arguments at SCOTUS, probably next year after the GOP appoints and confirms a new Justice, the very issue of "what homosexuality is" will be the central hub of the debate. Because if homosexuality is a behavior, nobody is compelled to play along..
Obergefell is the progeny of settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence dating back well over a century (see Civil Rights Cases (1883)), case law prohibiting the states from engaging in class legislation.

The states may not seek to deny a class of persons their fundamental rights for no other reason than who they are, absent a rational basis, objective, documented evidence in support, and pursuant to a proper legislative end.

Measures that denied gay Americans access to marriage law were devoid of a rational basis, there was no objective, documented evidence in support of denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in, where such measures sought only to disadvantage gay Americans for no other reason than who they are, which was not a proper legislative end:

“We must conclude that [measures hostile to] homosexuals [do] not...further a proper legislative end but [seek instead] to make them unequal to everyone else. This [the states] cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. [Such measures] violate[] the Equal Protection Clause[of the 14th Amendment].” (Romer v. Evans)

This makes an utter mockery of the meaning and intent of the Fourteenth Amendment.

We've created “protected classes” of people and behaviors, not mentioned in the Constitution, that are given “rights” that are not mentioned in the Constitution, and which are held above rights that are explicitly mentioned and protected in the Constitution.

We've made these classes of people “more equal than others”; making a mockery of the clause that requires equal protection of the law.
And same sex marriage is protected by the 14 th amendment

Your religion does not agree with gay marriage....choose a religion that does and sell some cakes

Where, specifically?

That's how wrong-wingers read the Constitution. They dismiss and deny that which is clearly, explicitly stated therein, while making up crap that isn't even mentioned or hinted at; and hold the latter to be of greater authority than the former.

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