Christian Cultural Resentment


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
An excellent analysis on American fundamentalist christianity

"It doesn't take much investigation to notice that Christianity in America is very different from the forms of Christianity we find elsewhere in the world — there can even be significant differences when compared to European Christianity, which should in theory be fairly close. What's more, some of the doctrines and traditions which believers regard as among the most important or fundamental to their religion may in fact be far more dependent upon contingent cultural circumstances than religion itself."

In Rapture Culture: Left Behind in Evangelical America, Amy Johnson Frykholm writes:

Most scholars of American religion agree that the rapture [as a theological doctrine] emerged in American Protestant culture at a moment when conservative Protestants felt a decline of cultural power. Two related trajectories of modernity — urbanization and immigration — began to transform an American landscape that had belonged to the powerful Protestant majority for decades. These two forces portended the decline of traditional life and a loss of a sense of cultural security and control.

Christian Cultural Resentment - Cultural Resentment as Religious Force

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