Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.
Trust you?? :iyfyus.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?
Did he ask 'em parents to bake him a cake? :45:
He asked them for respect and acceptance. They failed
No one is obliged to give either.
You haven’t managed to litigate for that yet.
Litigate ? Is that how you think?! We're talking about parents and their son for Christ sake. It's not a legal matter. It is basic human decency! Something that you seem to lack,
Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand, demanding respect and acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to get it, not even if you’re gay!

And you cannot force people to respect and accept your choices either.

You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Thank you for confirming your cognitive impairment by demonstrating that you did not understand A FUCKING THING that I said
It is you who is clearly cognitively impaired, regressivepervert.
You said the parents failed because they did not give their son respect and acceptance - I reminded you that no one is obligated to respect and accept lifestyle choices they disagree with and that you haven’t managed to legislate for that even though you no doubt would love to, as illustrated in your attempts to force Christian bakers to participate in gay weddings etc.
Keep up, dimwit!
Trust you?? :iyfyus.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?
These bans are being contested on the basis that they violate free speech rights.
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?
These bans are being contested on the basis that they violate free speech rights.
And they are loosing
Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?
These bans are being contested on the basis that they violate free speech rights.
And they are loosing
If you mean losing, that is yet to be determined.
No one wanted to destroy his life. Just not support his perversion.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

Jesus would love his children, rather than do nothing, as you just suggested.
Sure, but what people these days can't agree on is how a person should show their love. How do you show your love towards a person who continues to do anyway what you believe to be wrong?

God bless you always!!!

Thank you for confirming your cognitive impairment by demonstrating that you did not understand A FUCKING THING that I said
You're assuming we care what you say.

Good Allah man, don't you realize this is the 21st century? We now fully understand how harmful the sodomite lifestyle is.

It really all depends on how you write the headline ... :thup:
Parents Score Gay Son Full Scholarship at Georgetown By Saying They Disown Him

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
----------------------------------------- with your foreign influenced thinking you think that this silly issue is important to normal American Christians . I t is not an important issue to normal Christian American except to mess with you Lysis .
Do you think that the Southern Baptist sect represents all people of the Christian faith? This sect speaks solely for its members. You sound like some follower of this nutty cult.

Your "foreign influenced" comment is completely off the wall, Boris. America has a bumper crop of home-grown white trash, trump, pence, sessions, devos, frankie graham, huckabee, sanders, etc. We Americans are not required to follow it.
They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
Again, for the learning impaired. It isn’t any of or business in the first place. In the second place, the parents owe no explanation to anyone since this issue isn’t criminal. Until the other side if ever is exposed, you shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. If you do that means you have no objectivity.

So where is the presentation of the "other side" that would allow for "objectivity"? This monkey couple may choose not to respond. This is their right. They can stay under their blankie. Then they get the consequences of hiding away. Criminality is not the issue. They have been exposed.
Then they get the consequences of hiding away. Criminality is not the issue. They have been exposed.
You do know this internet world that is so important to you is not real life, right?

Here's the thing.

To TRUE Christians, sex outside of marriage is a SIN. Homosexuality is, to God, an "abomination."

You have every right to disagree, but this young fudgepacker is NOT your son

It is the PARENT'S responsibility to try to steer this kid on the right path.
Your self righteous temper tantrum changes nothing. Your opinion is less than worthless.
Trust you?? :iyfyus.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
----------------------------------------- with your foreign influenced thinking you think that this silly issue is important to normal American Christians . I t is not an important issue to normal Christian American except to mess with you Lysis .
Do you think that the Southern Baptist sect represents all people of the Christian faith? This sect speaks solely for its members. You sound like some follower of this nutty cult.

Your "foreign influenced" comment is completely off the wall, Boris. America has a bumper crop of home-grown white trash, trump, pence, sessions, devos, frankie graham, huckabee, sanders, etc. We Americans are not required to follow it.
------------------------------------------------- 'boris' who you calling 'boris' Missy ?? -------------- Anyway hey , think what your foreign way or thinking makes you think Missy .
but Baptists are cool . Its Protestant Baptists and similar that built this USA and ran off the 'redcoats' and 'lobsterbacks' , brits and 'royalists' back to blighty or sent them as 'tory's' to populate 'canada' Lysis .
well its true , you guys wanted the huge forests of Trees , the herds of Elk and Deer , the beaver , the huge stocks of Cod in our oceans and other stuff on land and seas and under the ground . But we Yanks including BAPTISTS kicked your azzez and fecked you guys up all over the place Lysis . [it was fun Lysis]
No one wanted to destroy his life. Just not support his perversion.
Exactly. I would do the same thing. Race Mixing/Sexual Perversion and all contact is cut off.

That is sick ! God help you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Racial Suicide and Sexual Perversion are sick.

Get help dear !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't need help. I am married to a white woman as I am supposed to be and have white kids as I am supposed to...I am not a racial traitor nor a sexual pervert.

Man it's tragic this stuff still lingers but here it is.
It must be galling for the homophobes on this thread that decent people have rallied round this young man.
I hope it is some comfort to him after being reated so badly by fake christian parents. They have failed becuse of their adherence to a hate cult.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
Again, for the learning impaired. It isn’t any of or business in the first place. In the second place, the parents owe no explanation to anyone since this issue isn’t criminal. Until the other side if ever is exposed, you shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. If you do that means you have no objectivity.

So where is the presentation of the "other side" that would allow for "objectivity"? This monkey couple may choose not to respond. This is their right. They can stay under their blankie. Then they get the consequences of hiding away. Criminality is not the issue. They have been exposed.
Hey numnuts. They haven’t been exposed. You have been exposed for being reactionary and judgementaL. You chose to call them monkeys, again showing that you are reactionary. You try to belittle them by saying they can stay under their blankets. That shows how small minded you are. You wouldn’t believe them no. After what they say because you have already made up your mind.

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