Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

No, you tards are labelling the parents based on very little info because you hate people who stand up for their moral and religious beliefs.....when they are Christian.

Please do not refer to these "parents" as Christians. They are members of just one specific sect, Southern Baptist. They absolutely do not represent anyone else but their sect.

It's his teachers who stood up for him, publicized his plight, and raised the money. His Holy Daddy and Holly Mommy failed him. May they live with their disgrace.
Bull shit.

At least these people's actions have been exposed publicly.
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.
After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship

Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.


Such great news! This kid was not responsible for the shitty way his "parents" treated him. You go, Seth!
Shitty? As in poop on dick syndrome? As in FAG?

We know that you are homophobic. Why advertise it some more? What is it with you people???
They are nasty people. Their sick imagination alone is nearly criminal.
After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship

Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.


Such great news! This kid was not responsible for the shitty way his "parents" treated him. You go, Seth!
Shitty? As in poop on dick syndrome? As in FAG?

We know that you are homophobic. Why advertise it some more? What is it with you people???
They are nasty people. Their sick imagination alone is nearly criminal.
‘Nearly Criminal’???
No, you tards are labelling the parents based on very little info because you hate people who stand up for their moral and religious beliefs.....when they are Christian.

Please do not refer to these "parents" as Christians. They are members of just one specific sect, Southern Baptist. They absolutely do not represent anyone else but their sect.

It's his teachers who stood up for him, publicized his plight, and raised the money. His Holy Daddy and Holly Mommy failed him. May they live with their disgrace.
Bull shit.

At least these people's actions have been exposed publicly.
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You admit that you are making a decision based on this kids accusations. It is painfully obvious to any one with a brain that A) this kid is most likely spinning the story to his favor and B) the parents owe an explanation no no one. This isn’t a criminal situation, it is a private matter and none of mine or your business.
After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship

Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.


Such great news! This kid was not responsible for the shitty way his "parents" treated him. You go, Seth!
Shitty? As in poop on dick syndrome? As in FAG?

We know that you are homophobic. Why advertise it some more? What is it with you people???
They are nasty people. Their sick imagination alone is nearly criminal.
Nearly criminal? You don’t know the facts and by your silly post you no nothing about law.
Please do not refer to these "parents" as Christians. They are members of just one specific sect, Southern Baptist. They absolutely do not represent anyone else but their sect.

It's his teachers who stood up for him, publicized his plight, and raised the money. His Holy Daddy and Holly Mommy failed him. May they live with their disgrace.
Bull shit.

At least these people's actions have been exposed publicly.
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?

Nobody should argue that we should not judge without "the facts," when it appears that no one will come out to present these "facts" to us.
Such a lot of hatred for a kid who has had bad parents.
He is lucky that he wasnt a victim in a mass shooting or they would really despise him.
How do you know the parents were bad? Have we heard both sides?
If they were good parents there wouldnt be a story.
There isn’t a story.
Obviously there is because we are all here discussing their shitty parenting.
Aledged shitty parenting
Bull shit.

At least these people's actions have been exposed publicly.
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.
Why argue with the troll. He is mentally ill and filled with hate. Keeping this thread alive only feeds the monster
Well where are they ?
It doesn’t matter, they don’t owe any body any explanation
People who turn their back on their kids are perverse. It doesnt matter how old they are they are still your children. Its the one constant in a changing world. I do feel for this young man. 18 is a very young age to be an orphan. I hope that his parents wake up to their mistake and try to make it up to him.
18 is a young age to be an orphan? Please. You don’t know they turned their back on him. They didn’t pay for his college reportedly because he was gay. Again we don’t know the truth to that. If they didn’t pay his college, it’s no big deal half of all kids parents didn’t pay for their college, big deal. My parents didn’t pay for mine. At the end of the day, it’s a family matter and none of our business. No one was hurt. End of story. Period.
Some families support each other and some dont.I think you are confusing two seperate issues. There is a difference between families who cant afford to support and those who choose not to. I just think that its very sad in this instance.I dont know how this would have affected me, but I was lucky with my parents who were proper parents.
You are the one that is confused. You are basing your entire premise on one side of the story. My parents could afford it. They didn’t pay, it’s their prerogative . No harm done. I figured out how to pay for it and I’m fine. By the way this kid got his college payed for as well. Possibly by lying and misrepresentation. The parents have every right to stay quiet. Maybe they are protecting this kid from being exposed for extortion.
Holy shit! Seriously? Misrepresentation ? Very Trumpian of you to just make that shit up as you go
At least these people's actions have been exposed publicly.
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
Did he ask 'em parents to bake him a cake? :45:
He asked them for respect and acceptance. They failed
------------------------------------------------ its the gay guy that failed , it is ' it ' that wanted ACCEPTANCE . His parents to him to pound sand [with no Lube] P.P..
He wanted acceptance of his being gay. His parents rightly rejected his perversion. It's no different than a child being a drug addict, alcoholic or enjoys pulling the wings off butterflies. No parent says to a child We just love it when you get drunk and fall asleep in your own vomit.
Being gay = drug addict ? Holly shit! Now that is a perversion!!
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
Again, for the learning impaired. It isn’t any of or business in the first place. In the second place, the parents owe no explanation to anyone since this issue isn’t criminal. Until the other side if ever is exposed, you shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. If you do that means you have no objectivity.
It doesn’t matter, they don’t owe any body any explanation
People who turn their back on their kids are perverse. It doesnt matter how old they are they are still your children. Its the one constant in a changing world. I do feel for this young man. 18 is a very young age to be an orphan. I hope that his parents wake up to their mistake and try to make it up to him.
18 is a young age to be an orphan? Please. You don’t know they turned their back on him. They didn’t pay for his college reportedly because he was gay. Again we don’t know the truth to that. If they didn’t pay his college, it’s no big deal half of all kids parents didn’t pay for their college, big deal. My parents didn’t pay for mine. At the end of the day, it’s a family matter and none of our business. No one was hurt. End of story. Period.
Some families support each other and some dont.I think you are confusing two seperate issues. There is a difference between families who cant afford to support and those who choose not to. I just think that its very sad in this instance.I dont know how this would have affected me, but I was lucky with my parents who were proper parents.
You are the one that is confused. You are basing your entire premise on one side of the story. My parents could afford it. They didn’t pay, it’s their prerogative . No harm done. I figured out how to pay for it and I’m fine. By the way this kid got his college payed for as well. Possibly by lying and misrepresentation. The parents have every right to stay quiet. Maybe they are protecting this kid from being exposed for extortion.
Holy shit! Seriously? Misrepresentation ? Very Trumpian of you to just make that shit up as you go
I made nothing up, just pointing out possibilities. Your compulsion to equate anything to Trump shows your ignorance and inability to have a logical conversation. If you are so quick to jump to the defense of one side of a story when the other side has not been exposed then you definitely are incapable of objective reasoning. And the big newsflash here is, ITS NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS!
After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship

Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.

Your histrionics aside, this seems to be more of an issue (since acknowledged and addressed by the university) of the financial aid determinations, not of a devious Christian plot.

Maybe I missed it: where does it say that the family was Republican?
Did he ask 'em parents to bake him a cake? :45:
He asked them for respect and acceptance. They failed
No one is obliged to give either.
You haven’t managed to litigate for that yet.
Litigate ? Is that how you think?! We're talking about parents and their son for Christ sake. It's not a legal matter. It is basic human decency! Something that you seem to lack,
Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand, demanding respect and acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to get it, not even if you’re gay!

And you cannot force people to respect and accept your choices either.

You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.
Trust you?? :iyfyus.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Did he ask 'em parents to bake him a cake? :45:
He asked them for respect and acceptance. They failed
No one is obliged to give either.
You haven’t managed to litigate for that yet.
Litigate ? Is that how you think?! We're talking about parents and their son for Christ sake. It's not a legal matter. It is basic human decency! Something that you seem to lack,
Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand, demanding respect and acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to get it, not even if you’re gay!

And you cannot force people to respect and accept your choices either.

You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Thank you for confirming your cognitive impairment by demonstrating that you did not understand A FUCKING THING that I said
No they haven’t. You have a one sided attack. You are ignorant enough to accept it.

They are still in hiding.
You just admitted you don’t know the whole story. You assume based on a kids portrayal. I hope you never sit on a jury.

I have not seen anyone come out to tell "the whole story." I have asked repeatedly where there those people are who could present the other side of the story. A jury considers both sides, but just where is the other side? Those who might represent "the other side" are simply silent. They offer nothing; not a word. This is just another example of what is wrong in the U.S. Where is the Owen couple or anyone else who can represent their story?
Since this isn’t criminal, they don’t need to present their side of the story. It is simply none of our business. If you want to take up this kids side without the facts it shows your inability to be objective. The parents owe you, me or anyone else anything. This kid decided to go public, let him squirm.

You argue on one hand, that these people don't need to present their side of the story, and then criticize people for taking up this kid's side of the story "without the facts." Where is this other set of "facts" being presented? By whom? You argue for objectivity, but how is this possible when one side of a dispute refuses to engage?
----------------------------------------- with your foreign influenced thinking you think that this silly issue is important to normal American Christians . I t is not an important issue to normal Christian American except to mess with you Lysis .

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