Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
Why should they get a spoke person? Because you say so? You claim they tortured their kids. You have no proof. You want them to pay for his therapy in the future. Why? What basis do you have to make such an irrational statement? Again, they don’t owe any of us an explanation. The kid is an idiot for even bringing it up. He got his college paid for without having to work. That’s all he wanted in the first place.
Numerous news outlets have reported that his parents tried to force him into gay conversion therapy . Such "therapy is dangerous and condemned by all reputable mental heal professional organization. It often results is depression, anxiety, crushing guilt and suicide. That is all we need to know. It's the parents who are not capable of rational thought...….as well as you :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
Why should they get a spoke person? Because you say so? You claim they tortured their kids. You have no proof. You want them to pay for his therapy in the future. Why? What basis do you have to make such an irrational statement? Again, they don’t owe any of us an explanation. The kid is an idiot for even bringing it up. He got his college paid for without having to work. That’s all he wanted in the first place.

He didn't bring it up. His teachers did after they realized what was going on and he was sleeping at friends' houses. The fund-raising page was started after his so-called "parents" could no longer treat him horribly because he moved out and they could do no further damage. One cannot choose one's parents, unfortunately, and he certainly got the short end of the stick. This "conversion therapy" nonsense has been found by mental-health professionals to be damaging to the health of patients, so he probably will be in need of some therapy. While you say that these jerks don't owe anyone an explanation for their vile actions, it has been you that have continuously have insisted that there is another side to the story. If there is, no one is telling it. Their son has made very specific allegations as to their behavior, and they have not responded.
I hope it is some comfort to him after being reated so badly by fake christian parents. They have failed becuse of their adherence to a hate cult.

And there we have it. The ‘man’ who regularly defends Islam and who pretends to be a Christian himself, views people who simply adhere to their morals and their Christian beliefs as fake Christians who belong to a ‘hate cult’.
I hope it is some comfort to him after being reated so badly by fake christian parents. They have failed becuse of their adherence to a hate cult.

And there we have it. The ‘man’ who regularly defends Islam and who pretends to be a Christian himself, views people who simply adhere to their morals and their Christian beliefs as fake Christians who belong to a ‘hate cult’.

This anti-gay cult has no origin in any belief in the teachings of Jesus. The people who purport to do this because they are "Christian" are fakes.
Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
Why should they get a spoke person? Because you say so? You claim they tortured their kids. You have no proof. You want them to pay for his therapy in the future. Why? What basis do you have to make such an irrational statement? Again, they don’t owe any of us an explanation. The kid is an idiot for even bringing it up. He got his college paid for without having to work. That’s all he wanted in the first place.

He didn't bring it up. His teachers did after they realized what was going on and he was sleeping at friends' houses. The fund-raising page was started after his so-called "parents" could no longer treat him horribly because he moved out and they could do no further damage. One cannot choose one's parents, unfortunately, and he certainly got the short end of the stick. This "conversion therapy" nonsense has been found by mental-health professionals to be damaging to the health of patients, so he probably will be in need of some therapy. While you say that these jerks don't owe anyone an explanation for their vile actions, it has been you that have continuously have insisted that there is another side to the story. If there is, no one is telling it. Their son has made very specific allegations as to their behavior, and they have not responded.
You are beyond help. He brought it up to his teachers. “ he made specific allegations” note the operative word. “ he certainly got the short end of the stick”. Again, allegations. He says he moved out. They didn’t kick him out, according to him. He says it was because they treated him terribly. He told his story to teachers and they decided to support him not knowing if what he says is true. In case you are to thick to understand ( which it appears you are ), it is up to him to prove their guilt ( which he hasn’t “ ), it is not up to them to prove their innocence. At this point we have a kid that doesn’t like his parents and he says, without specific proof that his parents treated him horribly. One would think that neighbors would be able to support it. Haven’t heard anything about that. One would think that he would have witnesses to this alleged horrible treatment, he hasn’t produced them. You have decided on your own and with total bias that everything this kid says is the truth. You are the one that needs help and should be ashamed.
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Again with the cartoons. I will humor you even though you appear to be 12. Please post the links which show he went to therapy and for what. Post reputable links that say Said therapy is harmful.

Holly shit! You really are that far out to lunch!

Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
Why should they get a spoke person? Because you say so? You claim they tortured their kids. You have no proof. You want them to pay for his therapy in the future. Why? What basis do you have to make such an irrational statement? Again, they don’t owe any of us an explanation. The kid is an idiot for even bringing it up. He got his college paid for without having to work. That’s all he wanted in the first place.

He didn't bring it up. His teachers did after they realized what was going on and he was sleeping at friends' houses. The fund-raising page was started after his so-called "parents" could no longer treat him horribly because he moved out and they could do no further damage. One cannot choose one's parents, unfortunately, and he certainly got the short end of the stick. This "conversion therapy" nonsense has been found by mental-health professionals to be damaging to the health of patients, so he probably will be in need of some therapy. While you say that these jerks don't owe anyone an explanation for their vile actions, it has been you that have continuously have insisted that there is another side to the story. If there is, no one is telling it. Their son has made very specific allegations as to their behavior, and they have not responded.
Your hysteria and meddling is disgusting.
Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand, demanding respect and acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to get it, not even if you’re gay!
Here the thing. I don't need you to tell me that, and the fact that you do think that you need to tell me that does not speak well for your cognitive abilities
You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Legislate?? Who the fuck is talking about legislation??!! This is about basic human decency, a fact which seems to be lost on you
Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand, demanding respect and acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to get it, not even if you’re gay!
Here the thing. I don't need you to tell me that, and the fact that you do think that you need to tell me that does not speak well for your cognitive abilities
Clearly you do, just as you needed to be informed that parents CAN and DO disown their children, regressivepervert.
You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Legislate?? Who the fuck is talking about legislation??!! This is about basic human decency, a fact which seems to be lost on you
You leftard militant alphabet soupers are absolutely for legislating everything. Bake that cake!!!
No one wanted to destroy his life. Just not support his perversion.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

Jesus would love his children, rather than do nothing, as you just suggested.
Sure, but what people these days can't agree on is how a person should show their love. How do you show your love towards a person who continues to do anyway what you believe to be wrong?

God bless you always!!!

You don't show you're love by disowning, kicking your child out and refusing to pay for their college.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

Jesus would love his children, rather than do nothing, as you just suggested.
Sure, but what people these days can't agree on is how a person should show their love. How do you show your love towards a person who continues to do anyway what you believe to be wrong?

God bless you always!!!

You don't show you're love by disowning, kicking your child out and refusing to pay for their college.
They didn’t kick him out, he left. What does paying for college have to do with love?
You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Legislate?? Who the fuck is talking about legislation??!! This is about basic human decency, a fact which seems to be lost on you
Decency rejects degeneracy. You should know that.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

Jesus would love his children, rather than do nothing, as you just suggested.
Sure, but what people these days can't agree on is how a person should show their love. How do you show your love towards a person who continues to do anyway what you believe to be wrong?

God bless you always!!!

You don't show you're love by disowning, kicking your child out and refusing to pay for their college.
Some people don’t, others believe tough love in certain circumstances is better for the long term.
BTW, as mentioned earlier, the father says he asked only that his son attended his church whilst he lived under their roof - ie until he left for college.
The son decided he couldn’t do that so Left home. The son himself has stated this, as posted earlier.
There are still some parents who parent instead of trying to be their kids best pal.
You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Legislate?? Who the fuck is talking about legislation??!! This is about basic human decency, a fact which seems to be lost on you
You leftard militant alphabet soupers are absolutely for legislating everything. Bake that cake!!!
You should THINK about what your saying before you look foolish. Who is it that has been pushing the "religious freedom " laws to allow discrimination? Who has been pushing the "bathroom bills" out of bigotry, fear and ignorance over trans people? Who was pushing laws against same sex marriage. Geeeezzzzz get real!
This anti-gay cult has no origin in any belief in the teachings of Jesus. The people who purport to do this because they are "Christian" are fakes.
Liar. Sodomites trapped in sin do not speak for Jesus

How come? Members of dumb fundie cults think that they do. You appear to be one of them. You even have the buzz-words down that every fundie bubba spouts.

This anti-gay stuff has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with the emotional hysteria and hatred of the sexually insecure. It does not belong anywhere in the Christian faith.
Exactly. I would do the same thing. Race Mixing/Sexual Perversion and all contact is cut off.

That is sick ! God help you!

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No Racial Suicide and Sexual Perversion are sick.

Get help dear !

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I don't need help. I am married to a white woman as I am supposed to be and have white kids as I am supposed to...I am not a racial traitor nor a sexual pervert.

Man it's tragic this stuff still lingers but here it is.
Cry more. Its MUCH more prevalent than you think it is. I just express my views in public and on here while most just hide them. Racial Mixing is Racial Suicide...
Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.

It's rather unfortunate that our universities are stooping to allowing such a repulsive lifestyle on their grounds, which a civilized society shouldn't really allow to exist anywhere outside of the gutter or the psychiatric ward, if at all.

For that matter, the fact that he was awarded valedictorian-ship by his high school is rather disgraceful as well - ideally, there would be policies in place barring disturbed individuals who identify with things such as homosexuality or pedophilia from receiving any type of awards or financial aid in a public institution.

If they wish to promote such an aberrant and controversial lifestyle choice, they shouldn't expect to do so with society's tacit support.

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