Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

The "transgender rights" movement likewise intentionally targets children and encourages them to pursue dangerous hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery, likely merely to generate publicity for the agenda and give it a veil of legitimacy rather than any genuine "concern" for children.
Horseshit! How do they "target children" and for what purpose? Sex reassignment for children rarely if ever happens . Are you really that stupid or just ignorant.? Generate publicity? Gezus fucking Krist! What are you going to pull out of you pie hole next?
The "transgender rights" movement likewise intentionally targets children and encourages them to pursue dangerous hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery, likely merely to generate publicity for the agenda and give it a veil of legitimacy rather than any genuine "concern" for children.
Horseshit! How do they "target children" and for what purpose? Sex reassignment for children rarely if ever happens . Are you really that stupid or just ignorant.? Generate publicity? Gezus fucking Krist! What are you going to pull out of you pie hole next?
Yes it is true, one of the founders of the "transgender" movement was a Dr. John Money, who coincidentally was one of the individuals with ties to NAMBLA - who performed a botched reassignment surgery on an infant which lead to the boy's suicide.

The trans movement in particular has an overt agenda of recruiting and 'experimenting' on young children in order to try to legitimise themselves.
Nor do I believe that "gay" is a fixed identity as opposed to just being a "feeling" a person might experience off and on due to various circumstances; the idea that it is a "fixed identity" is modern invention of the LGBT movement which does not have any credible evidence current or historically, but is merely a social construct invented by the movement so that it can make a claim to "rights".
More horseshit! It matters little what you believe. Your beliefs are clearly based on your bias and it is equally clear that you hare pathetically uneducated and ignorant on the subject. Where the fuck is YOUR evidence?
You’ve done your best with the law, re forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay weddings, but you cannot legislate family dynamics and you will never ever be able to force people to respect and accept whatever you decide they must respect and accept. Geddit now???

Legislate?? Who the fuck is talking about legislation??!! This is about basic human decency, a fact which seems to be lost on you
You leftard militant alphabet soupers are absolutely for legislating everything. Bake that cake!!!
You should THINK about what your saying before you look foolish. Who is it that has been pushing the "religious freedom " laws to allow discrimination? Who has been pushing the "bathroom bills" out of bigotry, fear and ignorance over trans people? Who was pushing laws against same sex marriage. Geeeezzzzz get real!
If only you could engage what passes for your brain you’d realise it’s you militant lgbtqxyzs that are deliberately trampling all over the rights of others to practice their religion when it isn’t necessary. Bake the cake!
I just can't take you seriously any more , as though I ever did :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
I argue that is false and exaggeration, given that most people who are "gay" in private would never be known if they were not intentionally "out and proud" about it in an attention-seeking way.

Is your heterosexuality in private only? What the fuck are you doing right now besides seeking attention? Why are you here? Why don't you just mind your own business.? What you fail to understand is that as gay people gain acceptance and are allowed to fully participate in society, the blend in and no longer need to be militant and seek attention. Your moronic attitude, and your desire to drive gays back into the closet only breads militancy, but obviously your not bright enough to see that.
do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".
I argue that is false and exaggeration, given that most people who are "gay" in private would never be known if they were not intentionally "out and proud" about it in an attention-seeking way.

Is your heterosexuality in private only? What the fuck are you doing right now besides seeking attention? Why are you here? Why don't you just mind your own business.? What you fail to understand is that as gay people gain acceptance and are allowed to fully participate in society, the blend in and no longer need to be militant and seek attention. Your moronic attitude, and your desire to drive gays back into the closet only breads militancy, but obviously your not bright enough to see that.
Many people object to their attention seeking behaviour - particularly when it involves being half naked, simulating sex acts and swinging their dong in front of children.
Gay pride is a truly degenerate affair and you have the audacity to talk about these Christian parents having no decency.
Such hypocrisy.

do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".

Oh shit! Really? You are a hopelessly disturbed ignoramus. Get out of my face. I'm not wasting another key stroke on this kind of bigotry and stupidity. You are dismissed
do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".

You make a good point there re conversion therapy.
do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".

Oh shit! Really? You are a hopelessly disturbed ignoramus. Get out of my face. I'm not wasting another key stroke on this kind of bigotry and stupidity. You are dismissed
Such intolerance :rolleyes:
do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".

Oh shit! Really? You are a hopelessly disturbed ignoramus. Get out of my face. I'm not wasting another key stroke on this kind of bigotry and stupidity. You are dismissed
Such intolerance :rolleyes:

Thats right .i do not tolerate bigotry and ignorance. Sue me !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
do not care to think about whether or not my neighbor is having butt sex or not, but I would argue the "militant gays" intentionally invite much of the "discrimination" by being such attention whores.

You sure have gay sex on your mind a lot. I'll ask you again -are you a product of ex gay conversion therapy?
No, in fact I'd argue the LGBT movement is a form of "conversion therapy" designed to turn straights into gay, more like a cult which seeks "converts" than something which exists in nature.

That's likely the reason that "gay rights" is a recent invention, and that historically "gay sex" was just viewed as a preference or lifestyle choice rather than a "fixed identity".

Oh shit! Really? You are a hopelessly disturbed ignoramus. Get out of my face. I'm not wasting another key stroke on this kind of bigotry and stupidity. You are dismissed
Such intolerance :rolleyes:

Thats right .i do not tolerate bigotry and ignorance. Sue me !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are a profligate purveyor of bigotry and ignorance.
I hope it is some comfort to him after being reated so badly by fake christian parents. They have failed becuse of their adherence to a hate cult.

And there we have it. The ‘man’ who regularly defends Islam and who pretends to be a Christian himself, views people who simply adhere to their morals and their Christian beliefs as fake Christians who belong to a ‘hate cult’.

I found his accusation of "Hate cult" really hilarious next to his avatar of the ridiculous Trump baby balloon. If ANYTHING is a hate cult these days, it's anti-Trumpism.
Holy shit are really this ignorant? A government body caving to something of this nature? Who would have ever have thought that the lbgt community would be against this? Maybe if you posted links for study’s that support and deny the value of this, you could be taken seriously. And then a conversation of substance could be had. So you ha e proof of this kid actually going to these sessions?

Let the parents or their spokesperson admit or deny that this ever occurred. This "therapy" is bogus. These "parents" just torture their kids by putting them through this. This Owen couple should be forced to pay for their son's psychological therapy in the future, but they still will remain hiding under their blankies.
Why should they get a spoke person? Because you say so? You claim they tortured their kids. You have no proof. You want them to pay for his therapy in the future. Why? What basis do you have to make such an irrational statement? Again, they don’t owe any of us an explanation. The kid is an idiot for even bringing it up. He got his college paid for without having to work. That’s all he wanted in the first place.

He didn't bring it up. His teachers did after they realized what was going on and he was sleeping at friends' houses. The fund-raising page was started after his so-called "parents" could no longer treat him horribly because he moved out and they could do no further damage. One cannot choose one's parents, unfortunately, and he certainly got the short end of the stick. This "conversion therapy" nonsense has been found by mental-health professionals to be damaging to the health of patients, so he probably will be in need of some therapy. While you say that these jerks don't owe anyone an explanation for their vile actions, it has been you that have continuously have insisted that there is another side to the story. If there is, no one is telling it. Their son has made very specific allegations as to their behavior, and they have not responded.
You are beyond help. He brought it up to his teachers. “ he made specific allegations” note the operative word. “ he certainly got the short end of the stick”. Again, allegations. He says he moved out. They didn’t kick him out, according to him. He says it was because they treated him terribly. He told his story to teachers and they decided to support him not knowing if what he says is true. In case you are to thick to understand ( which it appears you are ), it is up to him to prove their guilt ( which he hasn’t “ ), it is not up to them to prove their innocence. At this point we have a kid that doesn’t like his parents and he says, without specific proof that his parents treated him horribly. One would think that neighbors would be able to support it. Haven’t heard anything about that. One would think that he would have witnesses to this alleged horrible treatment, he hasn’t produced them. You have decided on your own and with total bias that everything this kid says is the truth. You are the one that needs help and should be ashamed.

The biggest lie of the Left--I take that back, they traffic in lies--was "tolerance". We were never meant to simply "tolerate" those with whom we disagree. Nope. We must capitulate, we must accept, love and actually acknowledge as "beautiful" and "true".

Which is horse hockey straight up. If Leftists don't believe me, how 'bout this? How 'bout you not just tolerate that I believe Jesus Christ is Lord, but you accept and love my choice and accept it as beautiful. Love is love, after all. I love Jesus, so there.

Yes? No?

Crickets. (or worse)

It could be true that every word this young man says is true. Or it could be that his Christian parents said, we love you, but we cannot support your sin, with various shadings, whatever that meant. And in these screeching times of outrage mobs, all he heard was YOU HATE ME BECAUSE I'M GAY, and took his toys and found a new home, which let's face it, teenagers have been known to do.

We just don't know. But we do know the gay agenda NEVER meant to stop at "tolerate".
I argue that is false and exaggeration, given that most people who are "gay" in private would never be known if they were not intentionally "out and proud" about it in an attention-seeking way.

Is your heterosexuality in private only? What the fuck are you doing right now besides seeking attention? Why are you here? Why don't you just mind your own business.? What you fail to understand is that as gay people gain acceptance and are allowed to fully participate in society, the blend in and no longer need to be militant and seek attention. Your moronic attitude, and your desire to drive gays back into the closet only breads militancy, but obviously your not bright enough to see that.
Many people object to their attention seeking behaviour - particularly when it involves being half naked, simulating sex acts and swinging their dong in front of children.
Gay pride is a truly degenerate affair and you have the audacity to talk about these Christian parents having no decency.
Such hypocrisy.

View attachment 208721
---------------------------------------------- that should be Child Abuse and the pervert that is displaying 'itself' should be arrested . Thanks for the example of these proud displaying 'homos' Tilly or Unif .

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