Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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Explain how a book that was written two thousand years ago know there were valleys in the seas and springs and fountains? And explain how they understood ocean currents or paths of the sea and how they understood the hydrologic cycle.

Oh and let's not forget "entropy" the second law of thermodynamics a relatively recent observation in the field of science of which the Biblical writers spoke of.

Ever read the story Of Job?

Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus are all stellar constellations spoke of in the Bible.

There are too many things in the bible that science has later confirmed to disregard it.

But disregard it you must because you do not know any better and you refuse to open your eyes to the truth.

Just wondering... do you really think anyone actually clicks on your assinine links??? :doubt:

I did once! It was hilarious! I got days of material from it...

Then I did it for a while just for a laugh.

Now I, like pretty much everybody else, just ignores duhs.

This is a garbage thread, belongs in the garbage pile. Divisive, bigoted, contains no facts, no link, nor even description in the OP or anywhere that I can find. Just a bunch of lunatics raving about how dare Christians help people in need.
There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

You wouldn't do jack shit about it you yellow striped coward. As a matter of fact, what can you do about it? Nothing. Go back to your bong and try to spell "gouls" correctly next time maggot.

My dad gave me some helpfull advice when I was young... maybe 6-7 years old. He has left us now but when I forget to head his warning I still think of him when cleaning dog poop off of my shoe. " where you put your feet". It is still good advice.

You should try following it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

On occasion when picking up poop for my dogs I do "step in it". The moral of HIS advice was that one is responsible for where one puts his or her feet. Picking up dog poop from your own dog is just comon sense also.

I do both.
This thread does not belong in the religion/ethics forum. There is no source, no facts, it's just a raving condemnation of all things Christian [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]
This thread does not belong in the religion/ethics forum. There is no source, no facts, it's just a raving condemnation of all things Christian [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.
This thread does not belong in the religion/ethics forum. There is no source, no facts, it's just a raving condemnation of all things Christian [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.

Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?
This thread does not belong in the religion/ethics forum. There is no source, no facts, it's just a raving condemnation of all things Christian [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.

Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?

That is a lie. I never said "I" was abused.

What I find offensive is my business. Christians don't call the shots. You do not have the right to assume special privilege when a person dies. In short it is none if your business unless one of your duped membership asks for your involvement because the deceased was a member of one of your churches.
I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.

Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?

That is a lie. I never said "I" was abused.

What I find offensive is my business. Christians don't call the shots. You do not have the right to assume special privilege when a person dies. In short it is none if your business unless one of your duped membership asks for your involvement because the deceased was a member of one of your churches.

And how do you know this wasn't the case in this particular incident? You don't.
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.

That isn't what happened at Oso, they were at the scene ready to help when called on, my you act like they were screaming slogans and accosting people. You are a clueless fool.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

It's called freedom of speech, freedom of religion, are you against such freedoms? Over the century the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of this. No one makes you open the door, no one makes you talk with them, no one stops you from closing the door. Exercise your freedom while they exercise theirs and be happy you live in a country that protects basic freedoms and rights.
Once I woke from a coma and laying in a hospital near death, the Chaplin asked if I wanted to speak to a representative from a specific religion. My reply was yes, all of them.
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.

So Huggy's ignorant assed opinion has now turned into people actually being "accosted"? Proof? Link? Methinks Puddly Pillowbite is just flirting for a new partner. Asshat.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

It's called freedom of speech, freedom of religion, are you against such freedoms? Over the century the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of this. No one makes you open the door, no one makes you talk with them, no one stops you from closing the door. Exercise your freedom while they exercise theirs and be happy you live in a country that protects basic freedoms and rights.

Liberals believe they have a right not to be offended. They will tell you it's right there in the Constitution next to the right to free healthcare, housing, food and education.
I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.

Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?

That is a lie. I never said "I" was abused.

What I find offensive is my business. Christians don't call the shots. You do not have the right to assume special privilege when a person dies. In short it is none if your business unless one of your duped membership asks for your involvement because the deceased was a member of one of your churches.

Again, why do you care? the person is dead, you don't believe in an after life. You think praying over the body is gonna hurt?
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.

We have yet to have an article or cite which makes the case that anyone was accosting people.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Since when? If I go knocking on your door to see if you will host a Japanese student, am I "accosting" you?
I thought I made it clear that I had no problem with christians doing what christians do in the confines of their own members requests in circumstances when christians are killed.

I thought I was clear that my problem was when christian clergy assume that all dead people is such horrible circumstance are fair game for their rituals.

You over react as do typical christians when it is brought to your attention that some people may be offended when christians assume all dead people invoved in accidental deaths may not need or desire their involvement.

Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?

That is a lie. I never said "I" was abused.

What I find offensive is my business. Christians don't call the shots. You do not have the right to assume special privilege when a person dies. In short it is none if your business unless one of your duped membership asks for your involvement because the deceased was a member of one of your churches.

Who was it, your brother? You were complaining about someone being abused. Or do you just complain because it came out that some catholic priests were abusing boys? And of course you translate that to all Christians. So if a white person offends you, all white people are bad? Or is it just Christians you want to hate on?

Again, you said you wanted to lock all Christians in their churches and burn them alive, do you deny that now? Why do you hate Christians so much that when you hear they're at the scene of an accident you automatically assume the worst? Spend too much time with the Westboro Baptist Church?
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