Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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ironic coming from a poster who is on every antipsychotic in the known universe..

You're confusing me with yourself again, whacko.

But in here you're in a good safe place...just one minor wacko in a veritable sea of whackos. Enjoy, schizo!

hardly hag...the one redeeming quality you have is being extremely're the poster child for mental illness.

:eusa_eh::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:'s not just an old Russian curtain!
You're confusing me with yourself again, whacko.

But in here you're in a good safe place...just one minor wacko in a veritable sea of whackos. Enjoy, schizo!

hardly hag...the one redeeming quality you have is being extremely're the poster child for mental illness.

:eusa_eh::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:'s not just an old Russian curtain!
non sequitur .......I doubt you even know what you just said.
Gads you're dense.

I've never met anybody, aside from TDM and one other poster, who had to have EVERYTHING dumbed down, ALL the time.

But it is entertaining....
Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that Christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.
Their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that Christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.

I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.

I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.

Okay, I nominate this for best post of the week.
Funny, liberals don't complain about support the OWS and their right to sit on private land, their shouting, their protests. Even excuse the trash they leave when the group leaves, say nothing about them defecating on public and private property.

Yet, one religious person at a courthouse, or one guy knocking on their door once a month drives them into a frenzy.

More proof that liberals want opposition silenced.
best steaming pile in this thread..
you might want to look up the definition of frenzy..

I didn't think you had an answer. Funny how one thinks a right is not.
There is plenty of time and places to push your religion. The scene of horrible deaths is in extremely bad taste. Of course you have every right to babble on about your sky fairy. What I also believe is that someone who is grieving over a loved one that does not share your fantasy would be within moral righteousness to grab a 2 by 4 and "splain" it to you how you were out of bounds and everything if you took out a bible and regurgitated a bunch of mumbo jumbo over the deceased.

You're a hateful piece of shit bigot.

I'll pray whenever I like, for who I like. Bigots like you who hate Jesus, who persecute the saints, are children of Satan. You cannot stop my faith and love in Jesus. You are evil, and your hate will lead you and those like you to kill the saints.

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles. When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.

“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 10*English Standard Version (ESV)
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I'm still rolling over the thought that helping others isn't a *right* but a *privilege* in the duhs universe.
I would be willing to bet if Dawgs and Buggy were stuck under 3 feet of mud that they would be more than willing to have a Christian or two dig them out.

As bigoted as they are they would probably refuse the help and then blame them for saving their lives, then file a lawsuit. Hatred and bigotry brings out the worst in people.
I would be willing to bet if Dawgs and Buggy were stuck under 3 feet of mud that they would be more than willing to have a Christian or two dig them out.

As bigoted as they are they would probably refuse the help and then blame them for saving their lives, then file a lawsuit. Hatred and bigotry brings out the worst in people.

Well ... in that case then I could simply erect an outhouse on their mound to make them feel more at home.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

You use this tragedy to spew your bigotry and hatred?

I should be surprised at how low you stoop, but somehow I'm not.
There isn't much difference between today's anti-Christian movement to the 30's Nazis who blamed everything on the Jews.

That's right. Non believers are Nazis. What an imbecile! Maybe we should roll into a discussion as to who was a better human.. Jimmy Jones or Hitler..

Take your fucking bible and shove it up your ass.

I'm a non-believer.

You are a hate filled bigot.

See the difference?
Serial killers must take time away from their jobs and families to do their work also.

You're not expecting us to thank you for your efforts. are you Huggy?

(Though, someone in law enforcement should dig up your back yard!)

There are some that are fooled into believing they must recieve contact from religious representatives at times like this. My message is not for them.

You believe it is your duty to silence those who hold views different than yours.

I'm not as angry or miserable as you might imagine.

I admit, I do view hate filled bigots as miserable scumbags acting out..

IF you are not miserable, why do you act out? Just an innate hatred of your fellow man?

MY reaction was that it was assumed by the TV coverage that a religious presense was a neccesary component to the search and recovery phase of the initial official response.

I question what if any good the bible thumpers could offer that the victims own pastors and priests couldn't fullfill in their own churches.

I think assigning an on site god squad is in bad taste as there is no way to know what if any spiritual advisors would be appreciated by the victims or the first responders. True..approxomately 60% of Americans believe in a god..enough to admit they go to a church or other institution or organization. That leaves 40% that do not.

Spiritual counciling should be best handled by the individual upon request.

Your reaction was the reaction of a bigot. You leveraged a tragedy to promote your hatred.
Serial killers must take time away from their jobs and families to do their work also.

You're not expecting us to thank you for your efforts. are you Huggy?

(Though, someone in law enforcement should dig up your back yard!)

There are some that are fooled into believing they must recieve contact from religious representatives at times like this. My message is not for them.

You believe it is your duty to silence those who hold views different than yours.

I'm not as angry or miserable as you might imagine.

I admit, I do view hate filled bigots as miserable scumbags acting out..

IF you are not miserable, why do you act out? Just an innate hatred of your fellow man?

MY reaction was that it was assumed by the TV coverage that a religious presense was a neccesary component to the search and recovery phase of the initial official response.

I question what if any good the bible thumpers could offer that the victims own pastors and priests couldn't fullfill in their own churches.

I think assigning an on site god squad is in bad taste as there is no way to know what if any spiritual advisors would be appreciated by the victims or the first responders. True..approxomately 60% of Americans believe in a god..enough to admit they go to a church or other institution or organization. That leaves 40% that do not.

Spiritual counciling should be best handled by the individual upon request.

Your reaction was the reaction of a bigot. You leveraged a tragedy to promote your hatred.

"You leveraged a tragedy". I have friends and aquaintenances impacted directly and indirectly by the slide. You?

I am not up at Oso pushing atheism unlike some christians. My coments do not make the tragedy any worse.

You don't have a RIGHT to help others! You must first clear it with your local atheist league! And if they deem it (and you) worthy, then perhaps you will be allowed to dig (or be placed into) a grave or two.

show me where in the constitution it's say that you have a right to give aid....

There are morons and then there are fucking morons. You are a fucking moron. Let me apply your logic. Where does the constitution give you the right to breathe?
"You leveraged a tragedy". I have friends and aquaintenances impacted directly and indirectly by the slide. You?


You sill leveraged it to spew your hatred at those with differing views.

I am not up at Oso pushing atheism unlike some christians. My coments do not make the tragedy any worse.

Those who go to offer console and comfort are the good guys. You, not so much....
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Their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that Christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.
bet you didn't look or thought it was ok....
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.
bet you didn't look or thought it was ok....

No I wasn't looking for it and no I didn't think it was okay. But that sure explains a lot. If you are looking for it, you will find it, even if it's not there. I bet you overheard me talking to a fellow bus passenger one day. She was reading the Bible and I asked her if she was a Christian. She said "no" but she wanted to find out what it was all about. I suggested a church for her. You probably thought I was one of those people berating someone in the name of Jesus when all I was doing is recommending a church to someone already reading the Bible.
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