Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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Baloney, I still remember when you said you wanted all Christians locked in their own churches and burned alive. Then you went on with some story about how some Christians had abused you as a child and therefore they are all evil.....

If you really don't believe in God, why do you care what kind of ceremony anyone does over the dead?

That is a lie. I never said "I" was abused.

What I find offensive is my business. Christians don't call the shots. You do not have the right to assume special privilege when a person dies. In short it is none if your business unless one of your duped membership asks for your involvement because the deceased was a member of one of your churches.

Who was it, your brother? You were complaining about someone being abused. Or do you just complain because it came out that some catholic priests were abusing boys? And of course you translate that to all Christians. So if a white person offends you, all white people are bad? Or is it just Christians you want to hate on?

Again, you said you wanted to lock all Christians in their churches and burn them alive, do you deny that now? Why do you hate Christians so much that when you hear they're at the scene of an accident you automatically assume the worst? Spend too much time with the Westboro Baptist Church?

You are right...I am wrong.
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.

We have yet to have an article or cite which makes the case that anyone was accosting people.

Well, we have Huggy's intolerant opinion and that's good enough for Puddly.
Huggy is right.

If people want to preach and mumbo their jumbo in their churches, fine. But to actually accost people at the scene of an accident or disaster is inexcusable. That's even worse that knocking on your door on Saturday morning.

We have yet to have an article or cite which makes the case that anyone was accosting people.

Well, we have Huggy's intolerant opinion and that's good enough for Puddly.

A bizzilian christians cannot be wrong. I apologize.
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Since when? If I go knocking on your door to see if you will host a Japanese student, am I "accosting" you?

That depends. If the student happens to be Christian, then it is an outrage sure to offend the bigotry and insecurity of the militantly atheist like Huggies.
Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Since when? If I go knocking on your door to see if you will host a Japanese student, am I "accosting" you?

That depends. If the student happens to be Christian, then it is an outrage sure to offend the bigotry and insecurity of the militantly atheist like Huggies.

Not so fast. I could certainly learn something about biggotry frm a Japonese student. The Japonese society is one of if not the most biggoted nations on the planet.
Since when? If I go knocking on your door to see if you will host a Japanese student, am I "accosting" you?

That depends. If the student happens to be Christian, then it is an outrage sure to offend the bigotry and insecurity of the militantly atheist like Huggies.

Not so fast. I could certainly learn something about biggotry [sic] frm [sic] a Japonese [sic]student. The Japonese [sic] society is one of if not the most biggoted [sic] nations on the planet.

Is that the impression you got during all the years you lived there?

By the way, you could probably learn a lot about English from an international student.
That depends. If the student happens to be Christian, then it is an outrage sure to offend the bigotry and insecurity of the militantly atheist like Huggies.

Not so fast. I could certainly learn something about biggotry [sic] frm [sic] a Japonese [sic]student. The Japonese [sic] society is one of if not the most biggoted [sic] nations on the planet.

Is that the impression you got during all the years you lived there?

By the way, you could probably learn a lot about English from an international student.

Of course there is THAT !
I could certainly learn something about biggotry frm a Japonese student. The Japonese society is one of if not the most biggoted nations on the planet.

Is that the impression you got during all the years you lived there?
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that Christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
This thread does not belong in the religion/ethics forum. There is no source, no facts, it's just a raving condemnation of all things Christian [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]
you can choose not to participate in it....or does your thirst for martyrdom and pretentiousness preclude rational decision making ?
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.

Saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

OTOH, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

Their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that Christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..
Funny, liberals don't complain about support the OWS and their right to sit on private land, their shouting, their protests. Even excuse the trash they leave when the group leaves, say nothing about them defecating on public and private property.

Yet, one religious person at a courthouse, or one guy knocking on their door once a month drives them into a frenzy.

More proof that liberals want opposition silenced.
saying that bible thumpers should mind their own business is not an attack on christians.

Otoh, bible thumpers walking up to you or knocking on your door is indeed "accosting".

their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
An example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
Some years back i used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
Kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

What a pussy.

Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.
ironic coming from a poster who is on every antipsychotic in the known universe..

You're confusing me with yourself again, whacko.

But in here you're in a good safe place...just one minor wacko in a veritable sea of whackos. Enjoy, schizo!

Funny, liberals don't complain about support the OWS and their right to sit on private land, their shouting, their protests. Even excuse the trash they leave when the group leaves, say nothing about them defecating on public and private property.

Yet, one religious person at a courthouse, or one guy knocking on their door once a month drives them into a frenzy.

More proof that liberals want opposition silenced.
best steaming pile in this thread..
you might want to look up the definition of frenzy..
their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
An example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
Some years back i used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
Kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

What a pussy.

View attachment 29823

You don't have a RIGHT to help others! You must first clear it with your local atheist league! And if they deem it (and you) worthy, then perhaps you will be allowed to dig (or be placed into) a grave or two.

their business is helping people. They have a right to help.

I cannot believe this conversation is even taking place, lol. It's flipping ridiculous. No source, no citation, no specifics...essentially the complaint is that christians should be somehow prevented from offering assistance of any kind to the victims of natural disasters.

Great intellectual thread for an allegedly *serious* forum.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
An example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
Some years back i used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
Kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

What a pussy.

View attachment 29823
Nobody's being accosted. All that's happening is Huggy and the rest of the anti-Christian attack artists are having a bipolar moment.
ironic coming from a poster who is on every antipsychotic in the known universe..

You're confusing me with yourself again, whacko.

But in here you're in a good safe place...just one minor wacko in a veritable sea of whackos. Enjoy, schizo!

hardly hag...the one redeeming quality you have is being extremely're the poster child for mental illness.
bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
An example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
Some years back i used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
Kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

What a pussy.

View attachment 29823

You don't have a RIGHT to help others! You must first clear it with your local atheist league! And if they deem it (and you) worthy, then perhaps you will be allowed to dig (or be placed into) a grave or two.

show me where in the constitution it's say that you have a right to give aid....
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