Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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bullshit....helping is not a right .it's voluntary....and yes christians do accost people any chance they get..
an example is your local courthouse on any given day there are zealots crowding the doors and spewing nonsense....
some years back I used the bus lines to get to work not a day went by without some self proclaimed..messenger of jesus berating some hapless person with some you're going to hell rant .....
kosher hag is in all probability one of those..

Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.

I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.
this daws character is speaking from experience ,if you need to rationalize it by making a false accusation feel makes it just that much more humorous..
Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.
bet you didn't look or thought it was ok....

No I wasn't looking for it and no I didn't think it was okay. But that sure explains a lot. If you are looking for it, you will find it, even if it's not there. I bet you overheard me talking to a fellow bus passenger one day. She was reading the Bible and I asked her if she was a Christian. She said "no" but she wanted to find out what it was all about. I suggested a church for her. You probably thought I was one of those people berating someone in the name of Jesus when all I was doing is recommending a church to someone already reading the Bible.
good story but absolutely false...
as to looking for it, also false, it like the ubiquitous street people who are part of the environment, street people are there by circumstance, the zealot's by choice...
there a huge difference between someone reading a bible and and talking about it then having it spewed at you..
btw...did she ask you about a church or did you offer it up without prompting?
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Funny, liberals don't complain about support the OWS and their right to sit on private land, their shouting, their protests. Even excuse the trash they leave when the group leaves, say nothing about them defecating on public and private property.

Yet, one religious person at a courthouse, or one guy knocking on their door once a month drives them into a frenzy.

More proof that liberals want opposition silenced.
best steaming pile in this thread..
you might want to look up the definition of frenzy..

I didn't think you had an answer. Funny how one thinks a right is not.
there is no right to help in the constitution it's a voluntary reaction..if said christians went there to offer aid like digging out the bodies or looking for survivors, that kind of help is always appreciated.
but arriving unbidden to snake some converts is the height of hubris...
I've helped countless people, doing things like grabbing can goods for people who are too short or unable to do so for any of a million reasons...change tires for total strangers, given first aid, done beach and park clean ups....volunteered at soup kitchens etc...
I do not do these thing to make brownie points with god.
I do them because they're the right thing to do.
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Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.

I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.
this daws character is speaking from experience ,if you need to rationalize it by making a false accusation feel makes it just that much more humorous..

This daws character is free to believe what he likes.

Sad that he will not afford others the same right..
I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.
this daws character is speaking from experience ,if you need to rationalize it by making a false accusation feel makes it just that much more humorous..

This daws character is free to believe what he likes.

Sad that he will not afford others the same right..
That's not the best lie you've told today...
people are (mostly) free to believe or say or do, what they wish I've never needed the god excuse to render aid ....if some "christians" would do more actual aid then proselyting may be huggy and others would not have a legitimate complaint..
I have friends and aquaintenances impacted directly and indirectly by the slide. You?

I am not up at Oso pushing atheism unlike some christians.

Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
I would be willing to bet if Dawgs and Buggy were stuck under 3 feet of mud that they would be more than willing to have a Christian or two dig them out.
as long as they were there to dig and not to preach...

Would you rather die than have them do both?
a nicely rationalized false comparison..
praying is unnecessary and a distraction while digging... unless of course you don't mind dismembering a body with a badly placed scoop.
I have friends and aquaintenances impacted directly and indirectly by the slide. You?

I am not up at Oso pushing atheism unlike some christians.

Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
did you?

I wasn't asking you, but...

No I did not. I am on the other side of the continent and I have NOT irrationally criticized anyone who went there to help in ANY way. See how easy it is to answer a question? Now you try. Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
did you?

I wasn't asking you, but...

No I did not. I am on the other side of the continent and I have NOT irrationally criticized anyone who went there to help in ANY way. See how easy it is to answer a question? Now you try. Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
no I did not and unlike yourself I have no excuse but then again neither do you...
Hmm, I used to take the bus to work everyday. Strangely enough, no a single time did I see anyone berating someone in the name of Jesus. Plus, I've never seen any Christian zealots spewing anything in all the times I've been to various court houses.

I think I can help clarify the situation, ma'am. You see, in your case you are not lying your ass off, whereas this daws character very obviously is. It's a classic case of NOT lying one's ass off versus OBVIOUSLY lying one's ass off.

I hope that was helpful.
this daws character is speaking from experience ,if you need to rationalize it by making a false accusation feel makes it just that much more humorous..

Is that why you are afraid to answer questions? Because you are afraid to reveal just how full of shit you really are?

I wasn't asking you, but...

No I did not. I am on the other side of the continent and I have NOT irrationally criticized anyone who went there to help in ANY way. See how easy it is to answer a question? Now you try. Did you get off your ass and go there to help in any way whatsoever?
no I did not ...

But you find the time to criticize those who did? My, how shitty of you.
That's not the best lie you've told today...
people are (mostly) free to believe or say or do, what they wish I've never needed the god excuse to render aid ....if some "christians" would do more actual aid then proselyting may be huggy and others would not have a legitimate complaint..

I don't lie.

Offering aid and comfort to survivors is a good thing. You are so caught up in your bigotry that you attack them for it.

What would you demand, that Christians who comfort the survivors be shot, or just imprisoned?

It is a cruel twist of fate that you were not born into Pol Pot's inner-circle, truly that was perfection for one such as you....
bet you didn't look or thought it was ok....

No I wasn't looking for it and no I didn't think it was okay. But that sure explains a lot. If you are looking for it, you will find it, even if it's not there. I bet you overheard me talking to a fellow bus passenger one day. She was reading the Bible and I asked her if she was a Christian. She said "no" but she wanted to find out what it was all about. I suggested a church for her. You probably thought I was one of those people berating someone in the name of Jesus when all I was doing is recommending a church to someone already reading the Bible.
good story but absolutely false...
as to looking for it, also false, it like the ubiquitous street people who are part of the environment, street people are there by circumstance, the zealot's by choice...
there a huge difference between someone reading a bible and and talking about it then having it spewed at you..
btw...did she ask you about a church or did you offer it up without prompting?

I offered it up. I know that makes me a bad person in your eyes but I don't care.
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