Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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With the hundreds of thousands of actual bad guys and gals out there commiting actual crimes you are continuously pointing out to the good members of USMB the EVILS of one HUGGY.

AGAIN, you can't be a filthy bigot and a thin-skinned little pussy at the same time, fool. If you're so sensitive, then STFU with your bigoted bullshit.
another fail! that's an effigy to "cross" is meaningless .
even so...What are the origins of cross-burning?

By Josh Burek / December 13, 2002

Justice Clarence Thomas said a burning cross symbolizes only the Ku Klux Klan's century-long "reign of terror" against black communities. As an expression that's intended only to cause fear, he reasoned, it's a form of speech that deserves no Constitutional protection. How did a religious symbol become the ultimate form of hate-speech?

University of Alabama professor Diane Roberts English claims that Klan cross burning emerged from Scottish influences. In an article she wrote for the Oxford American, English says the Klan, "founded in 1866 in Tennessee, may have been patterned after the mysterious Society of the Horseman's Word from eastern Scotland, as well as the Knight's Templar." Scots used burning crosses as rallying symbols on their way to war, and, according to Joe Roy, a director at the Southern Poverty Law Center, crosses were set afire on Scottish hilltops to warn of enemy invasion. Thomas Dixon's 1905 best-seller "The Clansman" called cross burning the "ancient symbol of an unconquered race of men."

Barry Black, a Klan leader who is appealing his Virginia cross burning conviction has described cross burning as "a very sacred ritual.

"We don't light [the cross] to desecrate it," he told the Roanoke Times in 1999. "We light it to show that Christ is still alive." The burning symbolizes the "burning away of evil."

The American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan website also emphasizes a distinction between Klan-sanctioned cross lighting and illegal cross burning.

Though the difference may carry legal significance, both spectacles remain a powerful expression of Klan values and a disturbing reminder of bigotry against blacks.

But is the Klan responsible for cross burning? Mr. Roy says while nearly 1,700 acts of cross burning were reported in the last 15 years, few were committed by card-carrying members of the KKK.

Now the Supreme Court must decide upon the proper balance between freedom of speech and freedom from fear.

What are the origins of cross-burning? -
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.

You betcha, skippy.


I don't trust your ability to process this alleged event any better than you are able to process any other information that floats in front of you.
smoking gun evidence of your total disconnect with reality ....
smoking gun evidence of your total disconnect with reality ....

You still staggering around like a drooling moron, duhs?

Good Obama man, learn when you've had the shit utterly kicked out of you.... :eusa_hand:
sorry that your dementia kicking up...
if the shit was kicked out of me I didn't notice rock solid evidence you're talking out your ass.
tell you what, when someone actually does kick my ass I'll let you know....
Well you'd have to be self-aware enough to realize it has happened, duhs.

And you aren't that self-aware. You've had your ass kicked all over this forum, and have made an endless fool of yourself...and you are completely oblivious to the fact.
Well you'd have to be self-aware enough to realize it has happened, duhs.

And you aren't that self-aware. You've had your ass kicked all over this forum, and have made an endless fool of yourself...and you are completely oblivious to the fact.
another lie....
spewing meaningless is your forte...
I understand lot's of (well not lot's of )a few posters have falsely claimed they have..but that's not the same is it...
It is almost amusing to see one of these godsquad trolls claim some imaginary victory and see them all join in the manditory group daisy chain victory dance.

It DOES make perfect sense as they all have "faith" in imaginary nonsense. Their whole lives are based on sky fairies and walking dead people.

A little made up internet battle and the ensuing goal post dunk is a drop in the bucket compared to what they REALLY believe in.

Ya...You da man... :lol:

More evidence the godsquad are some goofy mofos.
It is almost amusing to see one of these godsquad trolls claim some imaginary victory and see them all join in the manditory group daisy chain victory dance.

It DOES make perfect sense as they all have "faith" in imaginary nonsense. Their whole lives are based on sky fairies and walking dead people.

A little made up internet battle and the ensuing goal post dunk is a drop in the bucket compared to what they REALLY believe in.

Ya...You da man... :lol:

More evidence the godsquad are some goofy mofos.

At least I am not in a run down motel in Seattle :D
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