Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.

All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

If you're going to be a filthy bigot, you can't be a thin-skinned, whiny little bitch at the same time.
Well, I read most of this thread and have yet to see a link to the christian gouls stalking anyone.:doubt:

Seems like some people need prayer. I will pray for you Huggy. :D I really will

Sometimes that's all we can do. Maybe when he realizes we care about him, he will stop being so obtuse and angry all the time.
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.

All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

So you aren't bias, you have no bigotry against Christians, and you are all knowing?

How on earth can you complain about personal attacks when you start off attacking people in the OP?
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.

All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

And you don't have anything....nothing except your memory of something you saw on television and with the way you attack Christians, there's no way we can believe your memory isn't as biased as the rest of you.
Well, I read most of this thread and have yet to see a link to the christian gouls stalking anyone.:doubt:

Seems like some people need prayer. I will pray for you Huggy. :D I really will

I've been praying for him for years. I don't know if it's working or not, but at least he's still alive. :D
proving once again prayer only affects the person doing the praying not the person prayed about...
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.

Sholdn't you be out burning a cross on some Christian's lawn? :dunno:
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.

Sholdn't you be out burning a cross on some Christian's lawn? :dunno:
like always you are misrepresenting cross burning is a christian sport....a white christians at that...

Students from Jamiat Talaba Arabia burn an effigy of Punjab governor Salman Taseer as they chant slogans against Asia Bibi, a Christian mother sentenced to death, during a protest in Karachi on November 29, 2010. PHOTO: AFP
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.

You betcha, skippy.


I don't trust your ability to process this alleged event any better than you are able to process any other information that floats in front of you.
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.

All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

It's not a personal attack, it is asking for proof of what you are saying. How is that a personal attack?

Please answer the difficult decisions instead of deflecting.
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.
bullshit ...I did provide the the rationalizing .....what huggy is describing is all to common...
no one would have a problem with giving aid and comfort if they left the proselytizing out ..
an example..20 years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with terminal leukemia...
he spent his last days in hospice care at the city of hope hospital.
At that time, He like myself were agnostics as were most all of our friends.
the ones who weren't were "enlighten christians" (meaning they would and did respect his wishes to not to, as he put" get all goddy on him".)
a few hours before he passed an evangelical "preacher" "appeared" at the door of his room,
announcing that he had heard that my friend had refused divine help(his words not mine) in crossing over.
right about then 4 more believers showed up.
I politely ask them to leave..they refused saying I was blocking his entrance to heaven and god would punish me.
(at this point my wife went for security)
simultaneously "they" formed a prayer circle.
I reacted by grabbing the "preacher"
by the tie and forced him out the door ,
he was praying and cursing me furiously all at the same time..
security and the police arrived and cleared out the rest...
my friend passed in the early hours of the next day.
it was not until 3 years later we found out why the "preacher" and his god posse appeared out of the blue without being asked.
turns out that one of the nurse's was a member of the"preacher's" congregation and could not stand the idea that a "godless pagan" had the gall to die without being saved..
she /they had been "saving" souls in that hospital for quite a while ,no one had ever complained before...
she and they broke camp before we could take any legal action.

Bullshit, you provided a link and nothing in the link referred to any religious people being pushy or even waving a Bible around. So you failed to produce it, and I searched the site several times. So it more lies. The rest of your story based on your earlier lies are probably lies also. Hateful bigots seem to be dishonest.
Daws doesn't have a clue about the story, huggy has no idea which station appalled him so much.

Daws claims to know where the link is and can't provide it. Huggy has no clue and uses his bias, bigotry and ignorance the to define a possible story.

All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

It's not a personal attack, it is asking for proof of what you are saying. How is that a personal attack?

Please answer the difficult decisions instead of deflecting.

The circumstances have already been explained ad nauseum. You choose to believe I made it up and I am a bigot for letting the practices of christians call me to report them on this message board.

There you go again asserting you have some kind of authority I must answer to. How clownish. :lol:
All you have is a personal attack. All you ever seem to have is a personal attack.

It's not a personal attack, it is asking for proof of what you are saying. How is that a personal attack?

Please answer the difficult decisions instead of deflecting.

The circumstances have already been explained ad nauseum. You choose to believe I made it up and I am a bigot for letting the practices of christians call me to report them on this message board.

There you go again asserting you have some kind of authority I must answer to. How clownish. :lol:

You are a liar, you don't need to answer, nor do I expect you to answer and daws is also lying. No big deal.
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It's not a personal attack, it is asking for proof of what you are saying. How is that a personal attack?

Please answer the difficult decisions instead of deflecting.

The circumstances have already been explained ad nauseum. You choose to believe I made it up and I am a bigot for letting the practices of christians call me to report them on this message board.

There you go again asserting you have some kind of authority I must answer to. How clownish. :lol:

You are a liar, you don't need to answer, nor do I expect you to answer and daws is also lying. No big deal.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

With the hundreds of thousands of actual bad guys and gals out there commiting actual crimes you are continuously pointing out to the good members of USMB the EVILS of one HUGGY.


You haven't shown that I have lied about ANYTHING.

There are bad things happening every day thruout the country. Why don't you decend upon those communities and "pray" for them. It woulod probably be a much more productive activity than sitting around calling me a liar every day.
The circumstances have already been explained ad nauseum. You choose to believe I made it up and I am a bigot for letting the practices of christians call me to report them on this message board.

There you go again asserting you have some kind of authority I must answer to. How clownish. :lol:

You are a liar, you don't need to answer, nor do I expect you to answer and daws is also lying. No big deal.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

With the hundreds of thousands of actual bad guys and gals out there commiting actual crimes you are continuously pointing out to the good members of USMB the EVILS of one HUGGY.


You haven't shown that I have lied about ANYTHING.

There are bad things happening every day thruout the country. Why don't you decend upon those communities and "pray" for them. It woulod probably be a much more productive activity than sitting around calling me a liar every day.

I agree there hundreds of thousands of actual bad guys and you start a thread about religious people helping out in a crisis. It's called bigotry.
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