Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

Is that all you got? Insults? Quite a shame you didn't learn anything from your brother.

It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.

I have noticed with some Conservatives it is like they have a written form of Tourette's Syndrome- they just can't post without swearing.

Or maybe its just a very limited vocabulary.

It could also be the huge telephone pole stuck up their collective ass. Splinters, you know.

Or it could be that both of you are pieces of shit.

I am leaning more and more to a very limited vocabulary as the reason.

Or maybe being hit in the head a lot.

Says the ones whose only vocabulary word is "government"
Regardless of what? Truth?

Regardless of the message on the cake. YOU of the left have demanded that civil rights don't matter - that a baker can be forced against their will to bake a cake with a message repugnant to them.

You were happy about this, as long as the victims were Christians. NOW you have heartburn, when homosexuals are made to live under the same rules.

What you demand is the double-standard.
I can't speak for them, I can only speak for myself. By the way, the very same argument can be made about the right.

The difference is Liberal judges incorrectly overturn things going beyond what they can do.

You think everyone of those judges that rules against gay marriage bans are liberal? Oh brother.

I'm not your damn brother. My brother is an honorable Conservative not a piece of shit like you.

Is that all you got? Insults? Quite a shame you didn't learn anything from your brother.

It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
The Constitution says that citizens should be treated equally under the law and that everyone is entitled to due process- and that the Constitution applies to States.

Marriage has been identified as an American right repeatedly by the Supreme Court- states can't deny marriage to men just because they owe child support, and they can't deny marriage to mixed race couples, and they can't deny marriage to prisoners.

What same gender couples have been successfully arguing is that their right to marriage is protected by the same right to marriage, under equal treatment under the law and due process.
Then marry your pet pig.

Once again- a Conservative who can't tell the difference between consenting adults and pork.
Once again - a progtard who can't tell the difference between normal, moral, heterosexuality as nature intended, and perverted, disgusting, mentally ill sodomy.

Who are you to say men and women engaging in perverted sex is any better or any worse than someone having sex with an animal, or a child, or anything else? Who gave you the power to decide? Oh that's right, you progs think you know what's best for everyone, even if the vast majority DON'T think you do.

I am an adult who can tell the difference between sex between consenting adults and rape.

You aren't.

I am an adult who can tell the difference between sex between consenting adults and animal abuse.

You aren't.

I am an adult who can tell the difference between sex between consenting adults and child rape.

I am adult who believes that as adults we have the right to private consensual behavior with other adults.

You believe the government should tell me- and you- and everyone else- how adults can act in private.

Should I take that to mean if a brother and sister wanted to marry you would support their private consensual behavior?

Well several issues there.
a) marriage is not 'private consensual behavior'- you are conflating two different issues- but lets move on:
b) Lets assume you also mean if a brother and sister want to have sex- if they are underage- there are consent issues- a very large proportion of child sex abuse brother on sister- no I do not approve of sex between underage minors.
c) Moving onto adults. The concern with sex between minors is the same concern as sex between patients and doctors, and ministers and their flock- it is an issue of undue influence. I believe that sex between 'consenting' adults can be limited where there is a historical record of consent being abused because of power imbalances

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has definitively ruled on private consensual sex in Lawrence v. Texas- just because you find it sodomy between adults icky doesn't mean you get to use the government to enforce your beliefs on others.
These cocksuckers are forcing the laws and courts to do things their way or they will out a lot of Republicans and Dems in red state areas.

So the Republicans cant or wont do anything to keep the majority on equal legal footing with all the leftwing butt-fuckers that demand they get favoritism.

Anyone with any honesty or common sense knows that 'Civil Rights' has been code for 'fucking over white men' for the last 40 years.
It's only been code for that demographic group of white losers who can't compete on a somewhat leveled playing field....

Aaahhh....the good ole' boys long for days gone by.


You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior. If you deny that, then you have no clue what YOUR PEEPS in the hood are all about.

LOL at your ignorance of your own peeps.

What, did you grow up in Hawaii and go to private schools all your life too?

Your behavior in USMB is nothing less than bizarre.

Do they give you lots of breaks at the Sanitarium?

Hi homo. You are probably one of those delicate morons who think only white skinhead Christians hate aspirates. You are such sacks of ignorant shit.

You know nothing about the hood and what they think about that disgraceful behavior.

Well, you are just a bundle of little man anger today, what?
Yet another anonymous poster who gets all brave behind his keyboard and attacks people instead of debating ideas.

I don't debate ideas? No, when I state facts that contradict your perverted points of view, that is me debating.

I just like treating hypocrites like you like the hypocrites you are.

Liberals like you (especially the openly gay ones) are nothing but intolerant, intolerable, arrogant, ignorant, know it all gasbags who know little to nothing about the way the world works outside of your little ivory tower or gated communities.

You refuse to give any respect whatsoever to those YOU like to stereotype, so I will never give respect to any of you for anything.

From the bullshit man made global warming, to making every ferry and person with color and woman a victim.

Then again I really do not give two shits about what you do or where you shove your show.
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Polls after poll show a majority of American support gays having access to marriage.
If that was the case then why are liberal activist judges overturning the will of the voters (who voted against gay marriage) to make states accept gay marriage

The will of the people is irrelevant if it violates the Constitution . Still smarting over the Brown and Loving decisions?
Where in the Constitution does it mention gay marriage and morality?

It is wedged right next to the right to privacy and the right to bake a cake. Have you not read the Constitution lately?
um No! For example, the Constitution does not say it is against the law to rob a bank. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to murder your neighbor. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to sell or use drugs. It does not say anyone has to believe in God or be a Christian. It does not say anything about gay marriage, nor does the Bill of Rights. taking away the possessions, health or life of others is ok because it's not in the Constitution?
It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.

I have noticed with some Conservatives it is like they have a written form of Tourette's Syndrome- they just can't post without swearing.

Or maybe its just a very limited vocabulary.

It could also be the huge telephone pole stuck up their collective ass. Splinters, you know.

Or it could be that both of you are pieces of shit.

I am leaning more and more to a very limited vocabulary as the reason.

Or maybe being hit in the head a lot.

Says the ones whose only vocabulary word is "government"

Would you like me to refer you to some reading comprehension courses?

One of my quotes- that you quoted

I have noticed with some Conservatives it is like they have a written form of Tourette's Syndrome- they just can't post without swearing.

No mention of 'government'- but some 30 odd other words.
YOU of the left have demanded that civil rights don't matter - that a baker can be forced against their will to bake a cake with a message repugnant to them.

You don't have any "civil rights" not to be offended.

Free speech means that racists can post their vile BS in here and your "civil rights" are irrelevant.

Ditto when it comes to opening a business. Your "civil rights" don't mean that you can discriminate against someone because you don't like their religion, gender, race, etc.

Try enrolling in an adult remedial civics class at your local community college before exposing your ignorance again.
Regardless of what? Truth?

Regardless of the message on the cake. YOU of the left have demanded that civil rights don't matter - that a baker can be forced against their will to bake a cake with a message repugnant to them.

You were happy about this, as long as the victims were Christians. NOW you have heartburn, when homosexuals are made to live under the same rules.

What you demand is the double-standard.

No they cant idiot...if it was a demand then do something about it. But you'll sit in your dank area eating some crap with one hand while you your undies

Go do something about it
The will of the people is irrelevant if it violates the Constitution . Still smarting over the Brown and Loving decisions?
Where in the Constitution does it mention gay marriage and morality?

It is wedged right next to the right to privacy and the right to bake a cake. Have you not read the Constitution lately?
um No! For example, the Constitution does not say it is against the law to rob a bank. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to murder your neighbor. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to sell or use drugs. It does not say anyone has to believe in God or be a Christian. It does not say anything about gay marriage, nor does the Bill of Rights.
The constitution applies equally to all citizens. Marriage equality is a matter of access to contract law. Such access should never be infringed.
Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?
Gee, I'm sorry that we ruined your marriage by getting married ourselves. But honestly, if our getting legally married ruined YOUR can't have been much of a marriage to begin with, n'est-ce pas?
What kind of doofus wants a wedding cake with a hateful political slogan on it?

Sounds like the kind of moronic stunt that criminal O'Keefe tries to pull.

Well, there was the nutter who wanted his kid's name written on his b'day cake. The name was Adolf Hitler and the bakery refused.

Some want equal rights for some but not others.

The bakery should have been forced to do it. Why should that bakery be able to say no because they don't like the name?

Forced to under what law.

This is what all of you seem to keep missing.

The only reason why there was any action against the bakers for refusing to bake a cake for the same gender couple is because of existing local law.

Which law requires a bakery to bake a cake with HItler on it?
I knew this was some click bait fuckery. "Traditional" cake huh?

When was the last time you saw a Traditional cake make mention of gay marriage.

btw that site looks like a cesspool...I'm going to scrub my pc hard

Nobody talked about a 'traditional' cake .... the guy wanted a cake for a celebration of 'traditional marriage'. Why is that simple facts escape the majority? Because they see what they WANT to see ... rather than what is actually there. Kinda like reading posts, I guess.
I knew this was some click bait fuckery. "Traditional" cake huh?

When was the last time you saw a Traditional cake make mention of gay marriage.

btw that site looks like a cesspool...I'm going to scrub my pc hard

Nobody talked about a 'tradition' cake .... the guy wanted a cake for a celebration of 'traditional marriage'. Why is that simple facts escape the majority? Because they see what they WANT to see ... rather than what is actually there. Kinda like reading posts, I guess.

Hey shit stain can you read or nah?

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

Do you see celebration of traditional marriage or traditional cake? I mean you just went on a rant about seeing what you want to see didnt you?
What kind of doofus wants a wedding cake with a hateful political slogan on it?

Sounds like the kind of moronic stunt that criminal O'Keefe tries to pull.

Well, there was the nutter who wanted his kid's name written on his b'day cake. The name was Adolf Hitler and the bakery refused.

Some want equal rights for some but not others.

The bakery should have been forced to do it. Why should that bakery be able to say no because they don't like the name?

Forced to under what law.

This is what all of you seem to keep missing.

The only reason why there was any action against the bakers for refusing to bake a cake for the same gender couple is because of existing local law.

Which law requires a bakery to bake a cake with HItler on it?

Anti-discrimination laws.
These cocksuckers are forcing the laws and courts to do things their way or they will out a lot of Republicans and Dems in red state areas.

So the Republicans cant or wont do anything to keep the majority on equal legal footing with all the leftwing butt-fuckers that demand they get favoritism.

Anyone with any honesty or common sense knows that 'Civil Rights' has been code for 'fucking over white men' for the last 40 years.
It's only been code for that demographic group of white losers who can't compete on a somewhat leveled playing field....

Aaahhh....the good ole' boys long for days gone by.


You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior. If you deny that, then you have no clue what YOUR PEEPS in the hood are all about.

LOL at your ignorance of your own peeps.

What, did you grow up in Hawaii and go to private schools all your life too?
Obviously written by a stupid assed hemorrhoid ridden old white guy...

People in the "hood" may not tolerate openly homosexual behavior however unlike you and your brethren we don't believe it makes us men to openly discriminate and harass people different from us.

Conveniently, I see that you did not address the poster who stated that the civil rights movement was unfair to white men.

So given a choice, which would sane Black people do.

Side with gays and let them live their life in peace or side with that segment of whites like you, those whites that beat, raped, murdered and harassed anyone that didn't look like them or live beneath them.

Obviously, you did not grow up in Hawaii or any city with indoor plumbing and running water.
Where in the Constitution does it mention gay marriage and morality?

It is wedged right next to the right to privacy and the right to bake a cake. Have you not read the Constitution lately?
um No! For example, the Constitution does not say it is against the law to rob a bank. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to murder your neighbor. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to sell or use drugs. It does not say anyone has to believe in God or be a Christian. It does not say anything about gay marriage, nor does the Bill of Rights.
The constitution applies equally to all citizens. Marriage equality is a matter of access to contract law. Such access should never be infringed.
Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?
Gee, I'm sorry that we ruined your marriage by getting married ourselves. But honestly, if our getting legally married ruined YOUR can't have been much of a marriage to begin with, n'est-ce pas?
Yepp. On my wedding night, guaranteed the one thing I was not thinking about was gay issues. My marriage happened all the same. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
What kind of doofus wants a wedding cake with a hateful political slogan on it?

Sounds like the kind of moronic stunt that criminal O'Keefe tries to pull.

Well, there was the nutter who wanted his kid's name written on his b'day cake. The name was Adolf Hitler and the bakery refused.

Some want equal rights for some but not others.

The bakery should have been forced to do it. Why should that bakery be able to say no because they don't like the name?

Forced to under what law.

This is what all of you seem to keep missing.

The only reason why there was any action against the bakers for refusing to bake a cake for the same gender couple is because of existing local law.

Which law requires a bakery to bake a cake with HItler on it?

Anti-discrimination laws.

Which ones? You do realize that laws are specific- they don't just say "no discrimination'?

On a federal level, I could refuse to do business with anyone for any reason- except if I refuse to do business with someone is because of their race, their gender, their religion or their national origin.or because of a physical handicap.
I knew this was some click bait fuckery. "Traditional" cake huh?

When was the last time you saw a Traditional cake make mention of gay marriage.

btw that site looks like a cesspool...I'm going to scrub my pc hard

Nobody talked about a 'traditional' cake .... the guy wanted a cake for a celebration of 'traditional marriage'. .
No he didn't. The message was "Gay Marriage is Wrong." Not a word about traditional marriage.
What does our Constitution say? It says, via the Tenth Amendment, that the States and the People of those states should decide what they want to do about gay marriage without any interference from the federal government.

The Constitution says that citizens should be treated equally under the law and that everyone is entitled to due process- and that the Constitution applies to States.

Marriage has been identified as an American right repeatedly by the Supreme Court- states can't deny marriage to men just because they owe child support, and they can't deny marriage to mixed race couples, and they can't deny marriage to prisoners.

What same gender couples have been successfully arguing is that their right to marriage is protected by the same right to marriage, under equal treatment under the law and due process.
Then marry your pet pig.
That might work for you...except that a pig cannot legally consent to marriage.
It's only been code for that demographic group of white losers who can't compete on a somewhat leveled playing field....

Aaahhh....the good ole' boys long for days gone by.


You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior. If you deny that, then you have no clue what YOUR PEEPS in the hood are all about.

LOL at your ignorance of your own peeps.

What, did you grow up in Hawaii and go to private schools all your life too?

Your behavior in USMB is nothing less than bizarre.

Do they give you lots of breaks at the Sanitarium?

Hi homo. You are probably one of those delicate morons who think only white skinhead Christians hate aspirates. You are such sacks of ignorant shit.

You know nothing about the hood and what they think about that disgraceful behavior.

Well, you are just a bundle of little man anger today, what?
Yet another anonymous poster who gets all brave behind his keyboard and attacks people instead of debating ideas.

I don't debate ideas? No, when I state facts that contradict your perverted points of view, that is me debating.

I just like treating hypocrites like you like the hypocrites you are.

Liberals like you (especially the openly gay ones) are nothing but intolerant, intolerable, arrogant, ignorant, know it all gasbags who know little to nothing about the way the world works outside of your little ivory tower or gated communities.

You refuse to give any respect whatsoever to those YOU like to stereotype, so I will never give respect to any of you for anything.

From the bullshit man made global warming, to making every ferry and person with color and woman a victim.

Then again I really do not give two shits about what you do or where you shovemyr show.
Are you in pain? Need a bandage for that ouchy? Maybe a glass of warm milk with honey?

I love it when anal-retentive RWNJs like you go into full umbrage mode. Do proceed.

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