Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

The difference is Liberal judges incorrectly overturn things going beyond what they can do.

You think everyone of those judges that rules against gay marriage bans are liberal? Oh brother.

I'm not your damn brother. My brother is an honorable Conservative not a piece of shit like you.

Is that all you got? Insults? Quite a shame you didn't learn anything from your brother.

It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.

I have noticed with some Conservatives it is like they have a written form of Tourette's Syndrome- they just can't post without swearing.

Or maybe its just a very limited vocabulary.

It could also be the huge telephone pole stuck up their collective ass. Splinters, you know.
Look folks, gay marriage is not a political freedom issue. Likewise, the federal government has not been granted the power to impose itself upon any state policy regarding murder, robbery, drugs, or any other issue of moral law.Therefore the Bill of Rights was written to protect the states’ and the people’s political freedom from a federal government, and the Bill of Rights is not a moral values document, especially when it comes to immoral gay marriage.

Sez the racist asswipe whose racist behavior flies in the face of all morals. Even the most extreme of Righties hate you, little Adolph. That says something.
Look folks, marriage is not a political freedom issue. Likewise, the federal government has not been granted the power to impose itself upon any state policy regarding murder, robbery, drugs, or any other issue of moral law.


The Bill of Rights was written to protect the states’ and the people’s political freedom from a federal government, and the Bill of Rights is not a moral values document.”

And the 14th Amendment was written in part to ensure that American's Constitutional rights are protected at the state level- that we the people are protected not just from the Federal government but also the state government.
It is beyond belief that the Congress which passed the 14th Amendment, and the states which voted to ratify it, intended to enshrine the marriage of a man to a man, and a woman to a woman, as a "constitutional right." I call bullshit.
These cocksuckers are forcing the laws and courts to do things their way or they will out a lot of Republicans and Dems in red state areas.

So the Republicans cant or wont do anything to keep the majority on equal legal footing with all the leftwing butt-fuckers that demand they get favoritism.

Anyone with any honesty or common sense knows that 'Civil Rights' has been code for 'fucking over white men' for the last 40 years.
It's only been code for that demographic group of white losers who can't compete on a somewhat leveled playing field....

Aaahhh....the good ole' boys long for days gone by.


You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior. If you deny that, then you have no clue what YOUR PEEPS in the hood are all about.

LOL at your ignorance of your own peeps.

What, did you grow up in Hawaii and go to private schools all your life too?

Your behavior in USMB is nothing less than bizarre.

Do they give you lots of breaks at the Sanitarium?

Hi homo. You are probably one of those delicate morons who think only white skinhead Christians hate aspirates. You are such sacks of ignorant shit.

You know nothing about the hood and what they think about that disgraceful behavior.
These cocksuckers are forcing the laws and courts to do things their way or they will out a lot of Republicans and Dems in red state areas.

So the Republicans cant or wont do anything to keep the majority on equal legal footing with all the leftwing butt-fuckers that demand they get favoritism.

Anyone with any honesty or common sense knows that 'Civil Rights' has been code for 'fucking over white men' for the last 40 years.
It's only been code for that demographic group of white losers who can't compete on a somewhat leveled playing field....

Aaahhh....the good ole' boys long for days gone by.


You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior. If you deny that, then you have no clue what YOUR PEEPS in the hood are all about.

LOL at your ignorance of your own peeps.

What, did you grow up in Hawaii and go to private schools all your life too?

Your behavior in USMB is nothing less than bizarre.

Do they give you lots of breaks at the Sanitarium?

Hi homo. You are probably one of those delicate morons who think only white skinhead Christians hate aspirates. You are such sacks of ignorant shit.

You know nothing about the hood and what they think about that disgraceful behavior.

Well, you are just a bundle of little man anger today, what?
Yet another anonymous poster who gets all brave behind his keyboard and attacks people instead of debating ideas.
Again, where does the 14th Amendment say anything about same sex couples? Something as disgusting was never even considered back in 1868. Same sex couples cannot conceive a child between them so therefore they don't fit the criteria for traditional marriage which has been the bedrock of civilization..
Look folks, marriage is not a political freedom issue. Likewise, the federal government has not been granted the power to impose itself upon any state policy regarding murder, robbery, drugs, or any other issue of moral law.


The Bill of Rights was written to protect the states’ and the people’s political freedom from a federal government, and the Bill of Rights is not a moral values document.”

And the 14th Amendment was written in part to ensure that American's Constitutional rights are protected at the state level- that we the people are protected not just from the Federal government but also the state government.
It is beyond belief that the Congress which passed the 14th Amendment, and the states which voted to ratify it, intended to enshrine the marriage of a man to a man, and a woman to a woman, as a "constitutional right." I call bullshit.

Go tell it to the Supreme Court. Then again you are still upset that the 14th Amendment gave ex slave citizenship.
Again, where does the 14th Amendment say anything about same sex couples? Something as disgusting was never even considered back in 1868. Same sex couples cannot conceive a child between them so therefore they don't fit the criteria for traditional marriage which has been the bedrock of civilization..

Lots of straight married couples cannot conceive children. Should they be denied marriage.

The Air Force did not exist when the US Constitution was written, and yet, our Government funds an Air Force.

Using your weird logic, we should not be allowed to have an Air Force, because it is not explicitly written in the US Constitution.

Now, back to Stormfront with you. The other little Adolphs are waiting!
Again, where does the 14th Amendment say anything about same sex couples? Something as disgusting was never even considered back in 1868. Same sex couples cannot conceive a child between them so therefore they don't fit the criteria for traditional marriage which has been the bedrock of civilization..

The 14th Amendment doesn't say anything about marriage. You seem very confused.

Let me quote you the pertinent part:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Doesn't exclude homosexuals there.
Look folks, marriage is not a political freedom issue. Likewise, the federal government has not been granted the power to impose itself upon any state policy regarding murder, robbery, drugs, or any other issue of moral law.


The Bill of Rights was written to protect the states’ and the people’s political freedom from a federal government, and the Bill of Rights is not a moral values document.”

And the 14th Amendment was written in part to ensure that American's Constitutional rights are protected at the state level- that we the people are protected not just from the Federal government but also the state government.
It is beyond belief that the Congress which passed the 14th Amendment, and the states which voted to ratify it, intended to enshrine the marriage of a man to a man, and a woman to a woman, as a "constitutional right." I call bullshit.

Go tell it to the Supreme Court. Then again you are still upset that the 14th Amendment gave ex slave citizenship.
It gave them citizenship but not natural born citizenship. Nowhere in the 14th Amendment will you find the words 'natural born citizenship'.
Again, where does the 14th Amendment say anything about same sex couples? Something as disgusting was never even considered back in 1868. Same sex couples cannot conceive a child between them so therefore they don't fit the criteria for traditional marriage which has been the bedrock of civilization..

The 14th Amendment doesn't say anything about marriage. You seem very confused.

Let me quote you the pertinent part:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Doesn't exclude homosexuals there.

Look folks, marriage is not a political freedom issue. Likewise, the federal government has not been granted the power to impose itself upon any state policy regarding murder, robbery, drugs, or any other issue of moral law.


The Bill of Rights was written to protect the states’ and the people’s political freedom from a federal government, and the Bill of Rights is not a moral values document.”

And the 14th Amendment was written in part to ensure that American's Constitutional rights are protected at the state level- that we the people are protected not just from the Federal government but also the state government.
It is beyond belief that the Congress which passed the 14th Amendment, and the states which voted to ratify it, intended to enshrine the marriage of a man to a man, and a woman to a woman, as a "constitutional right." I call bullshit.

Go tell it to the Supreme Court. Then again you are still upset that the 14th Amendment gave ex slave citizenship.
It gave them citizenship but not natural born citizenship. Nowhere in the 14th Amendment will you find the words 'natural born citizenship'.

Ahhh, Mr McFuckRacist is trying to build an argument that black people are not really US citizens. He is trolling his own thread.

What does our Constitution say? It says, via the Tenth Amendment, that the States and the People of those states should decide what they want to do about gay marriage without any interference from the federal government.

The Constitution says that citizens should be treated equally under the law and that everyone is entitled to due process- and that the Constitution applies to States.

Marriage has been identified as an American right repeatedly by the Supreme Court- states can't deny marriage to men just because they owe child support, and they can't deny marriage to mixed race couples, and they can't deny marriage to prisoners.

What same gender couples have been successfully arguing is that their right to marriage is protected by the same right to marriage, under equal treatment under the law and due process.
Then marry your pet pig.

Once again- a Conservative who can't tell the difference between consenting adults and pork.
Once again - a progtard who can't tell the difference between normal, moral, heterosexuality as nature intended, and perverted, disgusting, mentally ill sodomy.

Who are you to say men and women engaging in perverted sex is any better or any worse than someone having sex with an animal, or a child, or anything else? Who gave you the power to decide? Oh that's right, you progs think you know what's best for everyone, even if the vast majority DON'T think you do.
You know, I hate to inject some sanity into this discussion ... I mean, watching both sides act like immature little brats is entertaining, and everything, but ... the question is about public accommodation.

First, a bunch of you got hung up on the 'wedding cake' thing ... it wasn't a wedding cake, it was a cake to support a 'traditional marriage' celebration he was supposedly happening.

Second, their refusal to make the cake (or cookie - who the hell cares) clearly violates the very law that forces bakers to make cakes for gay weddings. The retailer does not have the right to discriminate - for political or religious reasons. You said so - it must be so. What's fair is fair.

Y'all can go back to your childish mudslinging, now ...
What does our Constitution say? It says, via the Tenth Amendment, that the States and the People of those states should decide what they want to do about gay marriage without any interference from the federal government.

The Constitution says that citizens should be treated equally under the law and that everyone is entitled to due process- and that the Constitution applies to States.

Marriage has been identified as an American right repeatedly by the Supreme Court- states can't deny marriage to men just because they owe child support, and they can't deny marriage to mixed race couples, and they can't deny marriage to prisoners.

What same gender couples have been successfully arguing is that their right to marriage is protected by the same right to marriage, under equal treatment under the law and due process.
Then marry your pet pig.

Once again- a Conservative who can't tell the difference between consenting adults and pork.
Once again - a progtard who can't tell the difference between normal, moral, heterosexuality as nature intended, and perverted, disgusting, mentally ill sodomy.

Who are you to say men and women engaging in perverted sex is any better or any worse than someone having sex with an animal, or a child, or anything else? Who gave you the power to decide? Oh that's right, you progs think you know what's best for everyone, even if the vast majority DON'T think you do.
You need to scream louder than that. Croaking like a frog doesn't cut it. Good luck!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Where in the Constitution does it mention gay marriage and morality?

It is wedged right next to the right to privacy and the right to bake a cake. Have you not read the Constitution lately?
um No! For example, the Constitution does not say it is against the law to rob a bank. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to murder your neighbor. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to sell or use drugs. It does not say anyone has to believe in God or be a Christian. It does not say anything about gay marriage, nor does the Bill of Rights.
The constitution applies equally to all citizens. Marriage equality is a matter of access to contract law. Such access should never be infringed.
Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?

Where does it say in the Consitution that marriage is an exclusively Christian thing?
Why do you Christianity hating homos want a Christian marriage?
What does our Constitution say? It says, via the Tenth Amendment, that the States and the People of those states should decide what they want to do about gay marriage without any interference from the federal government.

The Constitution says that citizens should be treated equally under the law and that everyone is entitled to due process- and that the Constitution applies to States.

Marriage has been identified as an American right repeatedly by the Supreme Court- states can't deny marriage to men just because they owe child support, and they can't deny marriage to mixed race couples, and they can't deny marriage to prisoners.

What same gender couples have been successfully arguing is that their right to marriage is protected by the same right to marriage, under equal treatment under the law and due process.
Then marry your pet pig.

Once again- a Conservative who can't tell the difference between consenting adults and pork.
Once again - a progtard who can't tell the difference between normal, moral, heterosexuality as nature intended, and perverted, disgusting, mentally ill sodomy.

Who are you to say men and women engaging in perverted sex is any better or any worse than someone having sex with an animal, or a child, or anything else? Who gave you the power to decide? Oh that's right, you progs think you know what's best for everyone, even if the vast majority DON'T think you do.
You need to scream louder than that. Croaking like a frog doesn't cut it. Good luck!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It is wedged right next to the right to privacy and the right to bake a cake. Have you not read the Constitution lately?
um No! For example, the Constitution does not say it is against the law to rob a bank. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to murder your neighbor. The Constitution does not say it is against the law to sell or use drugs. It does not say anyone has to believe in God or be a Christian. It does not say anything about gay marriage, nor does the Bill of Rights.
The constitution applies equally to all citizens. Marriage equality is a matter of access to contract law. Such access should never be infringed.
Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?

Where does it say in the Consitution that marriage is an exclusively Christian thing?
Why do you Christianity hating homos want a Christian marriage?

We're not gay and I certainly don't hate Christianity at all. Project much? ?? :lol:

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Again, where does the 14th Amendment say anything about same sex couples? Something as disgusting was never even considered back in 1868. Same sex couples cannot conceive a child between them so therefore they don't fit the criteria for traditional marriage which has been the bedrock of civilization..

The 14th Amendment doesn't say anything about marriage. You seem very confused.

Let me quote you the pertinent part:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Doesn't exclude homosexuals there.
What we have here is a situation, blessed by the non-natural born citizen Sodomite-n-Chief of the United States, in which federal judges regularly ignore the clear wording of the Constitution, and substitute their own social views for the majority of citizens in several states, using the expression "equal protection" as a way of amending the Constitution, without going through the constitutional amendment procedure.

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