Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

"Liberals" using "concentration camps" :lmao:


Two of the liberal democrats favorites are the only ones to ever throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps. History doesn’t care that it puts the lie to what democrats want to think about themselves.

I made no mention of "democrats [sic]". I noted the oxymoronic use of the term "Liberal".

Lern hau two reed. And write too --- we capitalize proper nouns in English.

Your attempt at doublespeak was noted and disregarded. And democrats do not deserve the respect of capitalization.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
Appeal to hypocrisy and red herring logical fallacy showing that you can't actually deal with the topic so you have to deflect to ancient history .Sad
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

Plenty of wackos on both sides to go around.
You kids always say that, but where are the wackos from the liberal side saying things like this?

can you quote a few of them please?

Wow! Thanks for the softball. I will wait for you to defend all of your liberal pals after reading some of the garbage they puke up.
Here are a few to get you started
  1. Congresswoman Maxine Waters on socialism: "Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal will be about socializing...uh, um...Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.

    Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC: "If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate."

    Bill Maher on Christianity: "I think religion is a neurological disorder.

    Wanda Sykes: "I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight ... Rush Limbaugh -- I hope the country fails. I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a waterboarding, that's what he needs."

    Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,"

    Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

    Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.” -- Louis Farrakhan in 1984.

    The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man." -- Louis Farrakhan in 1984.
Look Moron, you're wasting your time with this shit because you are countering an argument that I did not make. I never claimed that no one on the left has ever said something that was inappropriate or divisive. So for starters, this is a straw man logical fallacy, not to mention a red herring fallacy intended to distract from the actual topic.

In addition, its an appeal to hypocrisy fallacy . However true your post might be, it in no way refutes or negates the points that I made. Now, do you or do you not support and agrees with this type of rhetoric that I described. Try to stay on topic or shut the fuck up.

Look whiny bitch, first thing, learn to read. Craptus asked for those quotes. I was responding to his request.

If you weren’t such a miserable piece of maggot shit, I’d feel bad for you, because you always seem agitated and angry. Great way to go through life. ENJOY!
Look again moron! I don't give a fuck who you were responding to. You posted it and anyone can respond. Now all you can do is get defensive and attack me because you don't have the integrity to own up to the stupid shit that you post and you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually deal with the topic. Now just shut the fuck up.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
Appeal to hypocrisy and red herring logical fallacy showing that you can't actually deal with the topic so you have to deflect to ancient history .Sad

1942 is ancient history? But what about you guys on the left constantly accusing people you don't like of being members of a certain german political party from that same era? What's up with your cheesy "right side of history" spiel?
RaTz did it to the Japs. Those little rodent fuckers hate conservatives even more.
So much for an adult discussion. Beat it Dog.

No. The RaTz set the stage for illegal incarceration without due process. Your great socialist dictator FDR established the precedent for your party. You did it once, it is only logical to assume you would do it again.

Listen Dog breath, The precedent is the Supreme Court decision that ended the camps! You should research the topic and know what the fuck your talking about before you blather about it and show your ignorance.

Not quite. The SCOTUS upheld FDR's executive order. Are you historically challenged or did you go the AOC School of Factual Fabrication?
My bad. I can admit a mistake. But you cannot admit that it has nothing to do with this ass hat preachers irresponsible rant or in anyway invalidate the points that I made in the OP- which you are too intellectually deficient to deal with.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
Appeal to hypocrisy and red herring logical fallacy showing that you can't actually deal with the topic so you have to deflect to ancient history .Sad

1942 is ancient history? But what about you guys on the left constantly accusing people you don't like of being members of a certain german political party from that same era? What's up with your cheesy "right side of history" spiel?
Actually, I avoid call people Nazis without good cause but the fact is that many of those people who I don't like self identify as neo Nazis or are in bed with them

The Unite the Right rally, also known as the Charlottesville rally or Charlottesville riots, was a white supremacist rally that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. [9] [10] Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right , [11] neo-Confederates , [12] neo-fascists , [13] white nationalists , [14] neo-Nazis , [15] Klansmen , [16] and various militias . [17]

Unite the Right rally - Wikipedia
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

True or false, FDR threw innocent Japanese Americans into concentration camps?

Yet people like you praise him and say Trump is the worst President of all time?
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

True or false, FDR threw innocent Japanese Americans into concentration camps?

Yet people like you praise him and say Trump is the worst President of all time?
Oh Christ! Yes it's true. Are you following along with this. Several others have raised that issue and it has been dealt with. You are neither clever or original. This is yet another red herring and appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy intended to avoid dealing with the topic. Do you are do you not agree with the dangerous rhetoric that I documented and why. Get on topic for Christ sake and stop playing games,

And it is also a false equivalency logical fallacy because , while the Japanese internment actually happen, this preacher is just making shit up about he is saying might happen without any evidence.
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Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

True or false, FDR threw innocent Japanese Americans into concentration camps?

Yet people like you praise him and say Trump is the worst President of all time?
Oh Christ! Yes it's true. Are you following along with this. This is yet another red herring and appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy intended to avoid dealing with the topic. Do you are do you not agree with the dangerous rhetoric that I documented and why. Get on topic for Christ sake and stop playing games,

It's not a red herring at all. It is proof that your own party is capable of such things. And not only is it capable of such things, it refuses to come to terms with the implication regarding the legacy of filth like FDR.

So if the mere mention of his name does not turn your stomach, how are we to believe that it would sicken you to see your political foes meet the same fate?

Hell, as we speak you have an anti-Semite in your own party want a second Holocaust in Israel and nothing is done about it.

Then in the same breath, you turn around and call Trump a racist.
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Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
Appeal to hypocrisy and red herring logical fallacy showing that you can't actually deal with the topic so you have to deflect to ancient history .Sad

1942 is ancient history? But what about you guys on the left constantly accusing people you don't like of being members of a certain german political party from that same era? What's up with your cheesy "right side of history" spiel?
Actually, I avoid call people Nazis without good cause but the fact is that many of those people who I don't like self identify as neo Nazis or are in bed with them

The Unite the Right rally, also known as the Charlottesville rally or Charlottesville riots, was a white supremacist rally that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. [9] [10] Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right , [11] neo-Confederates , [12] neo-fascists , [13] white nationalists , [14] neo-Nazis , [15] Klansmen , [16] and various militias . [17]

Unite the Right rally - Wikipedia

The left seems to think the entire conservative and libertarian movement is "in bed with nazis".
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

"Liberals" using "concentration camps" :lmao:


Two of the liberal democrats favorites are the only ones to ever throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps. History doesn’t care that it puts the lie to what democrats want to think about themselves.

I made no mention of "democrats [sic]". I noted the oxymoronic use of the term "Liberal".

Lern hau two reed. And write too --- we capitalize proper nouns in English.

Your attempt at doublespeak was noted and disregarded. And democrats do not deserve the respect of capitalization.

Why are Democrats not deserving of respect?
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

"Liberals" using "concentration camps" :lmao:


Two of the liberal democrats favorites are the only ones to ever throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps. History doesn’t care that it puts the lie to what democrats want to think about themselves.

I made no mention of "democrats [sic]". I noted the oxymoronic use of the term "Liberal".

Lern hau two reed. And write too --- we capitalize proper nouns in English.

Your attempt at doublespeak was noted and disregarded. And democrats do not deserve the respect of capitalization.

Read the post again. You fucked up, and you got caught at it. I said "Liberals", not "democrats [sic]" and I said that deliberately. You were either too dim to read it, or so obsessed with your partisan hackery that you couldn't see it. I strongly suspect the latter, given the rest of your hallucinogenic phlegm spat out above.

Also, learn to English. Capitalization has nothing to do with "respect". If you ever stumble upon a copy of what we call the "Constitution" you'll find that all the nouns are capitalized including the common ones. That's not "respect" for common nouns; it's how the fucking Germanic language still worked at the time. Whelp, proper nouns STILL work that way despite whatever hurt floats your butt.

Even I capitalize "Rump". That's so readers can follow what I'm writing, certainly not out of any sense of "respect". The word "democrats" does exist but it doesn't mean anything like what you've fantasized here. "Democrats" / "democrats" --- know the difference.
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52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .
52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

Why don't you hold the left to your same standards? This preacher's rant sounds a lot like something you'd hear from a marxist college professor if you switched around a few adjectives. When is the last time you made a thread condemning leftist extremism?
52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

Why don't you hold the left to your same standards? This preacher's rant sounds a lot like something you'd hear from a marxist college professor if you switched around a few adjectives. When is the last time you made a thread condemning leftist extremism?
Why don't you stop making assumptions about me and address the topic instead of trying to make it about the misdeeds of the left-real or imagined .
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

"Liberals" using "concentration camps" :lmao:


Two of the liberal democrats favorites are the only ones to ever throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps. History doesn’t care that it puts the lie to what democrats want to think about themselves.

I made no mention of "democrats [sic]". I noted the oxymoronic use of the term "Liberal".

Lern hau two reed. And write too --- we capitalize proper nouns in English.

Your attempt at doublespeak was noted and disregarded. And democrats do not deserve the respect of capitalization.

Why are Democrats not deserving of respect?

How much time you got?
52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

Dude, I just buried you in dung.
52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

Why don't you hold the left to your same standards? This preacher's rant sounds a lot like something you'd hear from a marxist college professor if you switched around a few adjectives. When is the last time you made a thread condemning leftist extremism?
Why don't you stop making assumptions about me and address the topic instead of trying to make it about the misdeeds of the left-real or imagined .

He was speculating on possible future outcomes for this nation if the left doesn't restrain it's growing authoritarian streak. SO WHAT
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

Well, you aren’t a religious bigot here. I agree. This dude is crazy as fuck. He does this to bilk blue haired old woman out of their SSI checks.

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