"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
TO THE BOLD: Why do so many people seem to not understand that the First Amendment "Right" to free speech is not a license to say anything one likes without fear of repercussion?

The First Amendment protects you from government interference in your ability to say what you'd like. Did cops come along, and arrest the guy for his hateful sign? No? Then his First Amendment rights were not violated.

The first Amendment does not protect you from the reactions of individuals. You want to say that my mother was a cheap whore, who fucked dogs, and goats on a regular basis? You have every right to say that - no one is going to arrest you for what you said. However, I, as a private citizen, am very much going to exercise my first amendment right to express my displeasure at your disparaging comments about my mother by punching you in the face. There is no "Constitutional Right" that protects you from the consequences of your choice to exercise your right to free speech by being a dick.

Now, should the lady that hit the guy with the bat be arrested for assault? Probably, as I'm sure she was. However, her subsequent arrest wasn't the important part of the story. The important part was that this jackass chose to exercise his first amendment right of free speech to be a dick, and it, properly, resulted in someone else exercising their first amendment right of self-expression, by bashing him over the head with a base-ball bat. maybe, in the future, instead of worrying if he can say what he wants, he might consider if he should say what he wants, without reflection of the possible reactions.

Just a thought...

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech...you may not like what is being said but it is an individual's right to say it w/o fear of being attacked or arrested. AMERICA!!!!!
Wrong. Freedom of speech does not protect you from the reaction of people; only the government. That's what you Constitutional whiners never seem to get. There is no protection for you from me, when you are being a dick. It will result in exactly the reaction that one would expect it to result in. The only protection you have is from government interference. The First Amendment protects you from attack, or arrest from the government, not from people you are offending.

So, if she hits him with a bat he is then justified to shoot her in self defense.
Isn't that what you guys have been claiming all along? Isn't that what Zimmerman claimed with Trayvon Martin? "He was beating me up, so I shot him in the face,"
A bat can be a lethal weapon, he would have been justified in shooting her deader than a door nail.
It looked to me there was one security guy there, you think he could've done anything about that mob?
No doubt him leaving saved his own life, even after he was thumped on the head he knew what was in store for him if he stayed...
I deflected not one thing..you are taking what one person did that was wrong, to wit swinging a bat against a human head, and saying because that person did that it means all of the ones who were there are a "mob" who were about to assault him...there is no cogent argument to be made to reach such a conclusion from the available video evidence...
Which is why he left because he knew what was going to be the follow up, he could not get out of there fast enough...
Like a said the mob was just starting to feed off itself
I hope he left to get some medical help..as to his preaching I would more call it "trolling for reactions"...none of that justifies his getting head knocked...
He was obviously delusional in his approach, but a civilized decent society would've simply ignored him…
Here in South Dakota at the Sturgis motorcycle rally we have several of them Bible thumpers show up every year among thousands of bikers, they never get assaulted whatsoever. There has never been a case of it...
It looked to me there was one security guy there, you think he could've done anything about that mob?
No doubt him leaving saved his own life, even after he was thumped on the head he knew what was in store for him if he stayed...
I deflected not one thing..you are taking what one person did that was wrong, to wit swinging a bat against a human head, and saying because that person did that it means all of the ones who were there are a "mob" who were about to assault him...there is no cogent argument to be made to reach such a conclusion from the available video evidence...
Why do you think that guy could not get out of there fast enough? Obviously what brought him there was that he was not all there, but harmless nonetheless. Like I said before that mob was just starting to feed off itself... He did himself a solid by getting out of there as fast as he could, shown by the video.
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Here in South Dakota at the Sturgis motorcycle rally we have several of them Bible thumpers show up every year among thousands of bikers, they never get assaulted whatsoever. There has never been a case of it...

well fine , this man was wrongly assaulted by a person who bashed him with a bat is what I am saying ....there was a Motorbike Rally last year ended up in 9 dead, in Texas I believe..
Here in South Dakota at the Sturgis motorcycle rally we have several of them Bible thumpers show up every year among thousands of bikers, they never get assaulted whatsoever. There has never been a case of it...

well fine , this man was wrongly assaulted by a person who bashed him with a bat is what I am saying ....there was a Motorbike Rally last year ended up in 9 dead, in Texas I believe..
Yes that is true but against other gang members not civilians, you're still deflecting.
It looked to me there was one security guy there, you think he could've done anything about that mob?
No doubt him leaving saved his own life, even after he was thumped on the head he knew what was in store for him if he stayed...
I deflected not one thing..you are taking what one person did that was wrong, to wit swinging a bat against a human head, and saying because that person did that it means all of the ones who were there are a "mob" who were about to assault him...there is no cogent argument to be made to reach such a conclusion from the available video evidence...
Why do you think that guy could not get out of there fast enough? Obviously what brought him there was that he was not all there, but harmless nonetheless. Like I said before that mob was just starting to feed off itself... He did himself a solid by getting out of there as fast as he could, show one by the video.
I did not see any mob ...no one was yelling get him , kill him and doing follow up assaults...sure he left ...he had just been hit in the head with a bat hard enough to knock him down and he was bleeding ...of course he left..
Yes that is true but against other gang members not civilians, you're still deflecting.
I am not deflecting you are insisting on a "mob" where no mob was manifesting ...just one violent person and many other folks peeved at the preacher but not assaulting him
Actually, you can, as the lady with the base-ball bat rather aptly proved.

Was she arrested for it you ignorant toad? Get lost with this nonsense
Did it stop her from bashing him over the head?

Dude you're talking in circles and it offends me. Can I bash you over the head now? Stop with the nonsense already
Ooo...implied threats from a big, bag anonymous internet troll. should I be skeered now? Feel free to piss up a rope.

One more stupid comment from you, toad and off to ignore you go. I got no time for your petty nonsense
Put me on ignore. I'm doing the same. One less ignorant Right Wing Nutjob I have to deal will. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Was she arrested for it you ignorant toad? Get lost with this nonsense
Did it stop her from bashing him over the head?

Dude you're talking in circles and it offends me. Can I bash you over the head now? Stop with the nonsense already
Ooo...implied threats from a big, bag anonymous internet troll. should I be skeered now? Feel free to piss up a rope.

One more stupid comment from you, toad and off to ignore you go. I got no time for your petty nonsense
Put me on ignore. I'm doing the same. One less ignorant Right Wing Nutjob I have to deal will. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
It looked to me there was one security guy there, you think he could've done anything about that mob?
No doubt him leaving saved his own life, even after he was thumped on the head he knew what was in store for him if he stayed...
I deflected not one thing..you are taking what one person did that was wrong, to wit swinging a bat against a human head, and saying because that person did that it means all of the ones who were there are a "mob" who were about to assault him...there is no cogent argument to be made to reach such a conclusion from the available video evidence...
Why do you think that guy could not get out of there fast enough? Obviously what brought him there was that he was not all there, but harmless nonetheless. Like I said before that mob was just starting to feed off itself... He did himself a solid by getting out of there as fast as he could, show one by the video.
I did not see any mob ...no one was yelling get him , kill him and doing follow up assaults...sure he left ...he had just been hit in the head with a bat hard enough to knock him down and he was bleeding ...of course he left..
You're being silly, Him sticking around there would've been like blood in the water to sharks....
He knew what would have happen to him if he did not put as much distance between that mob and himself.
Those were mostly teenagers, you think they have any sort of restraint at their age?
Yes that is true but against other gang members not civilians, you're still deflecting.
I am not deflecting you are insisting on a "mob" where no mob was manifesting ...just one violent person and many other folks peeved at the preacher but not assaulting him
Like a said it was obvious from the video that mob was just starting to feed off itself, those type of things take time to build up scene from the riots in Baltimore, Missouri and other places. You're ignoring the fact the guy was harmless…
You're being silly, Him sticking around there would've been like blood in the water to sharks....
He knew what would have happen to him if he did not put as much distance between that mob and himself.
Those were mostly teenagers, you think they have any sort of restraint at their age?
You are purely speculating and looking at it through a prism of dogmatic protocols ...the video evidence available does not show a violent mob about to attack a man...it showed a bunch of folks deriding the offensive preaching of the man who ended up assaulted by one person who was present...no follow up assault occurred..no one jumped on him while he was on the ground ... no one followed him or prevented him from leaving in order to assault him further...those are facts that cannot be countered ..
Here is Mob
Yes that is true but against other gang members not civilians, you're still deflecting.
when bullets fly around because of a mob ...non involved folks can get hurt
Except for this guy had a loudspeaker and a cell phone… Otherwise absolutely harmless. You're still deflecting
You are labeling what I say as "deflecting" I am labeling what you says as "the product of dogmatic vision" with no sustaining facts to support the conclusions ...
You're being silly, Him sticking around there would've been like blood in the water to sharks....
He knew what would have happen to him if he did not put as much distance between that mob and himself.
Those were mostly teenagers, you think they have any sort of restraint at their age?
You are purely speculating and looking at it through a prism of dogmatic protocols ...the video evidence available does not show a violent mob about to attack a man...it showed a bunch of folks deriding the offensive preaching of the man who ended up assaulted by one person who was present...no follow up assault occurred..no one jumped on him while he was on the ground ... no one followed him or prevented him from leaving in order to assault him further...those are facts that cannot be countered ..
Here is Mob

Of mostly teenagers with very little restraint, much like that mob in front of the school would've escalated too had he not left...
Mob behavior is mob behavior no matter the "color"... Political correctness had blinded you to the point of the definition.
Yes that is true but against other gang members not civilians, you're still deflecting.
when bullets fly around because of a mob ...non involved folks can get hurt
Except for this guy had a loudspeaker and a cell phone… Otherwise absolutely harmless. You're still deflecting
You are labeling what I say as "deflecting" I am labeling what you says as "the product of dogmatic vision" with no sustaining facts to support the conclusions ...
It goes back to the fact the guy was harmless, and a mob disagreed with what he was saying. And his actions said that if he did not get out of there Much worse would have happened...
It goes back to the fact the guy was harmless, and a mob disagreed with what he was saying. And his actions said that if he did not get out of there Much worse would have happened...
The guy left because he was assaulted by one person..no one else assaulted him ..those are facts ..you are speculating through a dogma prism..

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