"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

I would say, if there has ever been somebody who deserves rape, it probably is Tabitha. Let's be grateful she's been identified as a violent criminal before she kills a child.

Nothing like felonious assault at 19 to fuck up your life
Agreed. She'd be lucky to just get house arrest or probation and not 5-15 years under Arizona law.

Arizona Assault Laws - AZ Aggravated Assault Penalties | Assault and Battery Laws
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Assault is a felony charge

Aggravating factors that may may an assault offense an aggravated assault include:

  • any assault that results in a “serious physical injury”
  • causes temporary but substantial disfigurement or fracture
  • an assault using a deadly weapon
  • if the victim is restrained or captive
  • if the perpetrator is an adult, and the victim is a child 15 years old or younger.
  • is committed after entering the private home of someone
  • if the victim is a police officer, prison guard, firefighter, prosecutor, teacher, or medical professional.
An aggravated assault charge is a Class 3 Felony. Under Arizona law, a class 3 felony offense carries with it a penalty of 5-15 years in prison for a dangerous offense, for which an aggravated assault qualifies.

Second offense aggravated assault charges increase the severity to a possible prison sentence of 10-20 years.

Aggravated factors in under Arizona laws are extremely complicated. Please contact an attorney for a full understanding of the exact penalties you could be facing if found guilty of Aggravated Assault charges in Arizona.
I cannot approve of swinging a "Louisville slugger" at a human head even if the head is talking nasty snarky stuff like that guy. A hit like that could kill someone . In fact he should have gone to a medical provider to get checked out ...
Tabitha looks as nutty as the one she smacked with the bat

That's the look of someone regretting their actions after the fact. She's got a lot more pain coming her way.

People who let their emotions rule their brain usually end up on the shitty end of a stick.
She's exactly the type of person he was trying to help.

All she needs to do is grow her hair and be sweet. Then life will give her EVERYTHING. Instead, she has chosen, PAIN.

one thing the loon with the speaker was wrong about. Her hell is not after life. Her hell will be in this life.
Sorry, as fucked up as she is, Saxton is spreading hate, not help. He's a complete douchebag and if he was bleeding in the street, I'd consider it a sign from God that he was being "called home", but in this country, he also has a right of free speech. What Tabitha did was wrong and she's going to pay for it. Anyone who believes in a just and merciful God knows, in the end, Saxton will pay for his sin of spread hate.
He's just sick. He's gone out on to the street and given everyone a signed,blank check to do their worst to him. He is defintly following Jesus.

he has made the mistake of involving himself in THEIR problems. He's got enough of his own.
He's just sick. He's gone out on to the street and given everyone a signed,blank check to do their worst to him. He is defintly following Jesus.
Sick, yes, but no one deserves to be raped or have someone "do their worst to him". No, he's definitely NOT following Jesus.
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
If people want to abuse kids then they should expect a reaction.

It's free speech you jackass, it's protected....it's also a damn good way to get shot when you attack someone for merely expressing their opinion.
"You deserve to be raped" - is child abuse when directed at kids. Say what you like but dont come whining when someone gets upset.
Hear that people. Next time ultra lib Sandra Bernhard tells Sarah Palin she deserves to be gang raped... She is open season for a beating with a bat.

Good to know..
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
If people want to abuse kids then they should expect a reaction.

It's free speech you jackass, it's protected....it's also a damn good way to get shot when you attack someone for merely expressing their opinion.
"You deserve to be raped" - is child abuse when directed at kids. Say what you like but dont come whining when someone gets upset.
Hear that people. Next time ultra lib Sandra Bernhard tells Sarah Palin she deserves to be gang raped... She is open season for a beating with a bat.

Good to know..

Ooooh, that'll leave a mark
I cannot approve of swinging a "Louisville slugger" at a human head even if the head is talking nasty snarky stuff like that guy. A hit like that could kill someone . In fact he should have gone to a medical provider to get checked out ...
One thing is for certain, is that he brought out the true nature of that mob...
I cannot approve of swinging a "Louisville slugger" at a human head even if the head is talking nasty snarky stuff like that guy. A hit like that could kill someone . In fact he should have gone to a medical provider to get checked out ...
One thing is for certain, is that he brought out the true nature of that mob...
One person swung a bat ..to the shock of others who were also confronting and or criticizing the man..I would say his inner ugliness evoked other ugly behavior ...his getting hit on the head with a bat remains unjustifiable regardless of his own ugly manifestations...
Wait a minute, the left has told us for years that desecrating the Flag and lynching a republican president in effigy and even smearing Christian icons like the Virgin Mary with animal dung were expressions of free speech and we should all learn to get along. When the high heel shoe is on the other foot it seems that bigoted lefties want to use a baseball bat to squash the free expression that they don't care for.
I cannot approve of swinging a "Louisville slugger" at a human head even if the head is talking nasty snarky stuff like that guy. A hit like that could kill someone . In fact he should have gone to a medical provider to get checked out ...
One thing is for certain, is that he brought out the true nature of that mob...
They made his point.

And how many hundreds did that little feral need at her back before she took a nip at him.
I cannot approve of swinging a "Louisville slugger" at a human head even if the head is talking nasty snarky stuff like that guy. A hit like that could kill someone . In fact he should have gone to a medical provider to get checked out ...
One thing is for certain, is that he brought out the true nature of that mob...
One person swung a bat ..to the shock of others who were also confronting and or criticizing the man..I would say his inner ugliness evoked other ugly behavior ...his getting hit on the head with a bat remains unjustifiable regardless of his own ugly manifestations...
If he would not have left, that would have most likely been the end of that bible thumper.
That mob was just starting to feed off itself...
So, are you going to kill or die for your cause....or is there nothing you care about that much?

Preparations have been made for me to do BOTH. The timing for those acts appears to be rapidly approaching. We will see.
Wait a minute, the left has told us for years that desecrating the Flag and lynching a republican president in effigy and even smearing Christian icons like the Virgin Mary with animal dung were expressions of free speech and we should all learn to get along. When the high heel shoe is on the other foot it seems that bigoted lefties want to use a baseball bat to squash the free expression that they don't care for.

It's that leftist hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head again
Yes. We all know how you approve of violence, from beating up your 'English oppressors' (lol) to suggesting that RW female politicians be hit in the face with house bricks.
Typical fascist leftard, and not unlike the attitude displayed by those 'protesting' Trump and his supporters right now. Don't like what someone says? Silence them with VIOLENCE.
Oh, and I don't believe it's the rape issue that has you wetting yourself in excitement here, since you likened the sexual assault and rape of the girls and women in Cologne, by immigrants, to football fans shouting 'get yer tits out'. You are completely transparent, a supporter of physical violence to silence the opposition, and a complete hypocritical fascist.
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
TO THE BOLD: Why do so many people seem to not understand that the First Amendment "Right" to free speech is not a license to say anything one likes without fear of repercussion?

The First Amendment protects you from government interference in your ability to say what you'd like. Did cops come along, and arrest the guy for his hateful sign? No? Then his First Amendment rights were not violated.

The first Amendment does not protect you from the reactions of individuals. You want to say that my mother was a cheap whore, who fucked dogs, and goats on a regular basis? You have every right to say that - no one is going to arrest you for what you said. However, I, as a private citizen, am very much going to exercise my first amendment right to express my displeasure at your disparaging comments about my mother by punching you in the face. There is no "Constitutional Right" that protects you from the consequences of your choice to exercise your right to free speech by being a dick.

Now, should the lady that hit the guy with the bat be arrested for assault? Probably, as I'm sure she was. However, her subsequent arrest wasn't the important part of the story. The important part was that this jackass chose to exercise his first amendment right of free speech to be a dick, and it, properly, resulted in someone else exercising their First Amendment right of self-expression, by bashing him over the head with a base-ball bat. Maybe, in the future, instead of worrying if he can say what he wants, he might consider if he should say what he wants, without reflection of the possible reactions.

Just a thought...
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
And guano and Oldschool give Tammy the WINNER rating so clearly they too support silencing others with VIOLENCE.
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
If people want to abuse kids then they should expect a reaction.
To react with VIOLENCE is not acceptable. You are a FASCIST.
The fact remains, the guy was harmless. What was to be had by going over in confronting/assaulting him?
Except for showing the true nature of that mob... In the long run that mob is only a harm to themselves.
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
TO THE BOLD: Why do so many people seem to not understand that the First Amendment "Right" to free speech is not a license to say anything one likes without fear of repercussion?

The First Amendment protects you from government interference in your ability to say what you'd like. Did cops come along, and arrest the guy for his hateful sign? No? Then his First Amendment rights were not violated.

The first Amendment does not protect you from the reactions of individuals. You want to say that my mother was a cheap whore, who fucked dogs, and goats on a regular basis? You have every right to say that - no one is going to arrest you for what you said. However, I, as a private citizen, am very much going to exercise my first amendment right to express my displeasure at your disparaging comments about my mother by punching you in the face. There is no "Constitutional Right" that protects you from the consequences of your choice to exercise your right to free speech by being a dick.

Now, should the lady that hit the guy with the bat be arrested for assault? Probably, as I'm sure she was. However, her subsequent arrest wasn't the important part of the story. The important part was that this jackass chose to exercise his first amendment right of free speech to be a dick, and it, properly, resulted in someone else exercising their first amendment right of self-expression, by bashing him over the head with a base-ball bat. maybe, in the future, instead of worrying if he can say what he wants, he might consider if he should say what he wants, without reflection of the possible reactions.

Just a thought...

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech...you may not like what is being said but it is an individual's right to say it w/o fear of being attacked or arrested. AMERICA!!!!!

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