Christianity as a support of a Right mission

I think this is a bad idea. If we could revive the Christianity of the Romanesque period, it could work, but its mainstream version was essentially a pro-totalitarian slave regimes, and formed a left mentality. The only thing that can be useful there is adherence to family values, but as practice shows, this also does not work.

A Right cause needs the ideals of a right religion, the Vedic religion. Main idea is: no tolerance to vilians
The left are more religious than the republican's.
The Aryans created tragedy because they lost the truth. They were the best warriors, but they were helpless against treachery and meanness.
When religion runs politics freedoms disappear.
This applies only to the religions of slave agricultural empires. That was their purpose. The Vedic religion sings of liberation. Indra frees Water and cows, kills the villain-enslaver. The Aryan epic has always sung about the liberation and valued the liberators. Saman freed the earth from the ice of the evil old woman Kaileh, the Hero freed the beauty from the slavery of the Serpent, and so on. There are ideals of freedom.
It does not matter whether anyone believes in the Aryan gods or not. It would become a renewed tradition. It's not the name that matters, it's the culture. It is important what forces and ideas embody the gods of a particular culture.
In other words, ethics is more important than cult, and cult is aesthetics reflecting ethics.
One must look into the heart of religion to see it through external paraphernalia
When she descends from heaven, our souls soar to heaven
So we should have our politics tainted by religions that believe in the subjugation of women, in outlawing homosexuality, and in "might makes right" ideology?

No thanks.
Gateway to heaven today is America

So we should have our politics tainted by religions that believe in the subjugation of women, in outlawing homosexuality, and in "might makes right" ideology?

No thanks.
It's not exactly submissive. It's just that a woman stops being a stinky bitch and starts to feel like a woman. Feminism has deprived women of the right to romance.
This is "submission" and this is harmony.

Left "gender equality" is just an ugly chaos that breeds monsters.
It's not exactly submissive. It's just that a woman stops being a stinky bitch and starts to feel like a woman. Feminism has deprived women of the right to romance.

Yes, it is exactly submissive. That is what you have preached since you got here.

And there is no right to romance. Romance is alive and well, even with feminists. But it is not a right.

And as for your "Gateway to heaven today is America", if you think the women of the US are going to go back to being submissive and second class citizens, you are delusional.

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