Christianity ‘At Risk Of Extinction In Some Parts Of World’

This is not a Middle Eastern issue.

You're right. The Christian Copts now live in Argentina, and all the Christians in Iraq miraculously were moved to Alaska. Those who were residing in Lebanon are now living in the Deep South learning how to say Y'all. Mrs. Sherri is going to teach them how to make grits.

What nonsense!

For someone who claims she knows Jesus, it appears that Jesus is unaware that Mrs. Sherri doesn't care what happens to his followers. Yessiree, Mrs. Sherri, along with teaching the Lebanese how to cook grits, is also going to teach them how to make red-eye gravy from the ham drippings to dip their corn bread in.
I was reading an issue of VOM - Voice of the Martyrs - they have a monthy magazine for their members - it was reporting on the number of Christians who have been slaughtered in the Middle East nations - according to one report there have been more Christians murdered in this century than any other century recorded prior... that is such a shocking statistic that anyone who claims there is not a serious war being waged against Christians today must not be paying attention to what is going on around the world right now. Thank for being one of the ones who do pay attention! Many thanks for the article. May the LORD bless you mightily. -Jeri[/

quote]And in the previous 400 years Christians went all over the world murdering and enslaving people in Africa, Asia, Middle East, China, India, Central Asia, and in both North America and South America. . :doubt:

How come you don't mention that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions plus also enslaved people since Islam was invented, and they are still murdering people, even their own. Christianity had a Reformation. When is Islam going to have one?
You're right. The Christian Copts now live in Argentina, and all the Christians in Iraq miraculously were moved to Alaska. Those who were residing in Lebanon are now living in the Deep South learning how to say Y'all. Mrs. Sherri is going to teach them how to make grits.

What nonsense!

For someone who claims she knows Jesus, it appears that Jesus is unaware that Mrs. Sherri doesn't care what happens to his followers. Yessiree, Mrs. Sherri, along with teaching the Lebanese how to cook grits, is also going to teach them how to make red-eye gravy from the ham drippings to dip their corn bread in.

Every word you say about Jesus shows me you know nothing about who Jesus is .

Why pretend you are a Christian?

Jesus knows everything. Why are you unaware of that?

And I never made grits or red eyed gravy. Why do you think that? Do you think you are Jesus?
If anyone believes Jesus, they know the OP is untrue.

I know a Muslim like you doesn't want to admit it, but so much of the Middle East happened to contain the original followers of Jesus until the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded these countries. Are you denying to us that Christians are being thrown into prison for blasphemy and also killed in places like Pakistan? By the way, I find it funny that when one gets on this board and scrolls down toward the end, you will see Mrs. Sherri acting similar to a sentry in a gatehouse waiting to pounce. You should get some fresh air, Mrs. Sherri. You do want to get your Vitamin D from the sun, don't you? I know there are others whose names appear from time to time when I scroll down to see who is viewing, but you seem to be there consistently. You really don't have to view this forum all day long. All these posts will not magically disappear, and you can read them at different times of the day.

For the readers, here is one example of what happened to Christians. If they research, they will find more.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)

I am not a Muslim.

Why does Silly Sally lie and say I am a Muslim?

And I do not agree your version of Christian history is true, either.

I do acknowledge there are some Christians imprisoned for Blasphemy in some places in our world. But so what? Jesus teaches me Christians will be persecuted, it is to be expected. Jesus does not say hate the persecutors, He says love your enemy. A real Christian would know that.
How come you don't mention that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions plus also enslaved people since Islam was invented, and they are still murdering people, even their own. Christianity had a Reformation. When is Islam going to have one?
The so called Christian Reformation took place in the 16th century.

And for the next 400 years Christians colonized and brutalized China, Africa, India, Asia, the Middle East, and staged a genocide on the Native Americans and indigenousness people of both N. and S. America.

Plus, ran the diabolical African slave trade to the Western Hemisphere.

So in retrospect, the Christian reformation ain't much to brag about. . :cool:
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How come you don't mention that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions plus also enslaved people since Islam was invented, and they are still murdering people, even their own. Christianity had a Reformation. When is Islam going to have one?
The so called Christian Reformation took place in the 16th century.

And for the next 400 years Christians colonized and brutalized China, Africa, India, Asia, the Middle East, and staged a genocide on the Native Americans and indigenousness people of both N. and S. America.

Plus, ran the diabolical African slave trade to the Western Hemisphere. . :doubt:

Moslems are so jealous.
How come you don't mention that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions plus also enslaved people since Islam was invented, and they are still murdering people, even their own. Christianity had a Reformation. When is Islam going to have one?
The so called Christian Reformation took place in the 16th century.

And for the next 400 years Christians colonized and brutalized China, Africa, India, Asia, the Middle East, and staged a genocide on the Native Americans and indigenousness people of both N. and S. America.

Plus, ran the diabolical African slave trade to the Western Hemisphere.

So in retrospect, the Christian reformation ain't much to brag about. . :cool:

Sally is well equipped to speak for herself-----but---with apologies to sally-----
I do not believe sally was referring to the PROTESTANT REFORMATION----when
she alluded to "REFORM" in the world of christians. There were all kinds of
REFORM amongst christians in the past several centuries-----that included
repudiation of slavery, or oppression of non christians and of forced conversion.

Repudiation of slavery, oppression of non mulsims and forced conversion
has not yet happened in the UMMAH -------and---there are no convincing signs
of it happening any time soon. In fact-----the "arab spring' is a revival of the
This is not a Middle Eastern issue.

You're right. The Christian Copts now live in Argentina, and all the Christians in Iraq miraculously were moved to Alaska. Those who were residing in Lebanon are now living in the Deep South learning how to say Y'all. Mrs. Sherri is going to teach them how to make grits.

What nonsense!

OK, so Sally was unduly optimistic: she assumed that the l'il sherrithing can cook. That's nonsense, I agree....
If anyone believes Jesus, they know the OP is untrue.

I know a Muslim like you doesn't want to admit it, but so much of the Middle East happened to contain the original followers of Jesus until the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded these countries. Are you denying to us that Christians are being thrown into prison for blasphemy and also killed in places like Pakistan? By the way, I find it funny that when one gets on this board and scrolls down toward the end, you will see Mrs. Sherri acting similar to a sentry in a gatehouse waiting to pounce. You should get some fresh air, Mrs. Sherri. You do want to get your Vitamin D from the sun, don't you? I know there are others whose names appear from time to time when I scroll down to see who is viewing, but you seem to be there consistently. You really don't have to view this forum all day long. All these posts will not magically disappear, and you can read them at different times of the day.

For the readers, here is one example of what happened to Christians. If they research, they will find more.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)

I am not a Muslim.

Why does Silly Sally lie and say I am a Muslim?

And I do not agree your version of Christian history is true, either.

I do acknowledge there are some Christians imprisoned for Blasphemy in some places in our world. But so what? Jesus teaches me Christians will be persecuted, it is to be expected. Jesus does not say hate the persecutors, He says love your enemy. A real Christian would know that.

After reading the shit spewed by the sherrifilth, it is pretty obvious that the sherrithing has't learned anything from Jesus. The l'il sherriliar isn't a real Christian: she'd be a shitty Muslim, too.
Listening to a sermon about persecution of Christians tonight, reminded again it is natural and if it is not being experienced by a person who sees themselves as a Christian they should question whether they are truly a Christian.
Listening to a sermon about persecution of Christians tonight, reminded again it is natural and if it is not being experienced by a person who sees themselves as a Christian they should question whether they are truly a Christian.

Why don't you tell the above to the relatives who are mourning those who have been killed? There are some living here in the States, and you could meet them at the churches they attend. People who are truly good Christians would be aghast at what is happening to their fellow Christians in so many different places.
Sally obviously knows absolutely nothing about real Christianity.

Jesus was persecuted and crucified and His life is the example for true Christians to follow.

Paul followed in His footsteps.

Persecution was experienced by all of the early Christians.
Sally obviously knows absolutely nothing about real Christianity.

Jesus was persecuted and crucified and His life is the example for true Christians to follow.

Paul followed in His footsteps.

Persecution was experienced by all of the early Christians.

I guess Mrs. Sherri is showing us that she has no compassion for those Christians who have been killed by her friends nor does she have any compassion for the relatives who are mourning them. I imagine Mrs. Sherri feels that the Christians should all line up in Muslim countries and say, "Here I am; crucify me like Jesus was." Christians enjoy life and don't want to be persecuted and killed by your friends, Mrs. Sherri. If you ever leave your house (which I doubt), ask some in your town if they love living freely or do they want to be persecuted and killed because of their beliefs.
Sally cannot seem to be capable of discussing her own thread topic, she claims Christians face extinction.

The fact is persecution has always been part of Christianity.

The New Testament is the story of persecution of early Christians.

Through Persecution, Christianity has become the largest religion in our world today.

Persecution spreads Christianity, it does not cause its extinction.

I shall never forget a speaker at a Voice of the Martyrs Conference I attended speaking of a missionary who spoke of his periods of imprisonment as his greatest memories. It was then he witnessed Christianity expand the most around him.

And it reminds me so much of words of the Apostle Paul speaking of the blessings in suffering for Christ.
Video: Thousands of Christians mark 'day of faith' in Nazareth | Maan News Agency

NAZARETH (Ma'an) -- "Over seven thousand Catholic pilgrims from around the world congregated in Nazareth on Sunday to mark the International Day of Faith organized by the Catholic Churches of the Holy Land."

So much for the claim of Christian extinction!

I guess it is all in the fantasies of Zionists like Sally, they all desire the extinction of Christians!

How sad Sally hates Christians so much!
Christianity ‘At Risk Of Extinction In Some Parts Of World’

By PanArmenian

November 16, 2013

Christianity is at risk of extinction in some parts of the world due to growing persecution of minority communities, a minister has warned, according to BBC News.

Baroness Warsi said Christians were in danger of being driven out of countries, such as Syria and Iraq, where the religion first took root.

Syria’s civil war and the instability in Iraq has seen many leave.

Baroness Warsi said politicians had a duty to speak out against persecution and appeal for religious tolerance. In a speech at Georgetown University in Washington DC, the foreign office minister – who also has responsibility for faith communities – said one in ten Christians were living in countries where they were in a minority.

To continue reading, go to:

Christianity 'At Risk Of Extinction In Some Parts Of World' Eurasia Review

Christianity ‘At Risk Of Extinction In Some Parts Of World’

Shouldn't this developement be a problem best addressed by the people in "those" parts of the world?

What business is it here in the US what other countries allow or not in regards to religion?

It seems to me that Christians in the parts of the world that tolorate thier religion should have the only say in the matter. Here in the U S we claim there to be no religious test.

SOOOoooo what is the point of the OP? What does the OP suggest we as Americans do about it? Maybe Christians in the U S should move to these "other parts" of the world and attempt to force these regions to accept Christianity.

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