Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
If only it was just that...then you might have a point. But Christianity is not reliant on just these two stories....granted they are important stories but not the sum total.

Currently we have the Christian Bible. Written over a period of 1500 years by 40+ different authors that agrees perfectly with each other as well as verifiable archeology as to its validity.

Nowhere else in the history of the planet do we have such written material. Even single authors writing fiction or non-fiction books agree with themselves this well. More than one author and you have complete chaos. We can't get two people on this forum to agree perfectly like the authors of scriptures do.

And false claims about incongruencies have been fully investigated and found to be straw dogs and red herrings. So....there's that as well.

Then the plethora of archeological discoveries that also speak volumes of authenticity.

What the real problem people have with Christianity is that if the "Christians" are right....then everyone else is in really big trouble. They simply don't want it to be true And they need a huge remedy.

I recommend Jesus.
Well that's totally false. The Bible is rife with contradictions.

You only wish that to be true because you are in trouble and don't want the remedy.
Pretty sure you don’t want to engage me when it comes to abusing children. All children should be protected against any kind of abuse. As far as god goes feel free to provide ANY proof of its existence. Anything at all.
Do you believe trangendered children should be allowed to cut off their protruding parts, even without parental consent? That's what atheists are doing right now.
As far as the existence of God, your comprehension level is pretty poor. I said I cannot provide proof of the existence of God. That is the Holy Ghost's job. But, for Him to provide this to you, you have to first provide real intent wanting to know. But, I can tell you don't want to follow the prescribed method of knowing.
Do you believe trangendered children should be allowed to cut off their protruding parts, even without parental consent? That's what atheists are doing right now.
I don't think children should be abused in any way. I am no atheist. I am extremely spiritual Cherokee.

As far as the existence of God, your comprehension level is pretty poor. I said I cannot provide proof of the existence of God. That is the Holy Ghost's job. But, for Him to provide this to you, you have to first provide real intent wanting to know. But, I can tell you don't want to follow the prescribed method of knowing.
I have already experienced everything I need as far as spiritual things go. I know for a fact there is life after death. I've experienced it first hand.
Just for the record the people who raised me made me attend an all white catholic school. I learned as much about your religion as you did.

You only wish that to be true because you are in trouble and don't want the remedy.
What a freakish thing to say. Truly delusional. Normal adults don't give a shit about these iron aged fairy tales.

And yes, the Bible is full of contradictions.
What a freakish thing to say. Truly delusional. Normal adults don't give a shit about these iron aged fairy tales.

And yes, the Bible is full of contradictions.
Pick Out ONE single contradiction....

Make it a good one....because I'm not wasting time all day on ridiculous assertion after ridiculous assertion for someone who will never ever believe....and when I get time I might actually explain why you really know nothing about the Bible.
And we have the eye witness accounts that he was seen by many:

1 Corinthians 15:4-6
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
Wasting your time casting pearls to a swine
I don't think children should be abused in any way. I am no atheist. I am extremely spiritual Cherokee.

I have already experienced everything I need as far as spiritual things go. I know for a fact there is life after death. I've experienced it first hand.
Just for the record the people who raised me made me attend an all white catholic school. I learned as much about your religion as you did.
I’m not Catholic.
So, Cherokee believe in the great white spirit known as God. Yet, you don’t believe God exists. Yet you know life exists after death. You are one mixed up dude.
I’m not Catholic.
So, Cherokee believe in the great white spirit known as God. Yet, you don’t believe God exists. Yet you know life exists after death. You are one mixed up dude.
Nope. We believe in Creator. We do not belong to any religion. I'm not the one who is mixed up, nor am I a fan of being gaslighted.
So, Cherokee believe in the great white spirit known as God. Yet, you don’t believe God exists. Yet you know life exists after death. You are one mixed up dude.
"Great White Spirit" was usually used as a not always good analogy to attempt to bridge spiritual differences between Native Americans and European immigrants. We focus on a belief in God. Some American Tribes were more focused on maintaining a spiritual world balance, a world that all animals and plants were part of. Some tribes (and I do not recall which one(s) believed in spirit-to-spirit communication even with plants. Healers would 'listen' to the plan to determine how it might be used for healing.

There is a story of how mankind disturbed the spiritual balance in nature though too much hunting. The hunted decided to retaliate by bringing in disease to destroy the hunters. The spirits of the plants gathered, decided that the punishment was too harsh, and some began producing healing cures--not so much to save mankind--but to restore balance of which human are part of.

Balance, a truly beautiful way of life--all spirits working together. But mostly "The Great White Spirit" was for Europeans to understand where it seems that the Natives saw all as part of the Great Spirit World. Something like that. There are many variations, depending on the tribe, and I don't know much of any of them.
"Great White Spirit" was usually used as a not always good analogy to attempt to bridge spiritual differences between Native Americans and European immigrants. We focus on a belief in God. Some American Tribes were more focused on maintaining a spiritual world balance, a world that all animals and plants were part of. Some tribes (and I do not recall which one(s) believed in spirit-to-spirit communication even with plants. Healers would 'listen' to the plan to determine how it might be used for healing.

There is a story of how mankind disturbed the spiritual balance in nature though too much hunting. The hunted decided to retaliate by bringing in disease to destroy the hunters. The spirits of the plants gathered, decided that the punishment was too harsh, and some began producing healing cures--not so much to save mankind--but to restore balance of which human are part of.

Balance, a truly beautiful way of life--all spirits working together. But mostly "The Great White Spirit" was for Europeans to understand where it seems that the Natives saw all as part of the Great Spirit World. Something like that. There are many variations, depending on the tribe, and I don't know much of any of them.
The way I heard it, when the Spaniards came, they thought it was Jesus Christ. They knew there was a return or second coming. It wasn’t a European construct.
Do you believe trangendered children should be allowed to cut off their protruding parts, even without parental consent? That's what atheists are doing right now.
As far as the existence of God, your comprehension level is pretty poor. I said I cannot provide proof of the existence of God. That is the Holy Ghost's job. But, for Him to provide this to you, you have to first provide real intent wanting to know. But, I can tell you don't want to follow the prescribed method of knowing.

What surgeon would operate on a child without parental consent?
The way I heard it, when the Spaniards came, they thought it was Jesus Christ. They knew there was a return or second coming. It wasn’t a European construct.
Dig more deeply. Among the natives there was concern that the Europeans wanted to replace Native cultures with European cultures. It was a matter of wisdom for Natives to tell the Europeans what they wanted to hear and keep what was close their hearts to themselves. Again, there were so many tribes with so many differing beliefs, there is no way to touch on all of them. It would take a lifetime of studies. But some practices touched me deeply, especially how some tribes dealt with depressions or people being out of sorts. I think it was one of the Southwestern tribes that had sings; there were dippings, or soaking in waters for a certain number or certain length of time.

I don't know about you, but I would be soaking in water and listening to soothing music--not ever popping an anti-depressant pill.
You aren’t paying attention to what is going on in lib woke land. Google it.

I have read some sensational claims. Can you prove and name any surgeons who operate for any reason on minors without parental consent?

Forget the sex reassignment surgery for a minute.. do ANY surgeons perform ANY surgery on minors without parental consent?

If not, why are you fanning this fire?
Dig more deeply. Among the natives there was concern that the Europeans wanted to replace Native cultures with European cultures. It was a matter of wisdom for Natives to tell the Europeans what they wanted to hear and keep what was close their hearts to themselves. Again, there were so many tribes with so many differing beliefs, there is no way to touch on all of them. It would take a lifetime of studies. But some practices touched me deeply, especially how some tribes dealt with depressions or people being out of sorts. I think it was one of the Southwestern tribes that had sings; there were dippings, or soaking in waters for a certain number or certain length of time.

I don't know about you, but I would be soaking in water and listening to soothing music--not ever popping an anti-depressant pill.
You are relating their feelings well after they came. I was relating the first time. They thought Quezecatol the Jesus God who came centuries before after his resurrection and visited the Americas. The “other sheep” Jesus referred to. It’s also in the Book of Mormon.

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