Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

Belief is part of the human psyche. It is a way humans make sense of the complex world by applying 'shortcuts' to massively complicated philosophies, the seemingly unsolvable and new ideas. Religion is based on belief and even not believing in religion is a belief.
Not accepting belief in any religion is not a belief. That's absurd.
Just name these surgeons who are operating on kids without parental consent.
You are really a sorrowful person who apparently wants the mutilation of children under the age of 18. And, also think it's a good idea for unnecessary mayhem against adults as well.
I understand what Mormons believe. That is one perspective. I happen to believe other perspectives--from the tribes--are more likely. I have said before, I believe God reaches out to everyone. I believe His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts.

Without knowing what it was, I picked up the Book for Mormon when I was 14. I knew nothing about the LDS Church or their connection with the Book of Mormon. I always skip introductions and go directly to the story. I began reading, and my immediate assessment was, "What a scam. It sounds like it was something thought up by a 14-year-old boy."

I decided to read the introduction, and discovered the claim was that it had been written by a 14-year-old boy. But the introduction also recommended praying before coming to a decision. Being a huge fan of prayer, I did just this, and the Spirit filled my mind, the voice saying, "This is not for you."

Note, the Spirit did not say, "This is not for anyone, it said, "This is not for you." I am well aware those of strong Mormon belief will say I was being deceived by Satan or his demons, but sorry. I know the voice of God, and however God relates to His flock of the LDS faithful, I am not one of that flock, just as I am not one of His Jewish flock.

The only thing I absolutely despise about the LDS faith is their insistence on baptizing people after they are dead. That is horribly despicable to those of other faiths--even those, like strong atheists, who have no faith.

So believe what you want about Jesus visiting Native Americans. I doubt very much that he did. I do believe God reached Natives through their own spiritual experiences, even those whose experiences did not included a "Great White Father."
You are right about God's ways are not our ways. That's because our ways is of the natural man who is carnal. We see this a lot right now because too many people in America and around the world have cast aside God in their belief and understanding. However, God has always provided ways for His thoughts to be heard by mankind. As Amos said, God only reveals His secrets to His servants, the Prophets. So, we do know His ways. The only time he deviated from that was when He sent His only begotten son born in the flesh to the earth as Jesus Christ, the Christ or Messiah. The Son of God, a member of the Godhead as well.

I also agree with part of what you say. Some people, it's just not their time to receive the testimony of The Book of Mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But, not all for the same reason. As James said, when you want to know the truth, you have to actually do those steps with "real" intent, without your faith in Jesus Christ wavering and without a "double mind." If you cannot do all, then you will not receive the answer from the Holy Ghost. So, any other direct answer must come from the adversary. The truth of this is in your recount. That, you skipped the introduction. Then, you began to read and immediately concluded that God did not write this because it sounded like it was written beneath the intelligence of God. Instead of this, you should have understood that as the Bible is written for all people, so is The Book of Mormon. Thus, the grade level of the writing has to be somewhere between the 2nd grade and 6th grade. This is the common false understanding of intellectuals that such importance has to be written for the intellectuals to then relate to the common man. The intellect is of no importance with the word of God. The content is the only thing of importance. With the Book of Mormon, it contains the fulness of the Gospel and very important messages that the Bible has either lost or was changed with all the splinter groups of Christianity. Also, it was the message of the Gospel from the ancients to the people of our time. Do you think that the ancient Americans had the intellect of PhD's of today? Be honest. You also thought immediately "a scam" which means you had a double mine and no real intent. So, why would you think you could pray and receive a testimony from the Holy Ghost?

As far as baptizing for those who are dead, the Christian faith demands that one has to be baptized by water and by fire (being given the gift of the Holy Ghost). We also must receive washing and anointings as well. And, if our marriages and familes are going to be together in the hereafter, we must be bound together on earth for marriage and families are not given in heaven. "Whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven." - Bible. If not, we will lose it upon death on earth and shall lose this in heaven - Bible. 1Corinthians says, Why do ye baptize for the dead of the dead not rise at all? Why do ye baptize for the dead. The work in the Temples for the connecting the families of the living with the dead were also emphasized in the OT in Malachi 4:5-6, " Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the lord (Great who have had their work done and all ordinances performed for the living and the dead. Dreadful for those who have not prepared as the parable of the oil and the virgins). And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Another translation of this is Joseph Smith-History 1: 38-39, "Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood, by the hand of Elijah, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promise made to the fathers, and the hears of the children shall turn to their fathers. If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming." Your lack of understanding is your problem, not mine. And, as I tell my Jewish family and others with your lack of knowledge on this subject, what do you care if you don't believe our people have no authority or power to disturb anyone in the afterlife? The fact that you care shows that you know our work is true.

Yep, the Lord came to them because throughout their existence, the Lord had established the Priesthood with the native Americans since Lehi and his family migrated to the Americas starting about 600 B.C. Prophets and Apostles were called here in the Americas as well as the Old World. And, as in the Old World, the records were written down by prophets and the most important records are in The Book of Mormon. When Cortez showed up, the natives believed he was the answer to their prophecies. However, that was soon to be wrong and Cortez began his destructive designs throughout the Americas. As well as others that came after him.
- only reinforces the selectivity, racism embedded in the c-bible and morman religion. the grecco/roman jesus.
Ah, the liberal rant of stupidity. Why would this be racist? It was the natives who knew of ancient prophecy that the great white God would return (2nd coming of Jesus Christ). It's actually the liberal who is the common racist for even suggesting such nonsense condemning the natives for their beliefs. It's like saying blacks who follow Trump are white supremacists. And, the same liberals who can't define what a woman is.
The prophecy about Damascus is certainly vague and open endedm

Well Joseph Smith write Book of the Mormon so he could make any claim he wanted.
Quezecatol isn't a construct of Joseph Smith. The history says that when Cortez was first seen arriving on his ship that the people believed him to be the return of their ancient God. We see it as believing that he was the 2nd Coming of Christ. The people quickly learned he wasn't. He was more like Satan destroying the people as he conquered them. So, it was something that happened that actually fits the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon. Unless you are racist and believe the ancient natives were not worthy of the Lord coming to them and teaching them. John 10:16, "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold (jews): Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepard." Meaning, one Christ for all people of the earth. Why then deny the concept of Jesus coming to the ancient people and giving them the new covenant to them as well? Unless you are racist. The Book of Mormon thus makes sense to be with us now.
The truth of this is in your recount. That, you skipped the introduction. Then, you began to read and immediately concluded that God did not write this because it sounded like it was written beneath the intelligence of God. Instead of this, you should have understood that as the Bible is written for all people, so is The Book of Mormon.
Intelligence was not the first thing that hit me. What first hit me was that someone wanted the Book of Mormon to sound like how the King James Bible was written at that time. It immediately came across as counterfeit, a trick with which a 14-year-old boy imagined he could pull off. God is not counterfeit. God is real. The Book of Mormon is not. At best it is a poorly contrived attempt to seem real.
Ah, the liberal rant of stupidity. Why would this be racist? It was the natives who knew of ancient prophecy that the great white God would return (2nd coming of Jesus Christ). It's actually the liberal who is the common racist for even suggesting such nonsense condemning the natives for their beliefs. It's like saying blacks who follow Trump are white supremacists. And, the same liberals who can't define what a woman is.
- only reinforces the selectivity, racism embedded in the c-bible and morman religion. the greco/roman jesus.

among your other qualities, your not very bright either ...
The fact that you care shows that you know our work is true.
I understand you care that children are being introduced to transgenderism. By your own words I now must accept that you believe that such work is a true way of helping children.

Let me be clear: I would rather my breasts and genitals be removed now (and without anesthesia) than have any Mormon baptism performed on me after I have died because such a practice is false in so many ways. Crystal?
Intelligence was not the first thing that hit me. What first hit me was that someone wanted the Book of Mormon to sound like how the King James Bible was written at that time. It immediately came across as counterfeit, a trick with which a 14-year-old boy imagined he could pull off. God is not counterfeit. God is real. The Book of Mormon is not. At best it is a poorly contrived attempt to seem real.
What are you talking about. It doesn't sound anything like the Bible. However, it will sound like scripture since the prophets who wrote back anciently would have been told in their language how to write formally according to their words. And, Joseph Smith would have written it the language the people of his day would understand and to be scripture. So, the wording and tone would have nothing to do with "counterfeit" writing. Also, he was not 14 when he wrote it. It was written mostly when he was about 23 or 24 years of age. He had a 2nd grade educational level as well. He was taught by the Angel Moroni for several years before allowing to possess the plate and write The Book of Mormon. The fact is, when you read the entire book, there is market differences from prophet to prophet writing with the usage of prepositions and other words and style of writing. Yes, there are several versus from various prophets in the Bible. So what? Lehi and his family brought the OT up to 600 BC with them. So, of course there are going to be similarities. The Book is a marvelous work and a wonder as Isaiah stated in Chapter 29. In the Last Days would a book be revealed and translated by an unlearned man in which the learned could not translate. Sound just like the Book of Mormon. But, again, see my other points of your double mind and lack of real intent.
The content is false.
The content is true. It is a definite companion to the bible. Even Ezekiel wrote that a second book, the Book of Joseph would be one in our hands with the Book of Judah, the Bible. Oh ye of little faith and lack real intent to know the truth that would set you free. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
Putting words into the mouth of another without having authority to do so is wrong. Period. How dare you place a lie on the tongue of another.
What words? 1 Corinthians 15:29 is clear. The Saints were baptizing for the dead as instructed. Yet, some believed not in the resurrection even though they were baptizing for the dead. They, like you, hypocrites.
I understand you care that children are being introduced to transgenderism. By your own words I now must accept that you believe that such work is a true way of helping children.

Let me be clear: I would rather my breasts and genitals be removed now (and without anesthesia) than have any Mormon baptism performed on me after I have died because such a practice is false in so many ways. Crystal?
Now, that is liable. I am very clear that transgender surgeries and medicines are 100% wrong and are in fact child abuse. It does not help children in any way. Stop lying and false bearing.
You would have mayhem provided to you rather than baptize those who have died vicariously? How stupid you now look. You were using logic with your comments. But, now you are using stupidity. You do not know if the practice if false. What evidence do you have that baptism for the dead is false? I have the Bible speaking of eternal families and the need for baptism to enter into eternal life in the highest glory of all. Who and where is it written baptism for those who died without opportunity to be baptized by one with authority is false?
Now, that is liable. I am very clear
And I was very clear that I find Mormons putting words into the mouths of the dead despicable. Mormons baptize Jews, Quakers, Catholics (including pope) after they have died and can no longer speak for themselves. You have no authority to put words into anyone's mouth, let alone the mouths of the dead. And then you dare to tell me how in fact, I care! If you want to know how despicable I find this Mormon practice then think about how despicable you find pushing children into transgenderism. Then times that by two. You might come close.
And I was very clear that I find Mormons putting words into the mouths of the dead despicable. Mormons baptize Jews, Quakers, Catholics (including pope) after they have died and can no longer speak for themselves. You have no authority to put words into anyone's mouth, let alone the mouths of the dead. And then you dare to tell me how in fact, I care! If you want to know how despicable I find this Mormon practice then think about how despicable you find pushing children into transgenderism. Then times that by two. You might come close.
No one is putting words in anyone’s mouths. We do the work that Jesus Christ said to do for people. It doesn’t require those souls to accept the work. They have their agency to choose. But if they want their work done for them that is required, it’s done. It only affects those on the other side of the veil who want their work done. Jesus went to the spirit world to preach. But baptisms must be done on earth. So, we do the work for them that want their work done. And, again, if you don’t believe in our authority to do this work, then you also would agree that it affects no one on the other of the veil. So, why should it bother you? Your argument is stupidity.

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