Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

You rang?
It would be a better discussion if you would be more honest and also be more mindful of other's beliefs. No one is forced to see things your way or the highway attitude. I mean, no one forced you to be baptized. You were invited to learn about Jesus Christ and His true Doctrine. You have the right to accept or reject it. You simply won't know the happiness it brings to the living and the dead souls awaiting their work to be done for them. I mean, who are you to stand in the way of those souls in spirit prison waiting for their work to be done for them? Because you think it's wrong? Hopefully you won't be so closeminded in the future discussions.
As I have already said several times: I believe God reaches each one of us where we are. If some grow closer to God via Mormon beliefs, so be it. As far as any future discussion, perhaps read over your personal remarks to me which I copied and pasted directly from your posts to me. The conclusions you attribute to me are not my conclusions. For some reason you decided that is what I meant--when it was far from what I meant. Then there are the insulting personal remarks.

It would be a better discussion

Then, you began to read and immediately concluded that God did not write this because it sounded like it was written beneath the intelligence of God.

You also thought immediately "a scam" which means you had a double mine and no real intent.

Stop lying and false bearing.
You would have mayhem provided to you rather than baptize those who have died vicariously? How stupid you now look. You were using logic with your comments. But, now you are using stupidity

Your argument is stupidity.

Instead, you spew out religious bigotry having no knowledge of the truth.

you moron.

Then, you say something really moronic

It's you interfering with them.

The more you write the more you being dishonor to yourself with lies and innuendos.

Your words condemn you.

You should be ashamed of yourself

You need to grow some balls and get a backbone.

You then have a meltdown conniption fit.

You have been rebuked by the Spirit of God.

You tried to spew lies about members of the Church as well as the Church.

if you would be more honest and also be more mindful of other's beliefs.

Hopefully you won't be so closeminded in the future discussions.

I am not interested in further discussions with you. As I said earlier, I am not interested in discussions about me, but in discussions about religion. You are happy with the LDS faith, and I have no wish to tread on your holy ground with the one exception of where the LDS Church treads on my holy ground.
As I have already said several times: I believe God reaches each one of us where we are. If some grow closer to God via Mormon beliefs, so be it. As far as any future discussion, perhaps read over your personal remarks to me which I copied and pasted directly from your posts to me. The conclusions you attribute to me are not my conclusions. For some reason you decided that is what I meant--when it was far from what I meant. Then there are the insulting personal remarks.

I am not interested in further discussions with you. As I said earlier, I am not interested in discussions about me, but in discussions about religion. You are happy with the LDS faith, and I have no wish to tread on your holy ground with the one exception of where the LDS Church treads on my holy ground.
So, are you dead? No? So, what’s your problem? No one is forcing you into the water. When you die, someone will do your work for you. You will know after death we are right and will be thankful for our faith not to listen to people like you are now.
I always love it when atheists say science is settled and then a bunch of scientists attempt to prove the settled truth wrong.
I believe the Bible is correct as far as it is translated (interpreted) correctly. But, it takes two writings one in thine hands. Ezekiel wrote that the book of Judah and Joseph would be the two making the truth be known. The Bible and Book of Mormon are those two books.
So, are you dead? No? So, what’s your problem? No one is forcing you into the water. When you die, someone will do your work for you. You will know after death we are right and will be thankful for our faith not to listen to people like you are now.
I will try this one more time, but I have my doubts it will be listened to this time, either.

First: What you would not do to a person--or their name--when they are living should not be done to them--or their name--once they have passed on.

Second: The Kingdom is God's gift to us, not something we can earn and certainly not something another person can earn for us.

Third: Holy Ground. This should be familiar to you. Only members of good standing in the LDS faith may enter LDS Temples. By the same token, I consider Joseph Smith and Mormon part of your Holy Ground, and therefore rarely comment on them let alone enter any in depth discussion about them when it comes to their religious beliefs/actions. Secular, public acts are fair game.

Catholics hold different beliefs from those of the LDS faith. Our different beliefs (such as one baptism, etc) is our Holy Ground. If it is LDS expectation that Catholics not enter an LDS temple, then it is not unreasonable to expect the LDS Church respect the One Baptism of my belief.

No church should trespass on another's Holy Ground.
I will try this one more time, but I have my doubts it will be listened to this time, either.

First: What you would not do to a person--or their name--when they are living should not be done to them--or their name--once they have passed on.

Second: The Kingdom is God's gift to us, not something we can earn and certainly not something another person can earn for us.

Third: Holy Ground. This should be familiar to you. Only members of good standing in the LDS faith may enter LDS Temples. By the same token, I consider Joseph Smith and Mormon part of your Holy Ground, and therefore rarely comment on them let alone enter any in depth discussion about them when it comes to their religious beliefs/actions. Secular, public acts are fair game.

Catholics hold different beliefs from those of the LDS faith. Our different beliefs (such as one baptism, etc) is our Holy Ground. If it is LDS expectation that Catholics not enter an LDS temple, then it is not unreasonable to expect the LDS Church respect the One Baptism of my belief.

No church should trespass on another's Holy Ground.
Once a person dies, you do not know what they are now thinking. People who thought death was final now know they were wrong. They get to communicate with others including missionaries called from those in Paradise to teach and preach to them as Jesus did when he went to the spirits who had died. So, why should good people who would have wanted to be baptized by proper authority too be denied baptism and entrance into the highest kingdom of glory in heaven? Are you that obtuse to force those who want baptism now that they know for sure to be denied baptism? Where is your faith, hope and charity?
The kingdom is not the gift. The gift is that our bodies will not be left in the grave. We will all be resurrected. Just not all into Heaven. And, not all in the highest degree of Heaven (First Corinthians Chapter 15).

Well, you have said Joseph was a liar and other things. Just saying that Temple work for the dead counters what you just said about "Holy Ground."

In logic and reasoning lessons, one learns that the opposite is not true (some times it can be). If A, then B; If Be, then A is false most of the time. There is One faith, One Lord, One Baptism. Not many. What makes the faith, Lord and baptism the one? Authority to minister and teach. If one has not received the Gift of the Holy Ghost, then one cannot teach through the Holy Ghost and thus doctrines and ordinances are not valid as the "One." Does that make the people who received the false baptisms bad people? Of course not. Neither does it make the priests and other leaders in various churches bad people. Most are doing the best they can with what they have, the non-fullness of the Gospel. They don't have that second witness to confirm the first witness. Two or more witnesses are necessary. 2Corinthians 13:1, "This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." Not one. Thus, The Bible needs a second witness. The Book of Mormon is another testimony or witness of Jesus Christ being the Savior of the World. In fact, we have two more books or witnesses, The Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. But, this all doesn't mean that we are not allowed to converse with other churches like the JWs believe. We like to find common ground and work for the betterment of our communities. The LDS Church has partnered with the Catholic Charities to help disperse assistance we give around the world. Our Prophets have met with the Popes and are good friends. When the tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma several years ago, I had friends who gathered together in our "Helping Hands" group and partnered with several other churches to help the people of Oklahoma recover. We didn't try to convert them nor they try to convert us. There is common ground. In our community, our ministerial association works with helping the homeless, poor and needy and other needs of the community in which I'm a member of. We don't sit there trying to convert. There is a time and a place for that sort of thing.
Faith in what is not known by evidence of observation might be gullibility, but there is evidence of observation of some things that some still do dismiss, that must be even more a gullibility. Knowing apostles and disciples gave their lives for their testimony of seeing the resurrected Christ coming to them, even ones too cowardly that they would never overcome the difficulties and steal the body, which we all know was no longer there in the tomb where it had been put, really has to mean something. Yet evidence that this universe came from what would explain it being here with careful design still gets dismissed, so God can be ignored. And too many dismiss our responsibility in this earth, despite evidence of our ruining it.
Now some people and things have a state or condition known as "Holy".
They at first appear as normal.....however they aren't.

Holy is not to be played with or dismissed as inconsequential. Holy doesn't come with bright warning signs or some other sort of marker. But the consequences for abusing Holy can be catastrophic.

Holy also cannot be measured by scientific methods. Which makes identification of such articles and people rather difficult. And often the level of Holy is low or the reaction from abusing Holy articles or people is delayed....
The reaction can also seem unrelated to abusing Holy things and people.

And you can dismiss what I'm saying as the rambling ravings of an old man....or not.

But I've seen what happens to those who abuse Holy people and's not pretty. From cancer diagnosis to stupid things that become devastating. A simple scratch from playing with their dog becomes a flesh eating bacteria that eats their face.

Some things are best left alone.
And we have the eye witness accounts that he was seen by many:

1 Corinthians 15:4-6
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
The person who wrote that Didn’t see it. Nor did the author 200 years later. Hearsay. Stories. Not eye witness accounts.

Very well said!

Those who actually believe that men can get pregnant are the most gullible!

Once it became absolutely evident that the baby killers and mutilators really believed their lies, I totally accepted the existence of the devil and once that happened, it was just one step to believing in Christ. I simply cannot accept that today's chaos is all there is in this world.

What is it called when you don’t care about sex? Gods that. No wife. Single dad raising a son and look how it turned out.
The person who wrote that Didn’t see it. Nor did the author 200 years later. Hearsay. Stories. Not eye witness accounts.
Were you there? Prove it then. Even if you were there why should we take your word over Paul’s or anyone else? Do you have a written document that says it didn’t happen?
Were you there? Prove it then. Even if you were there why should we take your word over Paul’s or anyone else? Do you have a written document that says it didn’t happen?

It never can.

Its mouth runs but it's all talk.

Watch it :scared1:

Christianity is faith-based, just like evolution is. Have you ever seen one species “evolve” into another? Know anyone who has? No? Then you have to take their word for it.

there is physical as well as spiritual proof for all facets of evolution - that's why it is a science ...

there is nothing than the c-bible itself to backup anything christianity claims for their faith - written by the crucifiers that use their victim to write their own religion. the source for their so called faith.

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