Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

there is physical as well as spiritual proof for all facets of evolution - that's why it is a science ...

there is nothing than the c-bible itself to backup anything christianity claims for their faith - written by the crucifiers that use their victim to write their own religion. the source for their so called faith.
The Bible reveals scientific facts. But science literally means knowledge. God is all-knowing so He's the ultimate Scientist.

Nevertheless, evolution is a theory that can not be proven in a lab setting.
The Bible reveals scientific facts. But science literally means knowledge. God is all-knowing so He's the ultimate Scientist.

Nevertheless, evolution is a theory that can not be proven in a lab setting.
Evolution contradicts the Bible. There is ZERO proof one "kind" has ever become another "kind.". Dogs never become cats. Never have, never will
Adaptive change within a single species.
Interspecies changes are common: Lions, leopards, tigers, etc. But one species morphing into another doesn't occur. Chimps are still chimps while humans are still humans.
Nevertheless, evolution is a theory that can not be proven in a lab setting.

facets of evolution are lab proven on a daily basis.

physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet earth and is dependent on its unique spiritual content that if removed the physiology dissipates into the atmosphere ...

surly even action jackson is spiritually aware.
No - absolutely not. And as long as you don't understand the only single difference between Fascism and Communism - you will always be wrong

Nothing to do with Fascism - but political pressure inflicted by the Nazis - solely implemented only towards Jews
Racial related issues e.g. North Africa - were not implemented due to Fascism but had already existed for hundreds of years before.
In 1933 Hitler rounded up Jews, socialists, communists and Democrats. He purged them from the German government.

It never can.

Its mouth runs but it's all talk.

Watch it :scared1:

Do you have a written document from anyone who lives the that says it didn’t happen? I have a written document that says it happen. So, prove your point with references if you can. You can’t.
Do you have a written document from anyone who lives the that says it didn’t happen? I have a written document that says it happen. So, prove your point with references if you can. You can’t.

Simmer down. My comment was not directed AT you, it was directed TO you , about the poster you were speaking to.

Take it easy. I'm on your side.

The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Judaism is built on “miracles” as well.

That God told Abraham to circumcise their baby males.
That Moses parted the sea, and Israelites walked past walls of water.
The God came and dwelt in the tabernacle and later Solomon’s temple.

Then many Jewish prophets has prophecies about the coming messiah.
They are the ones that told us he would be born from a virgin. That he would be rejected. That he would bring a New Covenant. That he would be “cut down” before the destruction of the second temple.

There were hundreds of witnesses to resurrected Jesus. Included a Jewish Pharisee that was persecuting Christians, name Saul.

Seems weird you would get hung up on those particular miracles, when the rest of the Jewish faith is based on miracles.

Christianity is built off ancient Judaism. So if you hate it, blame them.
Are you an anti-Semite?
Judaism is built on “miracles” as well.

That God told Abraham to circumcise their baby males.
That Moses parted the sea, and Israelites walked past walls of water.
The God came and dwelt in the tabernacle and later Solomon’s temple.

Then many Jewish prophets has prophecies about the coming messiah.
They are the ones that told us he would be born from a virgin. That he would be rejected. That he would bring a New Covenant. That he would be “cut down” before the destruction of the second temple.

There were hundreds of witnesses to resurrected Jesus. Included a Jewish Pharisee that was persecuting Christians, name Saul.

Seems weird you would get hung up on those particular miracles, when the rest of the Jewish faith is based on miracles.

Christianity is built off ancient Judaism. So if you hate it, blame them.
Are you an anti-Semite?
Where did you get that he hates Jews? So, illogical for a Jew to behave this way.
The single
Most important event in human history is the full atonement sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The atonement gives hope for our human condition from the fall of Adam for eternal life in the kingdom of God. All those who are of the seed of Abraham which is most likely everyone today the the mixing is DNA can receive the grace of Christ’s atonement by accepting Christ as our personal Savior and through His grace of Baptism.
In 1933 Hitler rounded up Jews, socialists, communists and Democrats. He purged them from the German government.
yes correct - so?
And Nazism has nothing to do with Fascism - aside from mobilizing the masses and placing them in a uniform.
yes correct - so?
And Nazism has nothing to do with Fascism - aside from mobilizing the masses and placing them in a uniform.
I really don’t see much difference between Fascism and Communism. Communists say they want to help the welfare of the people then kill tens of millions they deem unworthy to live for whatever reason that threats their tyranny. Fascists like Hitler, Mussolini or Islamic Terrorists do the same thing as well.

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