Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

I have read some sensational claims. Can you prove and name any surgeons who operate for any reason on minors without parental consent?

Forget the sex reassignment surgery for a minute.. do ANY surgeons perform ANY surgery on minors without parental consent?

If not, why are you fanning this fire?
Are you computer challenged to Google? You will find the bill in Washington State to begin with. The slippery slope.
You are relating their feelings well after they came. I was relating the first time. They thought Quezecatol the Jesus God who came centuries before after his resurrection and visited the Americas. The “other sheep” Jesus referred to. It’s also in the Book of Mormon.
When I want to know what Mormons say the story is, I'll read testimony by Mormons. When I want to know what Native tribes say among themselves, I will read their testimonies--or as close to them as I can come, as many are translated by interpreters. Same with Judaism and the Old Testament. I don't go to King James and his English; I go to Rabbis and their Hebrew. It is what works for me.
Are you computer challenged to Google? You will find the bill in Washington State to begin with. The slippery slope.

I wasn't talking about bills.. I was asking about actual surgeons of any kind of surgery who will operate on a minor without parental consent.
And we have the eye witness accounts that he was seen by many:

1 Corinthians 15:4-6
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
I think that most mockers will refuse to believe they've been wrong, even when the prophecies can no longer be credibly disproven any longer.
Specific details such as Damascus being made uninhabitable over night, or Israel being surrounded by a large coalition of nations, only to be delivered by a massive earthquake which kills 5/6 of their enemies, will still be mocked and ignored by most who think themselves wise.
OTOH, the scriptures also tell us that out of this last 7 years of chaos and misery, there will be a great harvest of souls so large that they "cannot be counted" of all nations and tongues.
When it comes to my children I give them information and let them believe what makes sense to them. When I was made to attend Catholic schools they forced me to believe in your god. I never did but did not speak out back then. So now I’m extremely vocal about it.

Wait. YOU were directly "made to attend Catholic schools", or your ancestors?
When I want to know what Mormons say the story is, I'll read testimony by Mormons. When I want to know what Native tribes say among themselves, I will read their testimonies--or as close to them as I can come, as many are translated by interpreters. Same with Judaism and the Old Testament. I don't go to King James and his English; I go to Rabbis and their Hebrew. It is what works for me.
Explain why the natives believes the white Spaniard was God? The connection is proof that Jesus did in fact visited the ancient Americans and said he would come again. Obvious connection that the Book of Mormon is true.
I wasn't talking about bills.. I was asking about actual surgeons of any kind of surgery who will operate on a minor without parental consent.
You better worry since it’s on the verge of happening. Hard to stop the slippery slope. Democrats are insane.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Thanks for your mockery of the faith of other people — you open minded prick.
I think that most mockers will refuse to believe they've been wrong, even when the prophecies can no longer be credibly disproven any longer.
Specific details such as Damascus being made uninhabitable over night, or Israel being surrounded by a large coalition of nations, only to be delivered by a massive earthquake which kills 5/6 of their enemies, will still be mocked and ignored by most who think themselves wise.
OTOH, the scriptures also tell us that out of this last 7 years of chaos and misery, there will be a great harvest of souls so large that they "cannot be counted" of all nations and tongues.

The prophecy about Damascus is certainly vague and open ended.
Explain why the natives believes the white Spaniard was God? The connection is proof that Jesus did in fact visited the ancient Americans and said he would come again. Obvious connection that the Book of Mormon is true.
I understand what Mormons believe. That is one perspective. I happen to believe other perspectives--from the tribes--are more likely. I have said before, I believe God reaches out to everyone. I believe His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts.

Without knowing what it was, I picked up the Book for Mormon when I was 14. I knew nothing about the LDS Church or their connection with the Book of Mormon. I always skip introductions and go directly to the story. I began reading, and my immediate assessment was, "What a scam. It sounds like it was something thought up by a 14-year-old boy."

I decided to read the introduction, and discovered the claim was that it had been written by a 14-year-old boy. But the introduction also recommended praying before coming to a decision. Being a huge fan of prayer, I did just this, and the Spirit filled my mind, the voice saying, "This is not for you."

Note, the Spirit did not say, "This is not for anyone, it said, "This is not for you." I am well aware those of strong Mormon belief will say I was being deceived by Satan or his demons, but sorry. I know the voice of God, and however God relates to His flock of the LDS faithful, I am not one of that flock, just as I am not one of His Jewish flock.

The only thing I absolutely despise about the LDS faith is their insistence on baptizing people after they are dead. That is horribly despicable to those of other faiths--even those, like strong atheists, who have no faith.

So believe what you want about Jesus visiting Native Americans. I doubt very much that he did. I do believe God reached Natives through their own spiritual experiences, even those whose experiences did not included a "Great White Father."
Explain why the natives believes the white Spaniard was God? The connection is proof that Jesus did in fact visited the ancient Americans and said he would come again. Obvious connection that the Book of Mormon is true.

- only reinforces the selectivity, racism embedded in the c-bible and morman religion. the grecco/roman jesus.
All religions are based on gullibility.
Belief in Jesus is based upon personal experience. Without that, it is nothing. That is what makes it unique. Too many people want to make it into something else.
Such a belief is too full of personal responsibility for most humans. Religions try to make it easy, but by doing so they make it impossible.
The awakened are awake. Let the rest sleep in peace.
I think that most mockers will refuse to believe they've been wrong, even when the prophecies can no longer be credibly disproven any longer.
Specific details such as Damascus being made uninhabitable over night, or Israel being surrounded by a large coalition of nations, only to be delivered by a massive earthquake which kills 5/6 of their enemies, will still be mocked and ignored by most who think themselves wise.
OTOH, the scriptures also tell us that out of this last 7 years of chaos and misery, there will be a great harvest of souls so large that they "cannot be counted" of all nations and tongues.

The prophecy about Damascus is certainly vague and open endedm
You are relating their feelings well after they came. I was relating the first time. They thought Quezecatol the Jesus God who came centuries before after his resurrection and visited the Americas. The “other sheep” Jesus referred to. It’s also in the Book of Mormon.

Well Joseph Smith write Book of the Mormon so he could make any claim he wanted.
All religions are based on gullibility.
Belief in Jesus is based upon personal experience. Without that, it is nothing. That is what makes it unique. Too many people want to make it into something else.
Such a belief is too full of personal responsibility for most humans. Religions try to make it easy, but by doing so they make it impossible.
The awakened are awake. Let the rest sleep in peace.

I have never met anyone who had a personal experience with Jesus.
I think that most mockers will refuse to believe they've been wrong, even when the prophecies can no longer be credibly disproven any longer.
Every nutter with a sandwich board and a bullhorn says the same thing about their favorite fetish prophecies.
Belief is part of the human psyche. It is a way humans make sense of the complex world by applying 'shortcuts' to massively complicated philosophies, the seemingly unsolvable and new ideas. Religion is based on belief and even not believing in religion is a belief.

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