Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

Not civilized in view to the average knowledge that people beheld 2000 years ago in regards to sciences - but extremely superstitious and in vast majority societies who's beliefs were being led, directed and controlled by religious institutions - aka priests.

Then to which civilization does e.g. Thailand belong to, or any other Buddhism practicing country?
Despite being written out of large parts of history, atheists thrived in the polytheistic societies of the ancient world – raising considerable doubts about whether humans really are 'wired' for religion – a study suggests. - Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion

It's more likely that atheists existed in the same abundance 2000 years ago and before as they did today. Anti-Christ's have existed as long as Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. And, it's possible that the ancients were advanced in their cognitive abilities in science as well. But, because of much waring that plagued ancient societies, civilizations did not have the opportunities to continue their scientific advances. Also, there was much more movements of populations for thousands of years and thus not much of an opportunity to produce long periods of scientific advancements.

As to your attacks on God with your superstitious comments, there is nothing superstitious about Jesus Christ or Jehovah. Everything God does that you call superstitious or a believers call a miracle are nothing more than God using His knowledge of science as he is the author of our science.
..... Also, there was much more movements of populations for thousands of years and thus not much of an opportunity to produce long periods of scientific advancements.
No, that is actually the primary driver for civilizations enhancement - different cultures getting into contact with each other and therefore uniting various existing knowledge.
As to your attacks on God with your superstitious comments, there is nothing superstitious about Jesus Christ or Jehovah. Everything God does that you call superstitious or a believers call a miracle are nothing more than God using His knowledge of science as he is the author of our science.
A person (Jesus) who was supposedly enacted by a spiritual act of a non-existing God - is a classic demonstration of superstition.
Preaching and inventing a Hell and Heaven - is a classic demonstration of superstition.
And so on and so on....

I am not attacking God - since one can't attack what doesn't exist - I also do not attack believers of what ever religion - I simply leave them to themselves.
If however a "believer" states towards me, that God exists - I will ask for proof. And a belief is a belief - it is NOT a proof.
No, that is actually the primary driver for civilizations enhancement - different cultures getting into contact with each other and therefore uniting various existing knowledge.

A person (Jesus) who was supposedly enacted by a spiritual act of a non-existing God - is a classic demonstration of superstition.
Preaching and inventing a Hell and Heaven - is a classic demonstration of superstition.
And so on and so on....

I am not attacking God - since one can't attack what doesn't exist - I also do not attack believers of what ever religion - I simply leave them to themselves.
If however a "believer" states towards me, that God exists - I will ask for proof. And a belief is a belief - it is NOT a proof.
To the believer, it is proof. Now, prove the believer wrong? You aren’t supreme being of knowledge.
When you say God does not exist, you are attacking God. And, for your information, The Father and Son have flesh and bone bodies. They exist. The Holy Ghost has a spirit body only. A spirit body is real and has mass but is of a much finer material than flush and bones. I have been comforted by the Holy Ghost and know he exists. Just because you are close minded and close hearted to the reality you refuse to see doesn’t mean you are right. You are just unable to know and see due to false intent and double minded.
To the believer, it is proof. Now, prove the believer wrong?
Belief is a belief - to believe in something isn't a proof - you might believe that you can sprint 100m in 8 sec. - unless you can do it, you can't proof your belief.
You aren’t supreme being of knowledge.
Nope just a normal guy with common sense.
When you say God does not exist, you are attacking God.
That's your sole personal interpretation or belief
And, for your information, The Father and Son have flesh and bone bodies. They exist.
Sure - just met them yesterday - oh wait, nope that was just a dream.
The Holy Ghost has a spirit body only. A spirit body is real and has mass but is of a much finer material than flush and bones. I have been comforted by the Holy Ghost and know he exists. Just because you are close minded and close hearted to the reality you refuse to see doesn’t mean you are right. You are just unable to know and see due to false intent and double minded.
"Reality" - right, a concept that you obviously don't understand.

I actually love it, if some Jehovah witnesses dude upon leaving my house, paints the sign of Satan onto my front-door. It shy's away the other nutcases.

Wake up man - a religious believer will NEVER manage to convince an Atheists - neither the other way around. (Whereby the latter doesn't try to convert others) - Atheists don't belief into converting people.
Isn't that true of any religion?

Yes. It is actually a requirement. You must make outrageous claims. If people believe them and/or pretend to believe them in order to fit in then you know you can control that person. If a person calls you out on the outrageous claims then they cannot help your organization. To build a strong cult you must identify who is useful and who is a hindrance. Gullible idiots who believe they can talk to a magic man are very easy to control. Those who are not gullible are crazy, psychotic, dangerous, or my favorite; “out of control”. Out of control is the most accurate. A completely sane person that mocks fairy tales proclaimed as truth cannot be controlled. That’s problematic. Gullibility is a valuable trait. Sanity is useless.
Belief is a belief - to believe in something isn't a proof - you might believe that you can sprint 100m in 8 sec. - unless you can do it, you can't proof your belief.
You are using physical measurements that has nothing to do with belief in God. Although, you most likely measure my body functions while I'm going through a spiritual event where the Holy Ghost is present in my mind and heart. That actually has been done quite a lot. Faith is hope in things not seen, but which are true.
Nope just a normal guy with common sense.
Yet, a normal person who needs to be deceived by your eyes. We know the hand is quicker than the eye and can be deceived. Thus, faith is stronger than empirical evidence for it cannot be deceived if developed properly.
That's your sole personal interpretation or belief
It's correct as well.
Sure - just met them yesterday - oh wait, nope that was just a dream.
It's possible for those who are old and could not physically take the presence of the Godhead. "Young me have visions, old men dream dreams.
"Reality" - right, a concept that you obviously don't understand.
Depends on which reality. That which you can see and be deceived with your eyes. Or, reality of those things you perceive of God through the spirit. Both are realities of the believer.
I actually love it, if some Jehovah witnesses dude upon leaving my house, paints the sign of Satan onto my front-door. It shy's away the other nutcases.
I'm not a JW.
Wake up man - a religious believer will NEVER manage to convince an Atheists - neither the other way around. (Whereby the latter doesn't try to convert others) - Atheists don't belief into converting people.
You are right and wrong at the same time. You are right that I cannot convince you. What I can do is give you the message and pathway to become a believer in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But, the witness, testimony and convincer is the Holy Ghost.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Goes like this:
A virgin had God’s baby who grew up and was murdered by the Romans so you and I would be forgiven for Eve eating the apple she got from the talking snake. 3 days later, white Jesus rose from the dead to tell everyone he would come back someday and fight the devil. Then he flew up to his mansion in heaven where he sits in judgment of the gays.
Goes like this:
A virgin had God’s baby who grew up and was murdered by the Romans so you and I would be forgiven for Eve eating the apple she got from the talking snake. 3 days later, white Jesus rose from the dead to tell everyone he would come back someday and fight the devil. Then he flew up to his mansion in heaven where he sits in judgment of the gays.
It doesn't go like that. So, I'll re-write it a bit for you. A virgin conceived and bore a son called Emanuel or God is with us. The name we refer to because of the Bible and languages is Jesus the Christ (Messiah). He came to teach a new and higher law to fulfill the lesser law of Moses. The new law included much of the important parts and covenants of the old law of Moses. The Jewish leaders of the time rejected this and proposed a plan to have him executed for what they claimed was blasphemy by the Romans. Adam and Eve brought sin and death into the world. However, before leaving the Garden, Father in Heaven told them a Savior would be provided for them and all their generations that would come after them. However, the Plan of Salvation continued with mankind being allowed to have their full free moral agency to choose good or evil, right or wrong, pleasure or pain, virtue or vice and so on. We would also be given enough information for us to know these things throught the Light of Christ and The Holy Ghost. Therefore, we are responsible for our own sins and NOT the sins of Adam and Eve. Jesus Christ came and offered himself as the final sacrifice to atone for our sins if we believe in Him. He also fulfilled the promise of "Grace" or the Gift to not remain forever in our graves and in spirit prison. That through Christ's resurrection, all of those who have lived on the earth will have their spirits and physical bodies reunited in the resurrection never to die again. That's the "Grace" that the Bible talks about. The resurrection will also be part of the judgment day as our resurrected bodies will be different based upon our choices we make here on Earth. Those choices are based on our knowledge at the time we live in of the laws of God. The lesser law or the greater laws of Christ. Sin is based on our knowledge. Some who would call sin may just be mistakes made and not sins. However, if we knowingly break laws of God, without repenting, we will also be judged by the Father with Jesus Christ being the mediator between us and the Father. Those who have the knowledge that homosexual acts are sins against the Father and the Plan of Salvation will be judged accordingly if they do not repent and reject Jesus Christ at the Judgment Day. And, it won't be a good one either. So, Jesus is currently offering gays ways to not sin and follow Him. I know many same-sex attracted people who keep their covenants with God and are happy doing the Lord's work. That's a choice to do so or not. But, there are consequences to knowingly commit sin.

It is really shallow of you to specifically use "gay" people to try and make a point. Really shallow. Using gays to show your hatred of God. What did gay people ever do to you to use them this way?
... What I can do is give you the message and pathway to become a believer in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But, the witness, testimony and convincer is the Holy Ghost.
Like I stated - a JW couldn't have said it better. Keep your superstitious believes to yourself.

This "conversion attempt" has cost entire civilizations their lives and culture, ending up in colonialism, slavery and genocide towards non Christians. All major war's in the past 120 years were instituted and conducted by Christian rulers and statesmen - resulting in the death and destruction of more then 100 million people.

Your religion is about the last one to talk about Gods supposed love towards human mankind. Before you come up with - oh no, that is not Jesus and God's teachings and doings, go and talk to your Christian believers first and convert them towards your so called Gods true intentions and its factual murderous reality, - namely those Christians who prefer to ignore all this, and on an hourly basis defy all those commandments. - bloody hypocrites.
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The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
When you have reduced the religion to that no one will bother to discuss it with you.
Like I stated - a JW couldn't have said it better. Keep your superstitious believes to yourself.

This "conversion attempt" has cost entire civilizations their lives and culture, ending up in colonialism, slavery and genocide towards non Christians. All major war's in the past 120 years were instituted and conducted by Christian rulers and statesmen - resulting in the death and destruction of more then 100 million people.

Your religion is about the last one to talk about Gods supposed love towards human mankind. Before you come up with - oh no, that is not Jesus and God's teachings and doings, go and talk to your Christian believers first and convert them towards your so called true religion and its so beautiful intentions, - namely those Christians who prefer to ignore all this, and on an hourly basis defy all those commandments.
Atheists apparently love to lie. Hitler, Mao, Stalin were either believers in aliens or pure atheists killing the 100 million people. Not Christians. It was the Christian world that fought Hitler, Mao and Stalin. Why do you find lying so easy?
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
what about the miracle of the bidens getting filth rich despite never having jobs
Atheists apparently love to lie. Hitler, Mao, Stalin were either believers in aliens or pure atheists killing the 100 million people. Not Christians. It was the Christian world that fought Hitler, Mao and Stalin. Why do you find lying so easy?
Keep on lying to yourself and maintaining your religious illusions
Hitler was a baptized Roman Catholic
Stalin was an Orthodox Christian who even attended a priest seminary in view of becoming a priest

Mao was fighting a war against the Japanese who had murdered around 20 million Chinese from 1890 -1945
Mao was fighting against a totally corrupt and oppressive KMT - who's policy had resulted into the death and starvation of millions of Chinese.
His failed and errant agricultural revolution costing the lives of millions wasn't a war - you idiot.
Keep on lying to yourself and maintaining your religious illusions
Hitler was a baptized Roman Catholic
Stalin was an Orthodox Christian who even attended a priest seminary in view of becoming a priest

Mao was fighting a war against the Japanese who had murdered around 20 million Chinese from 1890 -1945
Mao was fighting against a totally corrupt and oppressive KMT - who's policy had resulted into the death and starvation of millions of Chinese.
His failed and errant agricultural revolution costing the lives of millions wasn't a war - you idiot.
You are as stupid as you are a liar. Most atheists were most likely baptized or circumcised. But, Mao and Stalin were atheists by the time they were adults killing people under the banner of atheistic communism. There is no religion in communist genocide. There is no religion in genocidal fascism either. It’s all about evolutionary atheism. So, you are wrong, stupid and a liar.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected

Since you brought up gullibility--I didn't have myself injected with God only knows what over and over and over to "protect" myself from a virus with a miniscule mortality rate.

You have a religion. Make no mistake about that. But it's vapor.
Most of them actually got shot in their homes and on the streets between 1919 to 1933. BTW there was never a Socialist party participating in the government in Germany - they are correctly termed Social democrats or Social democratic party.
It's a common misconception to refer to Social Democrats as Socialists. they are two entirely different political groups and concepts.
It's just like terming or labeling Fascists as being Nazis.

Correct Social Democrats was the largest party in Germany .. there were 30 other political parties at the time.
Atheists apparently love to lie. Hitler, Mao, Stalin were either believers in aliens or pure atheists killing the 100 million people. Not Christians. It was the Christian world that fought Hitler, Mao and Stalin. Why do you find lying so easy?
That's not true, Hitler was doing everything in exact replication of the RCC synods, I listed all the prejudiced church synods that Nazis emulated, it's a long list so you have to search the archives here with my name and synods Nazis agents of Christianity.
Stalin was Catholic as was Pol Pot raised by Catholicsm.
Furthermore Christianity supplanted itself as above the law and threw smokescreen on learning the rules to live by. So the world missed one of those most important warnings that all 3 of them shared in common- Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were all political prisoners before they came out in vengeance against humanity.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.

List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:

Paul of Tarsus(who was not Saul/thus not based on a singular Jewish figure) had many killed, but also in writing half to 3/4 NT caused over 50 million murders and thousands of wars including thwarting this very rule not to listen to him which caused the following mass murderers:
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Zarquawi, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.

All these listed were political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.

President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all christ figures used by Rome (lucifer was a "created image" of a man says Ezekiel 28), making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners(forbidden teachers).

So this image/icon promising life in death warned about in the begining book of Genesis- The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in this new icon name.

The greatest murderers, they were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us through rules to avoid them, while the church supressed those rules, covered them from view with fig leafs, allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities since the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis
It is really shallow of you to specifically use "gay" people to try and make a point. Really shallow. Using gays to show your hatred of God.
Hatred of god? Kinda hard to hate something that doesn't exist. Since I have your attention maybe you can clear something up for me. If god and white Jesus are the same person, why are they so different. White Jesus preached about feeding the hungry giving shelter to the homeless while god would have your children punished for 4 generations for not worshipping him.
Deuteronomy 5:9
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Worship me or else?

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