Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

Common knowledge that Joseph of Arimathea -- he employed both Jesus and his father as Master Builders --- petitioned Pontius Pilate for permission to remove his body etc .
Subsequently, Jesus and hs elder son both toured Asia Minor preaching and Jesus died from natural causes around AD 62 .

DYOFR and look at all sources
Huh...? you got my honest full attention span now. This is the first time I come across those "news" statements.
--- petitioned Pontius Pilate for permission to remove his body etc
Jesus and hs elder son both toured Asia Minor
Jesus died from natural causes around AD 62 .

Got some sources for me? and please not a link to a 500 or 1000 page article or book :)
Common knowledge that Joseph of Arimathea -- he employed both Jesus and his father as Master Builders --- petitioned Pontius Pilate for permission to remove his body etc .
Subsequently, Jesus and hs elder son both toured Asia Minor preaching and Jesus died from natural causes around AD 62 .

DYOFR and look at all sources
Actually the 100bc era figure(Yeshu) was most likely the carpenter and probably the Galilean(Yehuda) who died in 6BC was the fisherman from Capernaum (Nazareth did not yet exist) and the Pilate era figure from the Jordan river (Theudas) who died in 35ad was who knows what, there's no mention that I remember in Josephus writing about his profession. When you combine many figures into 1 story you tend to need a new name (Jesus) but will always have more than 1 contradicting professions(Carpenter & fisherman), ages (taught 33 but John said closer to 50), appearances descriptions (clean cut and bearded, short 4'6"), span of era and death years aprox88bc-6bc-35ad, type of sentencing :Yeshu stoned -hanged on tree other 2 crucified, more than 1 hometown Capernaum and Nazareth, and followers complainingvthe others are worshiping another christ than they are (James and Paul argument), and even various parts of stories will be out of sync with the year they supposedly happened in, like Lycanius dying in 35bc can't be in the Pilate era Christs story it's out of sync, but it can be in the Galilean's story. Also Herod dying in 4bc is why they placed the image Jesus new birth date from 0ad to 6bc.
Christianity if built on much more than only two miracles. The first and one of the most important miracles is the miracle of Creation. An understanding of God's infinite power and the events that can occur by Him simply speaking it into existence is key to understanding the rest of His Story (history).

If the truth seeker doesn't understand man's fallen, sin nature, then he/she will never fathom the reason it was necessary for God to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save mankind from himself. God is a God of law and justice. He sets that standards as well as the consequences for ignoring or breaking those standards (Laws). The payment for sin is blood (death). But God is also a God of love. He loved the world enough to send His Son to die for the sins of the world.

God used a virgin as a vessel or incubator in a miraculous way. It WAS a true miracle.

And it's true that nobody stole Christ's body. He literally died; was buried in a tomb; and in three days conquered death and rose from the dead. He walked out of that tomb on His own.

The stories are borrowed from earlier civilizations in Sumer, Egypt, the Akkadian Empire and Dilmun... They are also found in the Canaanite Ugarit texts from Ras Shamra in n Syria.

These are morality tales and didactic literature with valuable lessons, but they are not history. Archaeology and geology supports none of it.
Because, Socialist propagate a class free society, and market mechanism controlled by the people, and dream to achieve this fantasy via democracy - Essentially the same as the Communists - but the latter dreaming to achieve this via a dictatorship.

Fascism beliefs in a class free society, market mechanism controlled by private institutions and directed by the State, via a dictatorship.

The Nazis made use of the fascist Dogma in regards to a class free society, secured/ensured by a peoples army (aka the SA) - market mechanism controlled by private institutions and directed by the State. And the whole thing controlled by a dictatorship - plus racial dogma highlighting and giving preference to a single race - subordinate or exterminate any other race. The latter is not beheld by any of the other three. Since Hitler was aware that a "peoples army" would not make him a winner on the battlefield - he dis-functioned the SA and gave preference to the Wehrmacht.

Hitler purged the German government of Socialists and Communists in 1933 with the Enabling Act. He put them in the newly completed Dachau.
The stories are borrowed from earlier civilizations in Sumer, Egypt, the Akkadian Empire and Dilmun... They are also found in the Canaanite Ugarit texts from Ras Shamra in n Syria.

These are morality tales and didactic literature with valuable lessons, but they are not history. Archaeology and geology supports none of it.
Says surada plus one or two other misinformed individuals. According to folks like you ... the truth is ANYTHING BUT the Bible. You folks would likely believe an orangutan before you believed a single word of the Bible.
Says surada plus one or two other misinformed individuals. According to folks like you ... the truth is ANYTHING BUT the Bible. You folks would likely believe an orangutan before you believed a single word of the Bible.

Poetic language and epic stories make the stories powerful and memorable. The old Jewish sages were teaching the law and man's relationship with God. They weren't writing a history or science book.

The Creation story, the flood and Exodus are all teaching narratives. The theme is God's love and redemption.
Hitler purged the German government of Socialists and Communists in 1933 with the Enabling Act. He put them in the newly completed Dachau.
Most of them actually got shot in their homes and on the streets between 1919 to 1933. BTW there was never a Socialist party participating in the government in Germany - they are correctly termed Social democrats or Social democratic party.
It's a common misconception to refer to Social Democrats as Socialists. they are two entirely different political groups and concepts.
It's just like terming or labeling Fascists as being Nazis.
Poetic language and epic stories make the stories powerful and memorable. The old Jewish sages were teaching the law and man's relationship with God. They weren't writing a history or science book.

The Creation story, the flood and Exodus are all teaching narratives. The theme is God's love and redemption.
Except science proves that a literal, global flood took place.

Institute for Creation Science (ICR):

And, in my opinion, it takes just as much faith to believe that nothing created the universe as it does to believe that Someone created the universe.
Actually the 100bc era figure(Yeshu) was most likely the carpenter and probably the Galilean(Yehuda) who died in 6BC was the fisherman from Capernaum (Nazareth did not yet exist) and the Pilate era figure from the Jordan river (Theudas) who died in 35ad was who knows what, there's no mention that I remember in Josephus writing about his profession. When you combine many figures into 1 story you tend to need a new name (Jesus) but will always have more than 1 contradicting professions(Carpenter & fisherman), ages (taught 33 but John said closer to 50), appearances descriptions (clean cut and bearded, short 4'6"), span of era and death years aprox88bc-6bc-35ad, type of sentencing :Yeshu stoned -hanged on tree other 2 crucified, more than 1 hometown Capernaum and Nazareth, and followers complainingvthe others are worshiping another christ than they are (James and Paul argument), and even various parts of stories will be out of sync with the year they supposedly happened in, like Lycanius dying in 35bc can't be in the Pilate era Christs story it's out of sync, but it can be in the Galilean's story. Also Herod dying in 4bc is why they placed the image Jesus new birth date from 0ad to 6bc.
Hm.. you seem to be well versed.
In regards to the timeline 100BC - are you familiar with the theory or rather the thesis that Mary was of Egyptian nobility - some say royalty - who due to an inappropriate relationship fled with her lover to Roman controlled Palestine in order to evade procecution?
The same name but definitely not the same person.
When you pass stories down the line in the age of communication they get distorted and blended, imagine in an ancient archaic age without computers and networks how bad a story passed down the line will blend similar characters or similar titled figures.
But I'm more in the belief it was an intentional mix of stories used in creating the legend as an icon, because they mixed mythology and plagiarized his image from many biblical characters and figures roles trying to place him in text. In other words if they did so in text they probably did so to place him seemingly as historical, even though singularly he was not.
Hm.. you seem to be well versed.
In regards to the timeline 100BC - are you familiar with the theory or rather the thesis that Mary was of Egyptian nobility - some say royalty - who due to an inappropriate relationship fled with her lover to Roman controlled Palestine in order to evade procecution?
Haven't heard that but when I did a geneology connect the dots, I found her related to the Line of Maccabees which is probably why they said Salome was a related friend and follower of Yeshu as in the Jesus story, because 100BC Salome married King Janneus Alexander who's Hyrcanus line was a distant line of Maccabees. Salome was responsible for Shimon to be reinstated head priest and that matches the Shimon/Peter head of the first church story. New name once again probably to combine more than 1 persona that spaned more eras.
In that era of Jannaeus we also get the Yehuda(Judas) weeping for getting someone sentenced story, and the widows mite coin is a Jannaeus era coin not a Herod era coin. We date this figure through Kings like Jannaeus, but also through his fleeing the Jannaeus revolt to Egypt and his Mentor Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Perachya who he fled with is recorded in the Talmud as Historical Rabbis are.
This thread should be entitled "those who have faith without reason accuse others of having faith without reason".

I'm not a Christian per se, but I think people can benefit from obtaining a red-letter edition of the bible and reading just the red letters. There is a lot of good stuff there.
Says surada plus one or two other misinformed individuals. According to folks like you ... the truth is ANYTHING BUT the Bible. You folks would likely believe an orangutan before you believed a single word of the Bible.

you misunderstand, the c-bible is deliberately written by the crucifiers in a fashion to use their victim to rewrite what they were willing to die for, to use instead for their own selfcentered agenda and personal gain through deception ...

“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

such are the liars that wrote the c-bible ... a j included.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Very similar mentality to the Trump world view of a "stolen election," that claims there is no way President Biden could have defeated Trump in 2020, therefore the election had to have been "stolen and/or rigged." This type of thinking appeals to those of limited reasoning ability, represented by the majority of maga world.
Very similar mentality to the Trump world view of a "stolen election," that claims there is no way President Biden could have defeated Trump in 2020, therefore the election had to have been "stolen and/or rigged." This type of thinking appeals to those of limited reasoning ability, represented by the majority of maga world.
Don't you mean it's like Dems claiming a miracle when counted mail in ballots in Pennsylvania appear to have no folds & no creases yet would have had to come out of an envelope?
It's a festivus Miracle!
Even Penn and Teller are amazed by that one. 🙄
Don't you mean it's like Dems claiming a miracle when counted mail in ballots in Pennsylvania appear to have no folds & no creases yet would have had to come out of an envelope?
It's a festivus Miracle!
Even Penn and Teller are amazed by that one. 🙄

the election was a miracle, proof being the ballots without creases came directly from the heavens ... bend your knees, jews and right wing fanatics - your hate and evil meet its match.
the election was a miracle, proof being the ballots without creases came directly from the heavens ... bend your knees, jews and right wing fanatics - your hate and evil meet its match.
You do realize all the hate and violence on TV and streets is left wing run big cities and States, look at any drmographics data and follow the science, liberalism creates fear anguish and hatred for life and humanity and it's proven by the stats, by watchingvthr news and hearing the rage in the medias voices and incitement spread to it's minions.
No, you have stories from primitive people of 2,000 years ago.
Primitive people? The were grunting and living in caves? Not civilized? Oh, you mean they didn’t have microwaves and IPhones.

There are two types of civilizations:
1. Organized societies based on belief in God
2. Organized societies based off of belief in secular governments.
Both can do good and bad. I suppose it’s possible to have a civilization with both. However, with the godless, right and wrong, good and evil change with the whims of the moment like wokeism. Like a fad. And, those in the fad demand all accept their way or die even if it makes no logical sense.
Primitive people? The were grunting and living in caves? Not civilized? Oh, you mean they didn’t have microwaves and IPhones.
Not civilized in view to the average knowledge that people beheld 2000 years ago in regards to sciences - but extremely superstitious and in vast majority societies who's beliefs were being led, directed and controlled by religious institutions - aka priests.
There are two types of civilizations:
1. Organized societies based on belief in God
2. Organized societies based off of belief in secular governments.
Then to which civilization does e.g. Thailand belong to, or any other Buddhism practicing country?
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