Zone1 Christianity built on gullibility.

I don't need to be told this. A certain segment, much larger than it should be; needs to be told this. Ditto for the segment who believes that if one doesn't go along with their game of charades that they should be "cancelled".

These fascists are an even worse enemy than those who identify as giraffes.

People know the difference between biology and psychology.. Fascism was embraced by hardline conservative Italians .. It smacks of racism, nationalism and authoritarian leadership. Desantis comes closest to what you fear.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected

What is the point of such threads? There are and always will be people that need something to belief in - especially those who can't help themselves with their own lives or finding a rational explanation for whatever occurrences.
Nobody forces you to go into religious threads - just let them be happy with each other.

If a religious person forwards e.g. - those who do not belief in Christianity or God, or whatever religion are inferior or denerated human beings - okay feel free to have a go on them. I might even join in.
People know the difference between biology and psychology.. Fascism was embraced by hardline conservative Italians .. It smacks of racism, nationalism and authoritarian leadership. Desantis comes closest to what you fear.
What makes you belief that fascism beholds racism? BTW the NAZIS were not fascists but Nazis.
Fascism just as Communism does not behold racial dogmas. Do you even know the only single difference between Fascism and Communism?

Show me a single quote by Mussolini or Franco that would behold or indicate racism.
There are and always will be people that need something to belief in
Try and imagine that there is no need involved. Explorers explore. Some explore the physical realm; others explore the spiritual realm. Explorers--whether of the physical realm or the spiritual realm--report their findings.
Try and imagine that there is no need involved. Explorers explore. Some explore the physical realm; others explore the spiritual realm. Explorers--whether of the physical realm or the spiritual realm--report their findings.
There are no factual findings in the spiritual realm - only beliefs based onto baseless assumptions.
What makes you belief that fascism beholds racism? BTW the NAZIS were not fascists but Nazis.
Fascism just as Communism does not behold racial dogmas. Do you even know the only single difference between Fascism and Communism?

Show me a single quote by Mussolini or Franco that would behold or indicate racism.

Nazism is Fascism.
What makes you belief that fascism beholds racism? BTW the NAZIS were not fascists but Nazis.
Fascism just as Communism does not behold racial dogmas. Do you even know the only single difference between Fascism and Communism?

Show me a single quote by Mussolini or Franco that would behold or indicate racism.

Nazism was just Fascism. Hitler split from the Democratic Socialists in 1926.

Racism in Mussolini's Italy was against Jews and North Africans.

There are no factual findings in the spiritual realm - only beliefs based onto baseless assumptions.
Perhaps you mean proof--physical evidence? Fact is inclusive of truth, and truth is the essence of almost all things spiritual. Are you of the mind that philosophy is mere baseless assumptions?
Nazism is Fascism.

Nazism was just Fascism. Hitler split from the Democratic Socialists in 1926.
No - absolutely not. And as long as you don't understand the only single difference between Fascism and Communism - you will always be wrong
Racism in Mussolini's Italy was against Jews and North Africans.

Nothing to do with Fascism - but political pressure inflicted by the Nazis - solely implemented only towards Jews
Racial related issues e.g. North Africa - were not implemented due to Fascism but had already existed for hundreds of years before.
And we have the eye witness accounts that he was seen by many:

1 Corinthians 15:4-6
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.

We have "eye witness reports" of people flying around on broomsticks playing quiddich too....
Perhaps you mean proof--physical evidence? Fact is inclusive of truth, and truth is the essence of almost all things spiritual. Are you of the mind that philosophy is mere baseless assumptions?
Philosophy (basically an attempt to harmonize the human relationship to each other or nature) has nothing to do with the "spiritual realm" of God, ghosts, demons, Angels etc.
It is a theoretical construct towards a human achieving ultimate harmony with himself and his surroundings. Or if you prefer "analysis of the principles underlying conduct".

Perfect example - if I hit you on your left cheek - you should offer me your left one as well - so called in new lefty&lib terms "deescalation"

My personal philosophy however is that if you hit my right cheek - I will get back at you. Since I do not tolerate physical or verbal abuse towards e.g. my person.
No - absolutely not. And as long as you don't understand the only single difference between Fascism and Communism - you will always be wrong

Nothing to do with Fascism - but political pressure inflicted by the Nazis - solely implemented only towards Jews
Racial related issues e.g. North Africa - were not implemented due to Fascism but had already existed for hundreds of years before.

Hitler hated Socialists and Communists.
The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
You of all people should not leave out the other possibility, that the events used for recreating them into miracles it never happened either and someone later "lied & plagiarized" the Miraculous story from mythology on Baal the father which is masked behind the son (morning star).
Using one of the 3(trinity) of christ figures for the story, Yeshu of 100b.c. was known to be born from Mary's fling with Roman soldier Panderas, which is why Matthew says Joseph had been discreet to divorce her privately as to not have her get stoned. So they knew how she got pregnant, this was not a virgin or miracle birth, they even called the followers of this Marian sect the "Harlot's church". Therefore it's fake news and plagiarizing mythology to compete with other gods virgin births. It's intentional by the authority used to control the people, not ignorance or superstitious.
The death scene passion play story was plagiarized from Baal 3 day rising, everything in the story was predated from Baal's death scene dated 900b.c. on ancient Marduck tablets (sitting in the British museum). None of the 3 christs or their cults have a tomb story, it's a lie by the forgers creating the new world religion.

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Common knowledge that Joseph of Arimathea -- he employed both Jesus and his father as Master Builders --- petitioned Pontius Pilate for permission to remove his body etc .
Subsequently, Jesus and hs elder son both toured Asia Minor preaching and Jesus died from natural causes around AD 62 .

DYOFR and look at all sources
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The core of Christianity is built on two ”miracles”

A young virgin miraculously gives birth
Christs body mysteriously disappears

They must be miracles, there is no other logical explanation

Young girls have never gotten pregnant before with no explanation of how it happened

There is no way someone could have stolen Christs body, it must have been resurrected
Christianity if built on much more than only two miracles. The first and one of the most important miracles is the miracle of Creation. An understanding of God's infinite power and the events that can occur by Him simply speaking it into existence is key to understanding the rest of His Story (history).

If the truth seeker doesn't understand man's fallen, sin nature, then he/she will never fathom the reason it was necessary for God to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save mankind from himself. God is a God of law and justice. He sets that standards as well as the consequences for ignoring or breaking those standards (Laws). The payment for sin is blood (death). But God is also a God of love. He loved the world enough to send His Son to die for the sins of the world.

God used a virgin as a vessel or incubator in a miraculous way. It WAS a true miracle.

And it's true that nobody stole Christ's body. He literally died; was buried in a tomb; and in three days conquered death and rose from the dead. He walked out of that tomb on His own.
Christianity if built on much more than only two miracles. The first and one of the most important miracles is the miracle of Creation.
But nothing directly to do with Christianity .
No direct link whatsoever .

Christianity is as dead as the Dodo without the Trinity and Resurrection . Both huge pieces of Fake News .
And until these Cultist beliefs are dispelled , it totally relies on Gullibility.

A bitter pill for Cultists to swallow and impossible for those who have been deeply conditioned. But there will be plenty of other lives for them to catch up .
Hitler hated Socialists and Communists.
Because, Socialist propagate a class free society, and market mechanism controlled by the people, and dream to achieve this fantasy via democracy - Essentially the same as the Communists - but the latter dreaming to achieve this via a dictatorship.

Fascism beliefs in a class free society, market mechanism controlled by private institutions and directed by the State, via a dictatorship.

The Nazis made use of the fascist Dogma in regards to a class free society, secured/ensured by a peoples army (aka the SA) - market mechanism controlled by private institutions and directed by the State. And the whole thing controlled by a dictatorship - plus racial dogma highlighting and giving preference to a single race - subordinate or exterminate any other race. The latter is not beheld by any of the other three. Since Hitler was aware that a "peoples army" would not make him a winner on the battlefield - he dis-functioned the SA and gave preference to the Wehrmacht.
Hitler hated Socialists and Communists.
Because, Socialist propagate a class free society, and market mechanism controlled by the people, and dream to achieve this fantasy via democracy - Essentially the same as the Communists - but the latter dreaming to achieve this via a dictatorship.

Fascism beliefs in a class free society, market mechanism ahering to the principal of capitalism, the economy controlled and directed by the State, via a dictatorship.

The Nazis made use of the fascist Dogma in regards to a class free society, secured/ensured by a peoples army (aka the SA) - youth (HJ & BDM) and employer organizations (RAD) to actively demonstrate and implement a class free society. The market mechanism adhering to free market practice (capitalism) and directed by the State. And the whole thing controlled by a dictatorship - plus racial dogma highlighting and giving preference to a single race - subordinate or exterminate any other race. The latter is not beheld by any of the other three. Since Hitler was aware that a "peoples army" would not make him a winner on the battlefield - he dis-functioned the SA and gave preference to the professional Wehrmacht.

In order to highlight and actively visually demonstrate (hey guys look we are all the same class) uniforms play an important part in Fascism, Communism and Nazism.
And it is solely this uniform part - and sworn allegiance to a single leader, that causes the errant belief, that fascism and Nazism are the same.
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