Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God

The muslims also claim the godman jesus as their own



Pope Francis would seem to agree. He is, in many ways, working to repair damage done by Benedict, the previous pontiff, in his infamous lecture at the University of Regensburg in Germany, where some of his remarks were taken, possibly out of context, to be anti-Islam. As if in reaction, the current pontiff has gone out of his way to forge alliances with Islam, praying that religious tolerance will ultimately prevail in the Middle East.
Must be why muslim extremists mass murder Christians.
For Muslims, the Virgin Birth is not evidence of Jesus's divinity, only of his unique importance as a prophet and a messiah. The Trinity is rejected by Islam, as is Jesus's Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Nonetheless, Jesus remains an esoteric part of Islamic faith and practice.

If they deny the Resurrection, then they do not truly believe in Jesus as Christians do.

Christianity isn't unanimous about certain aspects like virgin birth, death on the cross, etc. There's enough disagreement that no one should be saying anyting like Christianity believes...So much as some Christians believe.

Are people who dont believe the bible stories are factual literal events really Christians? If you ask a Christian who does they'll say no.

To go to heaven people have to be at least as good as I am.
Don't you nut bags even think that our God is connected to your god. A Christian that in any shape or form worships allah will not be saved.
Allah of the muslims is the exact same God of the Bible which both Christians and Jews believe.

In fact, a Bible in the middle east used in arab churches will have the name Allah written instead of God in the verses. ....... :cool:

So you believe in God the Father, the Most High God?

Because no get lectured a lot by Muslims telling me God is no father and is not the most high
If both gods are invisible, how can anyone tell if they're the same or not? :dunno:
Many people get upset when they hear muslims claiming that Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and other biblical heros, are muslims.

The confusion is in the the word muslim.

Muslim in arabic means a person who 'submits' to the worship of 'the one God'. (monotheism)

Thus, by that definition, Jesus and the Prophets in the Torah were all muslims. ...... :cool:

the word muslim in Arabic does not mean "person who submits to the worship of the one god". ------it simply means ------person who gives in -----or --person who pays up.
Followers of the rapist of mecca have ascribed the connotation which sunni has
claimed as definition
Sadly, the Christians have over time morphed into pagan polytheists. ...... :cool:

the word "pagan" was devised by Christians and its definition is that which Christians have conferred upon it-------clearly, "pagan" does not refer to Christianity-----an assertion to the contrary is utterly idiotic. Islam did not "morph"----it started out as
a cult devoted to the worship of a rapist murderer who is seen as an Avatar----of---
some singular deity of bizarre tastes
A Muslim, sometimes spelled Moslem,[1] relates to a person who follows the religion of Islam,[2] amonotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the Quran. Muslims consider the Quran to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophetMuhammad. They also follow the teachings and practices of Muhammad as recorded in traditional accounts called hadith.[3] "Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits (to God)"

Muslim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

followers of muhummad have CONFERRED upon the word "muslim" -----a connotation -------the actual meaning of the word is ----a person who pays----
or fulfills or 'settles'
............^^^^ Looks like irosie has started her Thanksgiving celebrations :alcoholic: a little early. ...... :lol: :lol:

there is no component of the word "muslim" that means "god" or "allah" ----
the "mu" part------refers to a person who "so engages"-------- the "slm" part means
"settle' or 'fulfill" or "pay"

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