Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God

Here is proof the Quran is not from God.

The Quran says the sun orbits the earth (sura 21.33 sura 36.40)
The Quran says the sun rests and is reset every dawn (sura 36.38)

Muslim Imams will say differently, but they are liars who must know this is what the Quran really says, however there would be no money in the mosques coffers, and the 50 or more Muslim country's would collapse.
Because to admit the above is what the quran really says would be to admit it is not the words of God.

So Muslim Imams conspire to deceive the population with carefully crafted lies, that attempt to give deeper meaning to the Quranic verses.So when the quran says, at sura 21.33 and 36.40 that the sun has an orbit, Imams falsely claim this is a great revelation, because Muhammad knew the sun had an orbit in the galaxy. But this is utter lies, and the quran is actually saying the sun orbits the earth, and I can prove it with the following hadith.

Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:
Narrated Abu Dhar:

The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

As can be seen it says that if the sun changed direction it would rise in the west. But if the sun changed direction in its orbit in the galaxy it would make no difference to the sun rising in the east, because it is the rotation of the earth that causes the appearance of the sun in the east. So this proves that the claim the quran says the sun has an orbit in the galaxy is wrong.
..........^^^^ Sure thing irosie...... :cuckoo:

yup-----that is the word-------notice that there is nothing IN THE WORD----that means "god" or "allah" or even "one"
If the Quran is supposed to be the words of God then God tells Muslims not to befriend Jews and Christians,
So It cannot be the same God.
quran 5.51
O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust.
If the Quran is supposed to be the words of God then God tells Muslims not to befriend Jews and Christians,
So It cannot be the same God.
quran 5.51
O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust.
That verse was given as instruction to the muslim people during a specific war that took place over a thousand years ago.

But you already know this because I have answered your same allegation several times before. .... :cool:
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This entire thread is based on the premise that since God is the word in English for the deity that Christians worship and Allah is the word in Arabic for the deity that Muslims worship, therefore they are the same......

the simple fact of the matter is, what Christians say about God and what he requires of us has no similarities whatsoever with what Muslims say about Allah and what he requires of us.......thus, regardless of what the name of God is, there is no similarity between Christianity and Islam......
The God of the jews and the muslims is almost identical.

The christians claim to worship the same God as the jews.

Which means by default, christians also worship the same God as the muslims. ...... :cool:
Don't you nut bags even think that our God is connected to your god. A Christian that in any shape or form worships allah will not be saved.
Allah of the muslims is the exact same God of the Bible which both Christians and Jews believe.

In fact, a Bible in the middle east used in arab churches will have the name Allah written instead of God in the verses. ....... :cool:
Jews, Christians & Muslims all worship the same god, the one and only god. Everyone knows this.
This entire thread is based on the premise that since God is the word in English for the deity that Christians worship and Allah is the word in Arabic for the deity that Muslims worship, therefore they are the same......

the simple fact of the matter is, what Christians say about God and what he requires of us has no similarities whatsoever with what Muslims say about Allah and what he requires of us.......thus, regardless of what the name of God is, there is no similarity between Christianity and Islam......
The God of the jews and the muslims is almost identical.
The christians claim to worship the same God as the jews.
Which means by default, christians also worship the same God as the muslims. ...... :cool:

The similarity's between the Jewish and Christian God and the Allah of the Quran are because Muhammad wantonly plagiarised the bible . He stole most of the Quran from it, as can be seen in following quotes.

There is a hadith in which Muhammad sends for the Torah to have it read to him, to decide the fate of a Jew and Jewess for committing adultery, and because the Torah says the punishment is stoning Muhammad had them stoned. This proves he knew the bible well.

Here are three verses in the quran that mention the psalms of the bible by name.

4.163 We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.

17.55 And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms.

21.105 Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth."

In any case the quran mentions the Torah, or the books of Moses and Abraham at many verses; Here are some references.

sura 3.48 sura 4.54 sura 11.17 sura 11.110 sura 19.41 sura 17.2 sura 17.4 sura 23.49 sura 25.35 sura 40.53 sura 41.45 sura 45.16 sura 46.12 sura 53.36 sura 87.19 sura 28.2 sura 32.2 sura

The greater part of the quran quotes bible story after bible story, and many of these quotes are about Jewish old Testament myths that are obviously no part of real history, and their source can only be Jewish scribes that invented them to promote their own agenda.
There has been much work done on bible criticism, and some of it to show that the story of Noah's ark, and Jonah and the whale, and Adam and Eve, and the drowning of Pharaohs army, and such stories, have no foundation in reality. But the quran claims them all as a previous message from God.
As further proof the Quran is copied from the bible, here is an index of the names of bible characters that appear in the Quran. As can be seen the list of references in the Quran is extensive.

Aaron, 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 7:150, 7:172, 10:75, 19:53, 20:30, 20:40, 20:90, 20:92, 21:48, 23:45, 25:35, 26:12, 26:48, 28:34, 37:114-120

Abraham, 2:124-129, 2:130-132, 2:135, 2:136, 2:140, 2:258, 2:260, 3:65, 3:67-68, 3:84, 3:95, 3:97, 4:54-55, 4:125, 4:163, 6:74-83, 6:161, 9:70, 9:114, 11:69-76, 12:6, 12:38, 14:35, 15:51-56, 16:120, 16:123, 19:41-49, 19:58, 21:51-73, 22:26, 22:43, 22:78, 26:69, 29:16, 29:25, 29:31, 33:7, 37:83-109, 38:45, 42:13, 43:26, 51:24-34, 53:37, 57:26, 60:4-5, 87:19

Adam, 2:31-32, 3:33, 5:27, 7:19-25, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-123, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15

Cain and Abel, 5:27-31

David, 4:163, 5:78, 6:84, 17:55, 21:78, 21:79, 27:15-16, 34:10, 34:13, 38:17, 38:21-26, 38:30

Elijah, 6:85, 37:123-130

Isaac, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:5, 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 21:72, 37:112-113, 38:45

Ishmael, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 21:85, 37:102-109, 38:48

Jacob (Israel), 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 6:85, 11:71, 12:38, 12:68, 19:6, 19:49-50, 19:58, 21:72

Jesus, 4:163, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:30-34, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 61:6, 61:14

Job, 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, 38:41-44

John the Baptist, 3:38-40, 6:85, 6:86, 19:7-15, 21:90

Jonah, 4:163, 6:86, 10:98, 21:87, 37:139-148, 68:48

Joseph, 6:84, 12:4-101, 12:102, 40:34

Mary, 3:34-37, 3:42-47, 4:156-157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:46, 5:72, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 9:31, 19:16-39, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 56:27, 61:6, 61:14, 66:12

Moses, 3:84, 6:84, 6:91, 7:103-162, 10:75-93, 11:96, 11:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 17:2, 17:101-104, 18:60-82, 19:51-53, 20:9-98, 21:48, 22:44, 23:45-49, 25:35, 26:10-66, 27:7-14, 28:3-43, 28:44, 28:48, 28:76, 29:39, 32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114-120, 40:23-27, 40:53, 41:45, 42:13, 43:46-55, 44:17-36, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38-40, 53:36, 61:5, 79:14-25, 87:19

Noah, 3:33, 6:84, 7:59-64, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71, 11:25-33, 11:36-48, 11:89, 14:9, 17:3, 17:17, 19:58, 21:76, 22:42, 23:23-29, 25:37, 26:105-120, 29:14, 37:75-79, 38:12, 40:5, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26, 66:10

Pharaoh, 7:104-137, 8:52, 8:54, 10:75-90, 11:97, 14:6, 20:24, 20:43, 20:56, 20:60, 20:78, 23:46, 26:10-66, 27:12, 28:3-42, 29:39, 38:12, 40:24-46, 43:46-85, 44:17, 44:31, 50:13, 51:38-40, 54:41-42, 66:11, 69:9, 73:15-16, 79:17-25, 85:18

Saul, 2:247, 2:249

Solomon, 2:101, 4:163, 6:84, 21:78, 21:79, 21:81, 27:15-21, 34:12-14

Zachariah, 3:37-41, 6:85, 19:2-12
Of course the Quran contains many stories found in the Bible.

Muhammad's mission on earth was to correct the errors found in the Bible and teach the people the real story. ...... :cool:
The God of the jews and the muslims is almost identical.

The christians claim to worship the same God as the jews.

Which means by default, christians also worship the same God as the muslims. ...... :cool:
but they don't worship him the same way.......the Christians say he demands we accept his son as the Messiah.......the Jews say he demands burnt offering and the Muslims say he demands we live a specific lifestyle.....NOT almost identical......
This entire thread is based on the premise that since God is the word in English for the deity that Christians worship and Allah is the word in Arabic for the deity that Muslims worship, therefore they are the same......

the simple fact of the matter is, what Christians say about God and what he requires of us has no similarities whatsoever with what Muslims say about Allah and what he requires of us.......thus, regardless of what the name of God is, there is no similarity between Christianity and Islam......
then you should be able to tell me a similarity between the doctrines of Christianity and the doctrines of Islam......
Of course the Quran contains many stories found in the Bible.

Muhammad's mission on earth was to correct the errors found in the Bible and teach the people the real story. ...... :cool:

Muhammad made up his teachings to gain power over dumb desert Arabs, and make them fight and die for him for fear of hell. Not only that he wantonly used his so called prophetic status to manipulate people, including his wives . See the following verses as proof.

Here is the true psychology of Muhammad revealed in the quran. He says Gods curse in on those who annoy him, and he makes rules about how to behave in his house. But worst of all he threatens his wives with twice the punishment of normal wives and says it is all Gods will.

Quran suras
33.57 Those who annoy God and His Apostle - God has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment.

33.30 O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for God.

33.53 O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses,- until leave is given you,- for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation: but when ye are invited, enter; and when ye have taken your meal, disperse, without seeking familiar talk. Such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet: he is ashamed to dismiss you, but God is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth. And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy God's Apostle, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in God's sight an enormity.
The beloved Prophet Muhammad brought civility and law to the arab people and later much of the earth.

Muslims all over the world are quite happy to follow in the footsteps of such a wonderful man. .... :cool:
The beloved Prophet Muhammad brought civility and law to the arab people and later much of the earth.

Muslims all over the world are quite happy to follow in the footsteps of such a wonderful man. .... :cool:

On the contrary he divided mankind into believers and unbelievers, and said the curse of God is on unbelievers ( Quran 2.89) He said unbelievers will burn in eternal hellfire, and sowed the seeds of constant war that is still going on today.
On the contrary he divided mankind into believers and unbelievers, and said the curse of God is on unbelievers ( Quran 2.89) He said unbelievers will burn in eternal hellfire, and sowed the seeds of constant war that is still going on today.
Actually, the Torah of the jews divided the world into believers and unbelievers. The Quran just affirmed it.

And yes, unbelievers will experience the fire of hell. ...... :cool:
On the contrary he divided mankind into believers and unbelievers, and said the curse of God is on unbelievers ( Quran 2.89) He said unbelievers will burn in eternal hellfire, and sowed the seeds of constant war that is still going on today.
Actually, the Torah of the jews divided the world into believers and unbelievers. The Quran just affirmed it.

And yes, unbelievers will experience the fire of hell. ...... :cool:

"Actually, the Torah of the jews divided the world into believers and unbelievers."
Au contrar, the Torah instructs Jews to let non-Jews be.
On the contrary he divided mankind into believers and unbelievers, and said the curse of God is on unbelievers ( Quran 2.89) He said unbelievers will burn in eternal hellfire, and sowed the seeds of constant war that is still going on today.

Actually, the Torah of the jews divided the world into believers and unbelievers. The Quran just affirmed it.

And yes, unbelievers will experience the fire of hell. ...... :cool:

sunni lied in the name of the rapist of mecca. Lack of "belief" amongst non-
jews or failure to want to convert to Judaism is not a sin or considered an evil
to be penalized in the ideology presented in the torah or Talmud or any aspect
of jewish ethos----neither by jewish jurisprudence of "divine" judgement. There is
not equivalent to the perjorative and disgusting appellation 'KAFFIR' for "non-believers in Hebrew. Non jews are simply non jews----and certainly not consigned to some macabre sadistic "eternal hell-fire"
The beloved Prophet Muhammad brought civility and law to the arab people and later much of the earth.

Muslims all over the world are quite happy to follow in the footsteps of such a wonderful man. .... :cool:
Is it the number of car bombs in a muslim neighbourhood that shows how happy they are to be muslim?

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