Zone1 Christians: Are we losing our country because FEW are PRAYING for it?

Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

  • If you have to ask... (there's a problem)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • absolutely yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one knows God enough to be able to say w/ certainty

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Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL
Yes. The working class is up against corrupt Politicians of both parties. The corruption on both sides is so powerful that the working class can only pray for the least evil, criminal, and damaging to be in office.
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL
You could be losing your country but turning to the supernatural is not a logical choice that can reverse the momentum.

Every wasted minute Americans spend praying is a minute that might have been spent in doing something productive.

Stop making the enemy an enemy within!
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL

Yes, and I can't wait because when this nation is finally demolished, the real work starts.

You can't build a beautiful new building until the old rickety one in its place comes down.

.Yes, and I can't wait because when this nation is finally demolished, the real work starts.

You can't build a beautiful new building until the old rickety one in its place comes down.
^^^ Every once in a while they'll tell you what they're actually after.

And somehow they seem to think that bringing the country down will only result in a few minor inconveniences.

This is what ideological manipulation does to people, and why it's so destructive.
^^^ Every once in a while they'll tell you what they're actually after.

And somehow they seem to think that bringing the country down will only result in a few minor inconveniences.

This is what ideological manipulation does to people.

Your cult is the gang of thugs that will bring it down.

2020 riots 2.jpg

We who are unafraid of a little hard work will get to do the fun part after that.

Yes. The working class is up against corrupt Politicians of both parties. The corruption on both sides is so powerful that the working class can only pray for the least evil, criminal, and damaging to be in office.
thecoruption of the Rs doesn't "hold a candle to" that of the dims. In fact, most Rs are not corrupt at all.

the ones who are are normally referred to as RINOs (they lie to the people to get elected and then once elected, go dim on us...) :mad:
You could be losing your country but turning to the supernatural is not a logical choice that can reverse the momentum.

Every wasted minute Americans spend praying is a minute that might have been spent in doing something productive.

Stop making the enemy an enemy within!
says the one who rarely if ever prays


Yes, and I can't wait because when this nation is finally demolished, the real work starts.

You can't build a beautiful new building until the old rickety one in its place comes down.



The dims believe in tearing things down also, but they want to tear down all that is good and noble, whereas the Rs just want to tear down... the elite dim fake utopia, deep state, where only THEY have anything. The "peasants" can and will go to "hell" :mad:

Your cult is the gang of thugs that will bring it down.

View attachment 793678

We who are unafraid of a little hard work will get to do the fun part after that.


That photo says it all about the dims... Oh, wait.. there would another photo that says even worse

a photo of an aborted child..

Sick doesn't begin to describe those ... (as D Trump Jr put it) "they're not even people anymore" LOL
We are all just waiting for the ship to go down so that we can move on to more interesting matters.
The Virgin Mary appeared to children (likely the only people she can tolerate :)) in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal

and told them to pray the rosary every day.

They... unlike "grown folks" obeyed...

Then there's that story about Lepanto.. (battle of)
The Virgin Mary appeared to children (likely the only people she can tolerate :)) in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal

and told them to pray the rosary every day.

They... unlike "grown folks" obeyed...

Then there's that story about Lepanto.. (battle of)

Oh! Thank you!

^^^ Every once in a while they'll tell you what they're actually after.

And somehow they seem to think that bringing the country down will only result in a few minor inconveniences.

This is what ideological manipulation does to people, and why it's so destructive.
You ”bring a country down” by replacing the people who built it with people who only know how to build shitholes like Mexico.
for what?

you didn't knoww about Fatima?

Most Sedevacantist Churches are named for Fatima.. not surprisngly

I knew about Fatima. Enjoyed the Feast Day procession on EWTN. Just didn't connect the two when we started talking about this earlier.

I'm new at this.


I knew about Fatima. Enjoyed the Feast Day procession on EWTN. Just didn't connect the two when we started talking about this earlier.

I'm new at this.


well, when you get disappointed in the novus ordo... maybe you'll recall my words about it.. and I haven't shared the tip of the iceberg RE my personal experiences.. bad priests.. uncaring priests... selfish priests... bishops who don't want to hear about what is truly going on in the Church...

I stopped going to confession.. Now I find out most NO priests are not properly ordained, therefore not really priests.. I went to a SSPX priest many months ago who absolved me and he was awesome... didn't act like I was wasting his time or like I was stupid to feel the way I do about God, etc... so unlike the NO "priests" :)
well, when you get disappointed in the novus ordo... maybe you'll recall my words about it.. and I haven't shared the tip of the iceberg RE my personal experiences.. bad priests.. uncaring priests... selfish priests... bishops who don't want to hear about what is truly going on in the Church...

I stopped going to confession.. Now I find out most NO priests are not properly ordained, therefore not really priests.. I went to a SSPX priest many months ago who absolved me and he was awesome... didn't act like I was wasting his time or like I was stupid to feel the way I do about God, etc... so unlike the NO "priests" :)

Let's talk more about this privately, can we? I have yet to take the Sacraments and this is very interesting to me.
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL
Not just a lack of praying but refusing to keep his commandments and starting to delve into abominations.

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