Christians Behead Infidels!


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
Christians are also responsible for things like terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Center. How? Because by supporting your religion, you give Muslims a precident to support their own. It is true. Deal with it. Now if on the other hand all Christians and other faiths were to deny religion in general, where would that leave Muslims standing. What would it do to their faith if they became a laughing stock because of it. So the next time you see an infidels' head get cut off, or any of the other religion caused strife going on, you now know who to really blame.
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I think I'm just going to remain Pagan.

Beheadings do not bother me. They are rather amusing, actually.
Really, what is so bad about these beheadings?

It is just some human getting culled.

I can understand feeling angry if it were a loved one, but some random American Mundane?

Jihadis are doing humanity a service.
There are parents out there who tended their young, kept them warm, fed them, kept them safe. Watched them grow, loved them, and then watched some satanic sob saw their head off. What kind of dementia finds that amusing?

OP, Love one another is the message Christ left us with. Those who do not, fly planes into buildings.
If Republicans stop voting, will Democrats fade away? If so you may be on to something! :)
There are parents out there who tended their young, kept them warm, fed them, kept them safe. Watched them grow, loved them, and then watched some satanic sob saw their head off. What kind of dementia finds that amusing?

Culling the weak has nothing to do with "dementia" or being "Satanic."

Every one of them who was beheaded deserved it, in one way or another.
The Irish Ram,
All religion is the ultimate evil. It doesn't matter if one takes the carrot method and another takes the stick method. They are all just a method of controlling people's minds. The only hope we have is to do away with all religion. Not hide behind it to let people continue to do every conceivable obscene thing. I ran across a book you should read. Just go to your browser and enter, "Our holy hell: the causes, the solutions." It is free. I dare you to hold up your faith to it.
Christians are also responsible for things like terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Center. How? Because by supporting your religion, you give Muslims a precident to support their own. It is true. Deal with it. Now if on the other hand all Christians and other faiths were to deny religion in general, where would that leave Muslims standing. What would it do to their faith if they became a laughing stock because of it. So the next time you see an infidels' head get cut off, or any of the other religion caused strife going on, you now know who to really blame.
Really, what is so bad about these beheadings?

It is just some human getting culled.

I can understand feeling angry if it were a loved one, but some random American Mundane?

Jihadis are doing humanity a service.
I can get you a ticket on a plane to Syria, if you want to go so bad. Maybe the Jihadis will do all of us a service, and end you.
Goddess_Ashta ra,
In a way, you are right about one thing. Any White person who goes to sand N..... land of their own accord and has anything to do with them deserves to die. Just as any moron who goes to Africa to fight ebola deserves to die from it.
Goddess_Ashta ra,
In a way, you are right about one thing. Any White person who goes to sand N..... land of their own accord and has anything to do with them deserves to die. Just as any moron who goes to Africa to fight ebola deserves to die from it.
So you are just a racist. Do us all a favor, and go join your avatar in Hell.
Christians are also responsible for things like terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Center. How? Because by supporting your religion, you give Muslims a precident to support their own. It is true. Deal with it. Now if on the other hand all Christians and other faiths were to deny religion in general, where would that leave Muslims standing. What would it do to their faith if they became a laughing stock because of it. So the next time you see an infidels' head get cut off, or any of the other religion caused strife going on, you now know who to really blame.

What they really hate, I mean the Immams who lead these people, is a civilization more advanced than their own. They cant handle the fact that they are not #1 in the world and preach a doctrine of destruction. I blame the guy holding the knife and the guy who told him to pick it up. Other than that this blame game is not real, people who kill like that do it because they love doing it, they will find any reason, you will know this if you ever run across an evil person. Have you?
For myself I like a good stoning, methods like to hang draw and quarter are soooooo yesterday.
The jihadis beheading people on video are following the Nazi playbook from the 30s. Rile up the west enough so they invade and you can then say you're fighting for your homeland. Whereas the foreigners invading are just evil-invaders. They want war because it benefits them (the ones cowering in other countries calling the shots, not so much the ones the smart bombs find and liquify.)

But the US is wrong to engage them how they want. There's always going to be terrorists waging local wars egging the west into a fight. But how will this be any different than operations in the recent past? Will engaging again now prevent future needs to? Of course not. If anything, it'll only make future operations more, not less, likely.

Plot foiled in Australia is more of the same, rile up western countries so they come invade. Westerners on arab soil pisses them all off, not just their militants. It's exactly what they want and why they're doing stuff in western nations.

This is a local matter. Should be fixed, or lost by local soldiers, not international coalitions. If Iraq wants to be Iraq and not IS, they need to fix their own house and not call on the US and others to come every time some militant faction starts blowing things up all over the place. I don't care if every last man, woman, child, and animal falls over dead in the middle east. I'm not a cruel person, but neither am I inclined to fight and die for oil.
Ullyses S. Archie,
You seem to have a problem with my White patriotism. Tell me, are you White? If you're not, I won't waste my time with you. Though even if you are White, it could very well be that you don't want to know the truth. Though if you are White and want to argue the topic of racism, please allow me to provide you with some ammunition. Read my thread, "Is the White Species Superior?" For a little added ammunition, read my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test." Then come back and let me know that you're ready to have your beliefs shattered.

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