Christians fear world will end in 2 weeks

what is funny is that they will run to their caves and call for the stones to fall upon their heads(close their doors) and they will still find no safety when plauge breaks out with in they will be trapped
the world will never "end". It will be changed though before the millennium of Jesus' 1,000 year reign on the new earth.
the 1000 years is past Yahshua religion or christianity has reigned organized for about 1000 years if you think back about it
and you can not take things in rev cronalogical becaues GOD is orgianized chaos and its not the only book of for telling that their is theirs the kaball (sorry for the spelling phonetic speller never really cared as long as you under stand whats being said what does it really matter)any way i ramble on where was i oh yea the for tellings of the bible and other for tellings never mind its to late its almost done..............wamo your selves bitches muhhahaha

oh one more thing after they turn the keys it will take about a 1000 years for the fallout and radiation to dissipate isnt it about that
but threre is really all kinds of ways this could turn out. so look back on history they let 9 11 happen they think that they are elite want their way of life to continue but they want a world with out GOD and we really all ready have that if you think about it so many religions worshiping their god of earth the one who wanted to be god instead of the one true GOD the void the origin of all. their is only one thing in this world that is something(word) nothing (void) begins us and is You (a part of GOD "the universe")
your Soul (the memories "experiences that make up who and what you are"all boils down to your thought) the Great One Deity is thought. I think therefore I AM THAT, IAM get it yet! we are just a thought of GOD a show to amuse IT But we are not the only show think IT is so powerfull that IT is the GOD computer keeping up with all its programs and sub programs and prosesses what ever i hope that you under stand by now your life might seem meaningless but it is very important to GOD you serve and entertain GOD It lives through you so be happy that you served GOD no matter wether you believe in it or not and for this service every body GOES TO HEAVEN
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You should be so grateful to Him that you want to live for Him then.....
You were sinless before the bridegroom did not die for your sins.

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Jesus didn't understand why God wouldn't save him, lol. Kinda throws a wrench in the whole story.
It was not that Yahshua though that God the groom was going to save her it was that she/he felt betrayed by The father or groom left wisdom there hanging on the cross therefore forsaken or left behind to finish the death. Why because if you really look females are a lot tougher than they look if you don't get the imagery don't worry about it it's above your pay grade to know

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What is he talking about?
Read Rev in the bible

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I thought you might have a clue.

My mistake.

Carry on.
im sorry it is you that does not have a clue of the war that rages on around and they call me stupid and crazy
Look around you, is there rubber on your walls? Just curious. :D
what is funny is that they will run to their caves and call for the stones to fall upon their heads(close their doors) and they will still find no safety when plauge breaks out with in they will be trapped
Brah, if you don't write in English with some semblance of coherence, nobody can figure out what you're trying to say.
No I take that back right now I don't know of one woman that does not act like a bitch. Or whore you females think you have all the power and that oh I want you to buy me something or use that love box inbetween your legs to get men to do for you sure you will put out for your girl friend but leave your fuk off

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Sounds like someone hasn't been laid in a while.
yea well when your wife is forced to leave you never mind yea your right but thats all i see in this world not one more worthy than my wife
No woman is more worthy than the one who left you? No wonder you're single. :D
I am married not single. There's a big difference if you believe in commitment. You know not of what you text. But to elaborate when your mother in law says we think it's time to separate you too then yes forced it's what happens when they have leverage.

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I am married not single. There's a big difference if you believe in commitment. You know not of what you text. But to elaborate when your mother in law says we think it's time to separate you too then yes forced it's what happens when they have leverage.

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Your mother in law told you to separate from her daughter? And you obeyed? What a noob you are. :lol:
I am married not single. There's a big difference if you believe in commitment. You know not of what you text. But to elaborate when your mother in law says we think it's time to separate you too then yes forced it's what happens when they have leverage.

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Your mother in law told you to separate from her daughter? And you obeyed? What a noob you are. :lol:
No! She has to and not only the mom n law but others as well. Like I said they force her with leverage. I obay no one but GOD. DONT ass u me
I am married not single. There's a big difference if you believe in commitment. You know not of what you text. But to elaborate when your mother in law says we think it's time to separate you too then yes forced it's what happens when they have leverage.

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Your mother in law told you to separate from her daughter? And you obeyed? What a noob you are. :lol:
No! She has to and not only the mom n law but others as well. Like I said they force her with leverage. I obay no one but GOD. DONT ass u me
What leverage? She kick you out of her basement?
The bible said a bunch of blood moons will cause an asteroid to blow up the Earth. We must believe the bible. For it is the world of the Lord!

Everybody knows the bible is true cuz the bible says so.

So, EXACTLTY what date is this "2 weeks"? Now ten days until the comet hits the earth.
Didn't make a peep? Then why does it say in the Bible that Jesus yelled "My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?", and He also stated "it is done", when He finally died.

Sorry, but He DID make a peep.

What did he say when he was dug out of the cave after being dead for three days?

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Speak up.

I can't hear you.
Where's my bitch to wash my body I smell like death

koshergrl ...
Back to the topic ...

When is this End Of The World scheduled to happen?

I wanna know when I can stop paying my bills.
Look up comet impact on fb
Why do you think the government has hidden it total anarchy

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Are you saying that Facebook is the final word on the subject of the end of the world?
Only the face book of thought. Upgrade time. Imagine the face of the one that you want to communicate to then think to them( in first person and for goodness sake your name first or they might think they are going crazy) great awaking time ;)

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Back to the topic ...

When is this End Of The World scheduled to happen?

I wanna know when I can stop paying my bills.
Look up comet impact on fb
Why do you think the government has hidden it total anarchy

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Are you saying that Facebook is the final word on the subject of the end of the world?

You just never know luddly......

He doesn't seem to know what he meant by "fb".

One thing I know for sure, all you thumper froot loops are gonna love this guy.


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